Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: JayM
A day. Two days. Three days.
Time gradually passed.
The morning of the fourth day.
Jeong Yoo-shin woke up early again and headed to the Explorers Guild.
“No way!”
“G-Get away from me!”
He applied to join parties, but people’s reactions were the same as before.
He was exhausted from being rejected so many times.
Jeong Yoo-shin sat down at a table in the corner of the guild and sighed deeply.
Three days had already passed, and it was now the fourth day.
His head was spinning from the continuous rejections.
“There’s no solution to this.”
Jeong Yoo-shin muttered to himself while pulling at his hair.
He heard murmurs from around him.
“Is that him?”
“The guards said he’s a virgin. Honestly, it’s hard to believe.”
“Still, considering that he hasn’t assaulted anyone, isn’t he actually a decent person? He’s a half-breed, so maybe he has self-control.”
“What nonsense. He looks like a young man, but he’s still a virgin? That’s practically the same as having a problem. I can see it, I can see it. The fiery desire burning inside, full to the brim. Once it bursts in a dark place like the labyrinth, it’ll just explode! Huh? You know what I mean, right?”
Jeong Yoo-shin’s expression crumpled.
He didn’t know exactly when.
As time passed, the rumor that he was a virgin had spread throughout the guild branch.
The problem was that people were half-doubtful, or rather, they treated him as someone even more dangerous.
Just mentioning that he wanted to join a party led to such intense rejections, making any conversation impossible.
There was no good solution.
‘I might as well just form my own party.’
Jeong Yoo-shin got up and went to the reception desk.
“Yes. How may I help you?”
The dog beast-person looked at him with pity.
“I’d like to form a party.”
“I… I see.”
The dog beast-person picked up a pen.
“Your goal is to collect magic stones and subjugate goblins between levels one to five, correct?”
“Do you have any specific party members in mind?”
“One vanguard, one guide, and one support should be enough.”
“Are you okay with reject and rookie party members?”
‘I have to compromise. No one normal will apply for my party anyway.’
That was the tentative conclusion he had reached.
Even so, he planned to interview them and send away anyone with an imprint he couldn’t handle.
“Alright. Please go to table number five and wait.”
He went to the table the receptionist had indicated and waited.
How much time had passed?
Quite some time had passed, but no one came.
Just as he was about to give up and get up, thinking that today wasn’t the day either.
Someone sat down in front of him.
“I heard that you’re looking for a party.”
A human youth sat down opposite Jeong Yoo-shin and spoke.
“That’s right.”
“I heard you’re okay with rejects.”
“It depends on the imprint. What imprint do you have?”
“The Rubber-Rubber Imprint.”
Jeong Yoo-shin’s eyes widened.
“Wh-What does that imprint do?”
“It makes my body stretch like rubber.”
“…No. Rejected.”
“If I say no, then it’s a no.”
“Damn it!”
The human male grumbled and got up from his seat.
He seemed accustomed to rejection since he gave up quickly without lingering.
“But why is that a negative imprint?”
Curiosity got the better of him, so he asked.
“It takes a while for my stretched body to return to normal. About a month?”
“I see. You can go now.”
After the youth left, several more people came.
Most of them were similarly rejects.
“What’s your imprint?”
Jeong Yoo-shin asked.
A skunk beast-person sitting opposite him rolled his eyes and spoke.
“It’s an imprint that makes me pee myself when I get nervous.”
At the skunk beast-person’s answer, Jeong Yoo-shin crossed his arms.
What an interesting imprint.
Jeong Yoo-shin opened his mouth.
“Are you nervous?”
After finishing his words, the skunk beast-person shivered.
“…Don’t be nervous.”
Hearing Jeong Yoo-shin’s response, the skunk beast-person shivered again.
‘I can’t say anything to him.’
He scratched his head, feeling absurd.
Was it possible to live a normal life with something like that?
Thinking he might have inadvertently made him wet his pants, he took out a few copper coins from his pocket and handed them to the skunk beast-person.
“Buy some diapers with this.”
The skunk beast-person’s eyes turned red.
“Thank you! They say virgin barbarians don’t exist, but I’ll believe it!”
Jeong Yoo-shin sent the trash explorer away and slouched in his chair.
Someone entered the guild.
All the people who had been chattering noisily shut their mouths.
‘What is it?’
He turned his head and saw a human around his age.
Early twenties, roughly.
Blue hair.
His confident expression was striking.
Thud. Thud.
The youth walked slowly while enjoying the attention of the people.
People started whispering.
“Is that him?”
“Yes. He’s the one who got that imprint this time. He’s incredibly lucky.”
Jeong Yoo-shin quietly joined the table next to him.
“What imprint did that blue-haired guy get?”
A cat beast-person frowned.
“Get lost.”
“Just tell me, please. I won’t ask to join your party. We’re in the same line of work, can’t I even ask a simple question?”
The cat beast-person seemed to think that he overreacted since he scratched his chin and spoke.
“That guy got the ‘Genius Swordsman’ imprint.”
Genius Swordsman?
“What does that imprint do?”
“It grants unparalleled talent with the sword. It’s no joke.”
“Could you tell me more?”
“What more is there to say? That guy was originally a rookie explorer. He joined an intermediate-rank explorer party as a porter and got that imprint.”
He was so envious.
His stomach started to ache.
‘Sigh. If only I had a cheat imprint.’
Jeong Yoo-shin smacked his lips while looking at the youth who had obtained the Genius Swordsman imprint.
The cat beast-person frowned.
“Still, it’s a bit much.”
“What is?”
“You’ll see.”
As the blue-haired youth passed by, people made way for him.
The youth walked leisurely to the reception desk as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
“I’m looking for party members.”
The dog beast-person nodded and picked up a pen.
“One vanguard, two supports, all female.”
The dog beast-person paused for a moment, then started writing again.
The cat beast-person shook his head and smiled bitterly.
“He used to be a diligent guy. Though after getting a good imprint, he’s slowly revealing his true nature. Well, most explorers are like that.”
“I see. In that sense, aren’t I better than that woman-crazed guy? Please let me join your party.”
The cat beast-person’s expression turned serious.
“No, that’s not it. That guy only likes women, but you don’t discriminate between men and women, do you? Besides, you’re a virgin, so honestly, you’re a bit dangerous. You might misinterpret even the slightest kindness as ‘Does she like me? Is she interested?’ and then in the darkness of the labyrinth, you might attack your comrades… you know?”
The example was quite specific.
If nothing else, the Labyrinth City folks had an incredible imagination.
“Tsk. You’ll regret it. Do you think a talent like me will keep offering myself like this?”
The cat beast-person’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Barbarian, do you often hear that you have an inflated ego?”
Jeong Yoo-shin lied smoothly without batting an eye.
The cat beast-person waved his hand.
“Go. Our party is full, so we can’t accept anyone anymore.”
Jeong Yoo-shin got up and left the Explorers Guild branch.
He returned to the inn and passed the time until evening.
Tarman and Anne finished their shifts, and Snout went up to his room on the second floor.
Jeong Yoo-shin sat with his arms crossed.
‘Is there really no other way?’
He hated the idea of joining a strange party and getting into trouble due to his impatience.
But the situation he was in wasn’t easy.
He had to acknowledge the reality of widespread barbarian discrimination and make a compromise. He decided he needed to yield more than he had initially thought.
As he was organizing his thoughts while looking at the ceiling.
The inn door opened.
Two people wearing robes entered the inn.
One was short, and the other was tall.
The tall one approached him.
He could hear a metallic clanking sound, so it seemed like they were wearing armor under their robes.
Jeong Yoo-shin felt around his waist to confirm that his dagger was there.
“Do you have a room?”
It was a clear female voice.
He had assumed it was a man because of their height, but he was mistaken.
“Yes, we do.”
“How much?”
“Five copper coins per night. Breakfast is free, but lunch and dinner are three copper coins each.”
“Here are ten copper coins.”
The tall person took out copper coins from her pocket and placed them on the counter.
The short person stood back silently.
Jeong Yoo-shin glanced at the short person and spoke.
“If you share a room, it’s eight copper coins.”
“Then we’ll share a room.”
Jeong Yoo-shin returned two copper coins.
“Go up and take the fifth room on the left.”
“Wait a moment.”
Jeong Yoo-shin stopped the two who were about to go up to the second floor.
“Do you have something to say?”
Jeong Yoo-shin looked at the tall person.
Their faces were hidden by their robes, so he couldn’t see them clearly.
“What do you think about slave hunters?”
He asked casually.
It was a sudden and potentially rude question.
Since he didn’t know their identities, he had to ask somehow. It was the minimal safety measure. Besides, Snout wasn’t here at the moment.
“They’re scum that should be killed. Does that answer your question?”
The robed woman answered smoothly.
“May I see your sword?”
“Why do you think I have a sword?”
“Any weapon is fine. Please show it to me.”
“Sigh. Here.”
The tall person took out a long sword from under her robe and handed it to him.
‘They didn’t have to give it to me.’
Jeong Yoo-shin took the sword and drew it from its scabbard.
The cool blade reflected the light of the inn.
There was no slave hunter’s mark.
Jeong Yoo-shin returned the sword to its scabbard and handed it back politely.
“Things have been rough in the city lately, so I had to check. Have a good night.”
“The owner is quite worried.”
The tall woman said her piece before turning around.
Jeong Yoo-shin watched the two robed figures go up to the second floor, and then scratched his head.
“Am I being paranoid?”
Probably not.
Jeong Yoo-shin looked at the inn door for a moment, then he tidied up and returned to his room.
He changed his clothes and lifted the blanket.
The white rat, Lin, wasn’t there.
‘Did it go out somewhere?’
He was curious, but he wasn’t worried.
The familiar’s master was Ingrid Redtail.
Jeong Yoo-shin laid down on the bed and closed his eyes.
The next day, he woke up early again and went to the Explorer’s Guild.
After being rejected several more times, he sat crouched at a corner table while in a daze.
‘Those bastards.’
He was so frustrated that he felt like he was going crazy.
Fucking otherworld.
Something dark squirmed in his chest.
Someone then approached him.
“Are you Skar?”
He looked up to see a human woman in plate armor standing there.
“That’s me.”
“I heard about you from my senior. I heard that unlike other people in this Labyrinth City, you have a sense of justice and loyalty.”
“Who is this senior you’re talking about?”
Jeong Yoo-shin’s eyebrows twitched.
The silver-furred dog beast-person he had met in Karin’s party.
A paladin who served the Light Spirit God.
A comrade who he escaped the labyrinth with, received a strange imprint, became an imbecile, and then regained her senses with the help of another temple.
The last he had heard of her was that she had gone to the Temple of Light outside the city.
“How is Gillian doing?”
“She’s doing well. She’s been a bit busy lately, though.”
“I see.”
An awkward silence passed between Jeong Yoo-shin and the paladin.
The paladin spoke first.
“May I sit down?”
The paladin sat down opposite Jeong Yoo-shin.
“I forgot. I haven’t introduced myself yet.”
“Please, go ahead.”
“Soline. I’m a paladin serving the Light Spirit God. I’m here in the Labyrinth City for training under the temple’s orders.”
“I see. I’m Skar. As you may have already heard.”
“I know. Senior Gillian talked about you a lot.”
“Are you looking for a party?”
“That’s right.”
“Is the vanguard position filled already?”
“Not yet. As you can see, I’m a despised barbarian.”
Jeong Yoo-shin shrugged and smiled bitterly.
“Then I’ll join you.”
This is it.
Jeong Yoo-shin’s expression brightened.
See, if you live kindly, you’ll be rewarded.
He suppressed the urge to slap his knee and raise his hands in the air while shouting.
This was because the Explorers Guild folks had rich imaginations and sensitive personalities.
But there was still one more big hurdle to overcome.
“How much did Gillian tell you about me?”
“She talked about you often enough for me to recognize you at a glance.”
“…Then did she also tell you that I have the Female Virgin Corruption imprint?”
“She… She didn’t mention that.”
Soline moved her chair back slightly, distancing herself.
“Don’t worry. I’m wearing an imprint suppression ring.”
“Really? Is it a reliable magic tool?”
“I spent a gold coin on it. It works properly.”
He was making a guarantee, but honestly, he had some doubts about whether the ring was working properly these days.
The side effect of the imprint suppression ring was increased libido, and he had been feeling his libido fluctuating a lot lately.
He had assumed it was because he had a lot on his mind lately, but he still had some doubts.
‘I should probably visit a magic tool shop sometime.’
Soline nodded.
“To openly reveal a negative imprint and even prepare a countermeasure, you have both courage and wisdom. My senior wasn’t wrong.”
Soline’s praise made Jeong Yoo-shin’s shoulders rise slightly.
“I do have that side to me.”
“So. Will you accept me?”
“Alright. But.”
“What is it?”
“How many times have you entered the labyrinth?”
“I’ve entered about five times already. My highest reached level is five. I took a long break after my fifth and last labyrinth run.”
“I see. Just to be sure, do you have any negative imprints?”
Soline’s face turned slightly red.
“I… I’m sorry. It’s difficult to say.”
Jeong Yoo-shin’s eyes narrowed.
What was it?
What kind of imprint did she have?
Doubts rose in his mind.
“I-It’s definitely not an imprint that threatens the party. Believe me. I swear on the name of the Light Spirit God.”
A paladin swearing on the name of the god they served?
Shouldn’t that be enough to trust her?
Jeong Yoo-shin hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded.
She was a paladin who correctly evaluated people.
With her high standards and good personality, he judged that she wouldn’t lie in a place like this.
“It’s really not a strange imprint, right?”
“I swear. It’s just an imprint that I’m ashamed to talk about.”
“Alright. Since you’re Gillian’s junior and you’re in the clergy, I’ll trust you for now.”
“Thank you.”
Soline smiled awkwardly and scratched her head.
‘I’m more grateful, actually.’
He had found one party member, so he decided to wait a little longer.
“I heard that you’re looking for a guide.”
A male gnome wearing a long-nosed mask suddenly sat down at the table and spoke.
What was this guy up to?
He nodded for now.
“Yes. That’s right.”
“Let me join.”
He stared blankly at the gnome who was asking to join the party out of the blue.
“By the way, what imprint do you have?”
“My nose grows longer when I lie. It shrinks when I tell the truth.”
“Ah… I see.”
Jeong Yoo-shin collected his thoughts, which were becoming hazy.
Pinocchio all of a sudden?
There really were all kinds of imprints in this world.
He didn’t know whether to believe this or not.
Still, he had to check.
“Things are a bit rough in the city these days, aren’t they? Let’s take off the mask first and talk.”
The gnome readily took off his mask.
He was just an ordinary middle-aged gnome. There was nothing more to say about his looks.
No. You never know until you actually talk to them.
Jeong Yoo-shin cleared his throat and spoke.
“What do you think about slaves?”
Time for an ideological verification.
At the sudden question, the gnome’s mouth opened slightly.
“Sl… slaves?”
“Why are you asking about that?”
“Because I’m curious.”
The gnome hesitated, then finally spoke.
“I… I think slavery is bad.”
The gnome’s nose grew longer.
Jeong Yoo-shin’s eyes widened.
T/N – Hahaha! Pinocchio got busted instantly.
Also, I’m glad we’re hearing from old characters like Gillian. Though I wonder what Soline’s negative imprint is? I bet it’s pretty freaky (in a perverted kind of way).
Then there’s another One Piece reference. The author must be a fan since this is the 2nd one. But this MF really rejected fantasy Luffy?! How heartless. At least ask if he’s gonna be the Pirate King one day.
Lastly, why doesn’t the MC ask Iron Mask and the others if they already have a party? They would be the first ones I’d ask if it was me forming a party.
If you find any mistakes, feel free to point them out in the comments.
Well duh jay he doesn’t ask iron mask and such because if he did the story wouldn’t progress the way the author wants. Skar is being very kind doing so
Thanks for the chapter!
Instantly getting busted for slavery is hilarious. Good try Pinocchio.
To be fair, I’d assume it’s kind of hard to find Iron Mask and the half-ogre guy and such. Not like they gave him any contact info that I can recall.
everything is simpler. they, just like ms, took on the security mission.. ms is the only one freed from work.. but they are not there.. they are still guarding the portal, so they cannot go with ms