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I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy – Chapter 1

.。.:✧ The Beginning - 1 ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Yuziro



In this world, there were a total of 10 ranks for mages, but none had ever achieved the 10th rank of Leviathan.

The highest that had existed were 9th rank mages, with only an extremely small number of current 8th rank mages.

Why was this unreachable 10th rank setting even created?

Why, you ask? Well, it’s because the protagonist will achieve it.

Considering the happy ending as the standard, the protagonist ultimately reaches the Leviathan rank.

Saving the world and bringing peace, goes without saying.

A story of the protagonist overcoming their painful memories, rising above their trials to become the strongest – isn’t that a common, overclichéd tale?

However, if it’s the story of a game, things change due to the variable of ‘difficulty’.

No matter how common the story foundation, setting the difficulty to extreme levels makes it quite vexing.

And regrettably, the difficulty of this game was extreme, even among extremes.

‘The protagonist’s nickname was definitely ‘Squishy’, wasn’t it?’

They died at the drop of a hat.

Meeting accidents in unexpected places, betrayed by unexpected characters.

It was no exaggeration to say most triggers in this world were designed solely for the protagonist’s death.

That’s why I infiltrated as a professor.

To assist from the position of a classmate or colleague requires the story to progress at least to the middle stages.

It’s only natural – friendship or camaraderie has to blossom for them to support each other.

But Squishy the protagonist couldn’t even endure that long.

The protagonist’s EX trait was ‘Late Bloomer’ –

Displaying squishy survivability early on, but unleashing formidable power and a truly protagonist-like prowess later in the game.

My role was to help the protagonist safely pass the early-mid stages. Thus, being a professor was the only choice.

[Interview Waiting Number 82]

Well, time to get down to business.



The city of Anaity, the setting for the game ‘Academy’s Leviathan’.

It was an exceptionally lively city solely by virtue of hosting the continent’s most prestigious educational institution, Rahel Academy.

Despite the faint early morning mist, the academy was far busier than usual, as interviews were being held that day.

I checked my appearance in the bathroom mirror.

‘I’ve definitely concealed my eye color.’

Not just the eyes.

My fangs, pointed ears, overly pale skin – everything was thoroughly disguised.

For someone like me who spent over a century in the demonic realm, such a disguise spell was child’s play.

The wings shouldn’t be an issue as I can control them.

Preparations complete, I joined the interview line with natural strides.

“Here for the interview, sir?”

A burly man in an academy uniform addressed me.

Instead of answering, I showed him the interview waiting number in my hand. He nodded.

“I hope you get the result you desire.”

To his perfunctory comment, I responded with an equally perfunctory nod.

The corridor floor had markings indicating where each number should stand.


Carefully noting the numbers, I soon spotted the 80s section I was assigned to.

It seems I was the last to arrive among those waiting, as only one vacant spot remains – a gap unmistakably meant for me.

I slipped into that space just as naturally.

The scents of human perfumes wafted from those before and behind me – fragrances solely meant to create a favorable impression.

Different from what’s used in the demonic realm, it reminded me anew that I had infiltrated the human world.

I considered feigning a tense expression, but found it difficult.

After witnessing countless atrocities during my century in the demonic realm –

Scenes of souls being torn apart by dogs, organs displayed like decorations…

Having experienced such things, any expression other than tension came easier.

‘Well, it shouldn’t matter.’

From the hiring side too, they would likely prefer a candidate who calmly demonstrates their ability over one showing undue tension.

The candidate ahead kept shifting, their legs perhaps aching from standing too long.

For a vampire like me, waiting came easy.

No, ‘easy’ isn’t quite right – waiting simply felt natural.

It was but a fleeting moment, after all. Soon over.

How did it come to this?

My name is Jekkiel de Navalius.

A Vampire King.

And the alias I will use in the human realm is Adrian.

Originally, I was just playing games on Earth like any ordinary person.

Stubbornly, tenaciously even.

This game was excessively difficult, after all.

And right after witnessing the game’s bad ending 666 times, I was reincarnated.

Maybe because 666 is associated with demons, I was reincarnated into the demonic realm.

But over a century has passed since then, so any resentment or curiosity has faded considerably.

I simply wish to see the happy ending.

“Excuse me.”

Just then, a serene voice shattered my reverie.

Glancing over, it was the 83rd candidate calling out to me.

‘An elf.’

With her braided pink hair and pointed ears, she was quite an adorably pretty elf candidate.

The glasses perched above her small, slanted eyes were striking.

She looked immensely intelligent, one could say.

‘Rahel Academy certainly has a lofty reputation.’

For even an elf to come interview for a teaching position.

Well, I, a vampire, am in no position to comment.

In any case, she greeted me once more.

“Excuse me?”

“Good day.”

I responded with basic courtesy.

As the other candidates were also rehearsing their prepared responses, our exchange didn’t stand out as particularly noisy.

But elves have keen senses, so she warranted caution.

I didn’t wish to engage in prolonged conversation.

Yet my curt response seemed satisfactory to her, as she continued moving her lips.

“Not nervous…at all?”

“Not particularly.”

“Wow, I envy you… I’m so nervous right now… ehehe…”

It certainly showed.

Unable to overcome her anxiety, she needed a conversation partner.

All the while, the line hardly seemed to budge.

Befitting its reputation as the finest educational institution, they were apparently devoting immense time to each candidate to select the finest educators.

Perhaps another ten minutes passed.

She spoke again in that crystalline, innocent voice.

“Um… I’m Valerie.”


We likely wouldn’t cross paths again after the interview, so divulging my alias should be fine.

“Weren’t you scared on your way here?”

An odd question.

My interest quickly waned.

“Not really.”

“Ah…I see. To be honest, I’m still a bit scared…”

What interviewee wouldn’t fear failing to get hired?

At least, if aiming to be selected, overcoming that dread is imperative.

I was about to turn away indifferently when I realized her fear wasn’t of the interview itself.

It was the numerous documents she held against her chest.

Not that such trivialities would catch my eye, but amidst those materials, a newspaper did.

[Anaity Shocking Serial Killings]

[13 Dead]

The headline was printed in large letters.

“May I take a look?”

“Eh? Oh, this? Sure, go ahead.”

Valerie readily handed me the newspaper. I immediately unfolded it.

Printed in the unfolded paper were photographs.

The corpses, each left in gruesome states, made it hard to believe they had ever been alive.

“The thirteen victims…had one thing in common – they were all preparing for the professor interviews…”

Valerie murmured with a trembling voice.

“I see such an incident occurred.”

I returned the newspaper to her, nonchalantly.

“They really need to identify the cause of death soon. The investigation seems to be stalling.”

Terror filled Valerie’s eyes.

You’re preparing for the professor interviews too, aren’t you scared after something like this happened? Her gaze asked me that.

“It wasn’t done with magic, was it?”

“No. Apparently no magic was used at all, not even black magic. No traces left behind whatsoever.”

No traces left behind, huh?

“What about the demonic possibility?”

“Ah, this is the chilling part. While the killer is unknown, it turns out all the victims were demons in human disguise!”

Her eyes went wide as she flailed about.

“Is that so?”

“It’s just so scary! Demons brazenly disguising themselves as humans to prepare for academy interviews… What if there are demons hiding among the people lined up here too?”

“This is within the grounds of Rahel Academy itself. Doubtful.”

“Y-Yes, you’re r-right?”

Valerie heaved a relieved sigh.

“But…I wonder who the culprit is? Why would they do such a thing?”

“No idea.”

“Whoever it is must be truly terrifying…”

To Valerie’s murmurings, I inadvertently let out a chuckle.

For it was I who assassinated those thirteen demonic agents.



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I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy

I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy

Score 9.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
"I quit." After waiting a hundred years, I finally quit being an executive of the demon world. In a world where even the protagonist, the heroine, and the named NPCs are fated to die, a world where a bad ending is inevitable. I became a professor who teaches them.


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3 months ago

i wonder if this counts as a plot twist?

Reply to  cake
3 months ago


3 months ago

Of course the culprit is the elf! That pink hair was originally white and it turned pink only due to being dyed by blood of her foes! XD

3 months ago


Johnson ponraj
1 month ago

First plot twisted

1 month ago

It was me, Dio!

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