Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Nekorune
“Overall, there don’t seem to be any problems… but since she swallowed a lot of water, I’m concerned about potential edema. Let’s have her hospitalized for a day to monitor her condition.”
The doctor gave his opinion after all the tests were finished.
Midori, standing behind Miyuki, replied,
“Please go to the admissions desk to fill out the paperwork, and then we’ll show you to a room.”
“Thank you…”
Miyuki slowly bowed her head and trudged out of the examination room.
Wataru, Kana, and Tetsuya were waiting for her outside.
Miyuki glanced at them and asked Wataru,
“Dad… where’s Matsuda?”
“He went to buy some clothes and shoes since he didn’t bring any spares.”
“I see… Did you give him money…?”
“I tried to, but he kept refusing.”
“You should have insisted… Is he coming here after buying clothes…?”
“He didn’t say… I told him the name of the hospital, so he’ll probably come.”
Now that the chaotic situation had passed, she vividly remembered what she had done in the sea.
Not only had she grabbed onto Matsuda’s head and pulled him underwater when he came to rescue her, but she had also tried to grab him again when he tried to save her from behind.
And then he hit her forehead twice… He must have been really angry.
But what else was she supposed to do?
At that moment, as he approached her, Matsuda had looked like a relief pitcher with an ERA of 0.00.
Even on the boat the lifeguard brought over, she felt the need to grab onto something and instinctively reached for Matsuda, accidentally spitting up water on him in the process.
She felt so sorry, embarrassed, and grateful.
“His contact info? Did you give it to him…?”
Wataru nodded.
“I wrote it down on a piece of paper for him.”
“A piece of paper…?”
“He said he lost his phone. Seems like he dropped it in the sea.”
Miyuki’s eyes closed tightly.
She owed him her life and now his phone…
She had no face to see him with.
“What did the doctor say, Miyuki?”
Tetsuya asked, stepping closer.
Miyuki looked at him with blurry eyes and replied,
“There’s no problem, but… he said it’s best to stay overnight for observation…”
“That’s a relief… I was so worried.”
“Thank you… But I thought you were on vacation with your family, Tetsuya?”
“How could I relax when you’re like this? My mom and dad were worried too.”
“I see… I’ll give them a call later.”
“You don’t have to worry about that, just focus on getting better.”
She was exhausted and had no energy left to talk.
It seemed she had used up all her strength struggling in the water.
Miyuki thanked Tetsuya, completed the admission procedure with her family, and was assigned a room.
“Even family members aren’t allowed inside the hospital room. We’ll be in the lounge, so let us know if you need anything. Okay?”
Miyuki, dressed in a hospital gown after showering, nodded at Midori’s instructions.
She lay comfortably on the bed, guided by the nurse’s kind instructions, and looked around.
It was a four-person room, but she was alone.
Being alone in a quiet place made her think.
Kana had said that Matsuda rescued her incredibly fast.
Considering the situation, it seemed like he jumped in as soon as she fell in…
So had he been watching her the whole time?
Or was it just a fateful coincidence?
“I want to ask him…”
Just like at the bookstore…
No, Matsuda’s expression then, more desperate than at the bookstore, flickered before her eyes.
When would Matsuda come?
He wouldn’t have lost the paper with her contact info, would he?
Besides, Matsuda was an idiot, so there was a chance he had already forgotten the name of the hospital.
As Miyuki stared blankly at the ceiling, filled with worries,
Her phone vibrated. She looked at the screen.
Seeing Wataru’s message in the center of the screen, she sat up abruptly.
[Matsuda is here.]
“Thank you so much… If it weren’t for you, Miyuki would have…”
No, Mother-in-law. I’m getting a bit bored hearing the same thing dozens of times.
But I really like how you’re holding my hand so tightly.
Your hands are so warm. Can I suck on your titties just once?
“Let’s go see about your phone first. We’ll buy you a new one.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that.”
“What do you mean don’t worry…! Of course, we’ll make it up for the one you lost…”
“It’s not that… I’ve already bought a new one. I was planning on changing it anyway, so you really don’t have to worry about it.”
It would be rude to argue any further.
If you’re that grateful, invite me over to your house instead of buying me a phone.
After exchanging a few words with Wataru about Miyuki’s condition, I approached the awkwardly standing Tetsuya and lightly patted his back.
“Miura? Didn’t see you there.”
“Hey, Matsuda.”
“I thought you were here with your family?”
“I was worried about Miyuki… I should get going soon. I saw you rescue Miyuki. That was amazing.”
You’re an uninvited guest, you know.
Wouldn’t it be polite to make yourself scarce right now? Shoo, shoo.
“If you saw us, you could have at least lent a hand.”
“Sorry… By the time I noticed you guys, the lifeguards were already approaching you on the boat…”
“I’m just messing with you. Your hair looks good today. Keep it that way.”
After subtly mocking Tetsuya, I waved my hand as Miyuki, dressed in a hospital gown, walked out from around the corner.
She didn’t say anything.
She just walked up to me, stopped, and stared.
Miyuki’s lips were pale and she looked very fragile.
Like a sickly beautiful girl. Perfect for some mating press action.
I pretended to be embarrassed and scratched the back of my head.
Then, I chided Miyuki in a joking tone.
“I did tell you to stretch, didn’t I? You should really start listening to me.”
Miyuki, who had a complex expression on her face, burst into a relieved laugh.
That bewildered smile, as if a screw had come loose… I loved it.
“Okay… Thank you for saving me, Matsuda.”
“I heard from your dad that you have to stay overnight. So make sure you get some good rest. Well… I’ll get going then.”
“Huh…? Going? Where are you going…?”
“I need to get home before I miss the last train.”
I’m not going anywhere. I’m having dinner with you and your family.
So hurry up and stop me.
“What are you talking about…? I can’t just let you go like this…! Dad said he’d drive you home later… So let’s eat together now…”
“Didn’t the hospital give you food already?”
“Of course not! I just got admitted… Let’s go to the cafeteria.”
“Are you sure you’re okay to walk? You look pale.”
“I’m just exhausted… I’m fine… I just need to stay inside the hospital, so let’s go… I haven’t eaten anything, so I’m starving…”
Miyuki even tugged on my sleeve.
She really didn’t want me to leave.
I glanced at Wataru, and when he gave me a small nod with a smile, I said,
“Tetsuya, do you want to come too…?”
Miyuki asked Tetsuya, who had been awkwardly silent.
Before he could say anything, I jumped in.
“Didn’t Miura say he had to get back to his family?”
“Really…? Then go, Tetsuya. I’ll call you later.”
Tetsuya flinched and stuttered,
“Ah, okay… Get some rest… and call me later.”
Miyuki weakly waved at Tetsuya and then told me to follow her towards the elevator.
Tetsuya, you should have kept your mouth shut.
If you hadn’t brought up your family, you could have gotten in the way of me and Miyuki…
This is why people shouldn’t be too honest.
Otherwise you’ll always end up missing your shots, even if the goal is right there in front of you.
“Shouldn’t you be eating hospital food?”
“No… The doctor said I could have a regular meal.”
“Still, you should eat something light. You just swallowed a bunch of seawater, and now you want to fill your stomach with greasy stuff?”
I pushed Miyuki’s hand away from the tempura button on the kiosk and selected the daily set meal.
Then, I handed her the number ticket.
Should I push it further here? The mood seemed to be right.
I acted nonchalant despite the inner tension and gently patted Miyuki’s head.
“You should eat like this even when I’m not around. Don’t just eat greasy food when the grown-ups aren’t looking, okay?”
Miyuki puffed out her cheeks at my obviously patronizing tone.
But she didn’t say anything, despite her expression.
It meant she didn’t mind my actions other than the teasing.
Saving her really worked its magic.
Shouting an inward ‘hurrah,’ I pointed to an empty table in the corner.
“Wait there. Don’t go anywhere else.”
“What are you going to eat, Matsuda…?”
“Pork cutlet.”
“No way… Eat a set meal.”
“Why should I?”
“Because you always eat unhealthy food… At least eat healthy here.”
Saying that, Miyuki pressed the set meal button herself and took a number ticket.
Then, she stood at the back of the line and beckoned me over.
It felt like a wife worrying about her husband’s health. Was I imagining things?
I happily got in line behind Miyuki, but without forgetting to grumble for appearances’ sake.
After receiving our food, we sat down at the empty table I had pointed out earlier.
Miyuki wasn’t touching her side dishes, just picking at her rice.
She seemed lost in thought. I scooped up a large spoonful of rice and said,
“What’s wrong? Lost your appetite?”
“It’s not that… Matsuda-kun.”
“I’m sorry about your phone…”
“Geez, your dad and mom said the same thing. I’m telling you this once, and never again, so listen carefully. Don’t worry about it. I was planning on changing it anyway—”
“And thank you for saving me…”
Miyuki said, placing her hands on her lap.
I let out a small chuckle and took out my new phone.
“Didn’t you already thank me? Forget about it, just put in your number here.”
“Oh, okay…”
Miyuki carefully typed in her number and handed me back the phone.
After saving her number and resuming my meal, she hesitated for a moment before speaking.
“What now?”
“Is my forehead bruised?”
“Look closely. I think it might be bruised…”
“Let me see your head then.”
She leaned forward, showing me her forehead.
I couldn’t see it properly because of her bangs.
This sly little… Was she trying to make me move her bangs away?
I’ll do as you wish.
I naturally brushed aside her bangs and examined her forehead closely.
Then, I shrugged as if it was nothing.
“It’s not bruised.”
“Too bad, huh? You could have sued me for assault, but the evidence is gone.”
“…Not funny.”
Miyuki let out a weak laugh. Then, she fiddled with her phone and sent me a picture.
It was none other than the picture of the two of us that we took while walking home after eating together last time.
The one where our heads were practically touching.
“I want you to save that picture.”
“Okay, I’ll do that when I get back.”
I casually put my phone away and was about to continue eating when I noticed Miyuki staring at me. I furrowed my brow slightly.
“You want me to save it now?”
“Yes, now.”
She wanted the first picture on my new phone to be of her and me.
That’s why she was pestering me to save it now.
I had done everything I could during summer vacation, and this last event marked the end.
Today, I should be the one reaping the benefits.
And Miyuki was generously showering me with gifts.
Not only had she allowed me to touch her back and forehead, which was completely different from her usual behavior, but she was also showing a possessive side of hers by demanding to be the first picture on my phone…
It was as if the scales in Miyuki’s heart, with me and Tetsuya on either side, were tipping in my favor.
It would be greedy to ask for more.
Miyuki had shown enough courage for the time being.
I know very little about baseball, but basically, ERA is the average of earned runs allowed by a pitcher per nine innings pitched. I believe what Miyuki is trying to say here is that Matsuda got to her so quickly that he didn’t “allow” the lifeguards to “run” to save her. But I apologize if that’s not the right meaning.
Yes, that’s basically what ERA means in this context.
Why it feels like it’s wholesome?
Cuz it is…I don’t believe in fate, destiny, coincidence type shit ..I do it myself