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How a Black-Haired Barbarian Survived the Labyrinth in Another World – Chapter 55

Malicious Imprint

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: JayM



It was a critical situation.

Jeong Yoo-shin couldn’t let the rearguard fall.

“[Sacred Weapon]”

A golden dagger, similar in shape to Karin’s, materialized in his hand.

He immediately spun around and slashed through the heads of several Crawlers that had breached the formation.

It was the best he could do unarmed, but it wasn’t enough.

Amidst the scattering golden particles, he saw it: the last remaining Crawler, jaws agape, about to tear into the frog beast-person’s throat.

Instinctively, Jeong Yoo-shin thrust his arm out.


The Crawler’s sharp teeth sank mercilessly into Jeong Yoo-shin’s arm instead of the Croak’s neck.

His muscle tore as his flesh was ripped away.


The bite was so deep he could even see bone through the yellow fat.

He gritted his teeth, trying to endure, but a wave of agony wracked his body.

A beast-like groan escaped his lips.


A blue glow flared in his eyes.

“[Sacred Weapon]”

He willed knuckles into existence.

Golden knuckle dusters encased his fists.

He twisted his body and threw a straight punch.


The knuckle duster smashed through the Crawler’s nasal bone between its eyes, and into its temple, burying itself deep in its skull. An eyeball popped out, and dangled. He grabbed it, ripped it free, and crushed it.


Whitish remnants of the eye oozed from within his clenched fist.

The bull beast-person stared up at him, dumbfounded.

“…This crazy son of a…”

Jeong Yoo-shin’s eyes gleamed.

“Barbarian! I’m alright! Calm down!”

Iron Mask yelled, his voice high-pitched with what sounded like considerable alarm.

Jeong Yoo-shin glared at the bull beast-person, wiped his hand, and quickly turned his head away.

Crawlers were endlessly pouring in from all directions. There was no time to even taunt them, let alone slaughter them all.

He spotted a dropped mace and snatched it up.

Whack!! Bam!! Whack!

He swung wildly, relying on his brute strength.

Crawler heads exploded like fireworks.

His leather armor, shredded by teeth and claws that attacked from his blind spots, was now in tatters.

Even his linen shirt was ripped to shreds by claws, leaving his upper body completely bare.

Jeong Yoo-shin’s eyes burned brighter than ever, but the wounds were appearing faster than his body could heal them.

His mace slammed into a monster’s arm.


The Crawler’s arm bent at a grotesque angle.


He brought the mace down again, crushing its skull.

“We have to retreat!”

Jeong Yoo-shin shouted. But the party could only hold their ground.

The situation grew increasingly grim. Stonefist and Iron Mask, exhausted by the overwhelming number of monsters, were slowing down. The fifteen or so guards were also tiring, their formation gradually falling apart.

Another wave of well over a hundred Crawlers surged forward like the tide.

He gritted his teeth.

Even a warrior like Jeong Yoo-shin, capable of taking on a hundred at once, couldn’t withstand this relentless tide of monsters.

It was different from blocking the entrance in the labyrinth. Here, on the open plains, there was nowhere to hide.




He roared while facing the crimson wave of Crawlers crashing down upon them.

Despite his cries, the wave swept away Stonefist, Iron Mask, and Croak. The overwhelming force had shattered the party’s formation.

Jeong Yoo-shin, too, was tossed and battered by the wave of Crawlers, and was eventually pinned beneath them.

Long claws and teeth ripped and tore at his chest.

Damn it.

Was he going to die here?


He had survived so much already.

He thrashed and kicked, swinging his fists amidst the Crawlers.

It was a desperate struggle, barely even a fight.

His eyes burned brighter blue, but the light of his life was fading. His body, torn and mangled, barely had any spot left untouched.


Someone called his name from afar from somewhere within the mass of Crawlers.


A red single-edged sword flew through the air and landed among the Crawlers.

It was Aldein’s sword.

Jeong Yoo-shin wriggled like a worm through the Crawlers, reached out, and clamped his mouth onto the hilt.


Gritting his teeth, he pulled the sword free. He shook his head violently, severing the head of the Crawler that was gnawing on his arm.


His eyes gleamed. He swung the sword wildly, ignoring the crunching of his teeth. Thick blood and saliva mingled, coating the hilt. His body began to slowly heal, thanks to the Revenger imprint.


He spat out the hilt and gripped it with his relatively undamaged right hand.


Lying on the ground, he swung the blade in a frenzy. He severed a Crawler’s ankle, crawled towards the fallen creature, and tore into its neck with his teeth, ripping out a chunk of its flesh.


The Crawler flailed its arms, tearing the leather chin strap of his helm.

The helm flew off.

His sweat-soaked black hair tumbled free.

He raised the sword and plunged it into the creature’s forehead, ending its struggles.

Chewing on the Crawler’s flesh before spitting it out, Jeong Yoo-shin slowly rose to his feet.

He ran a hand through his hair. Blood, he didn’t know whose, streamed down his black locks.


A Crawler spotted him and charged. The red blade flashed once in the moonlight.


The Crawler’s head soared through the air. That was the signal.


Crawlers shrieked from all directions, and lunged at him.



He sliced and ripped through them all, a mad dance devoid of form or grace.


He stomped on their heads, crushing skulls, and tore into their necks with his teeth. He killed indiscriminately until, finally, he came to his senses. There were no more Crawlers left around him.



His name.

No, his alias.

He turned towards the voice. In the distance, a boar beast-person was wielding a halberd while fighting off Crawlers.


“Yes! It’s me, Snout!!! Please help me!”

Jeong Yoo-shin sprinted towards him, and swung his single-edged sword. Three Crawler heads flew through the air in an instant.

He looked at the panting Snout.

“Why are you here?”

“Aldein sent me!”

“Tell him I’m fine.”

Jeong Yoo-shin then turned away.

Judging by the way Hans’ body was twitching, he was about to summon another wave of Crawlers.

Even if he couldn’t save everyone, rescuing his party members was his priority.

“Hans’ defensive imprint has a major weakness!”

“What is it? And why are you telling me this?”

Snout fidgeted nervously while gripping and releasing the shaft of his halberd.

“There’s no time. The guards are gathering in the rear, but they haven’t formed a complete line yet. If another wave of Crawlers hit then, there could be civilian casualties in the western district.”

“Alright, I get it. Wait here.”

Leaving the stunned Snout behind, Jeong Yoo-shin ran to rescue his companions.

In the distance, Stonefist and Iron Mask were fighting desperately. The ogre’s large size made them easy to spot.


The single-edged sword flashed, and a Crawler’s head flew. Bathed in the spray of blood from the severed neck, he continued to cut down the Crawlers.

“Came to save you.”

“Ugh… Thanks.”

The half-ogre, his body mangled and torn, expressed his gratitude. Iron Mask, on the other hand, seemed relatively unharmed.

“Don’t mention it. See that boar beast-person standing around stupidly over there? Go to him.”

“I’ll go with you.”

“Just go. You don’t look like you’re in good shape.”

He glanced around and noticed Crawlers feeding on corpses in the distance. A long staff caught his eye. It was the frog beast-person Croak’s staff.

“Damn it.”

He dashed over and swiftly beheaded the Crawlers.

His eyes grew cold.

The partially devoured corpse was the bull beast-person’s.

His face and body were mutilated, and his insides were eaten out.

So this was how it ended for him…

Jeong Yoo-shin felt no pity for him whatsoever.


Something croaked from beneath the bull beast-person’s body.



The frog beast-person’s voice brightened.

Jeong Yoo-shin rolled the bull beast-person’s corpse over. Croak wriggled free from beneath it.

“Th-thank you.”

“How are you feeling?”

“My back hurts, but I’ll live.”

He led Croak towards Snout. Stonefist, Iron Mask, Croak, and the barbarian were now reunited.

He glanced at his party members, then looked at Snout.

“Now tell me. How do we kill that snail-like bastard?”

“You don’t kill him.”

“Then what?”

Snout explained rapidly.

“…So, I believe only you, Skar, can dispel that red barrier.”

Jeong Yoo-shin stared at Snout.

“Snout, we’re going to have a talk later.”

“Yes, yes. Yes?”

Ignoring the gaping Snout, Jeong Yoo-shin looked at Ingrid Redtail.



Ingrid, seemingly tireless, swung her great sword as she deflected the tentacles while hammering at the crimson barrier.

He racked his brain.

How could he possibly insert himself into that superhuman, monstrous battle?

It was easier said than done. It felt like a suicide mission.

‘Aldein, what the hell are you thinking?’

Jeong Yoo-shin clutched his throbbing head, lost in thought.

There was no time.

Hans’ body was convulsing more violently now.

How many more Crawlers would he summon this time? He couldn’t even guess.

With Einhorfer and Boron in the western district, a leisurely retreat was out of the question for him.

He had heard that they were forming a perimeter at the rear, but he didn’t know how tight it would be.

He refused to allow even the possibility of tragedy.

‘Absolutely not.’

He had to do it. He couldn’t sacrifice others for his own comfort.

He looked up.

“Stonefist, can you throw me over there?”

He pointed towards where Ingrid and Hans were fighting.


The half-ogre’s eyes widened.

“Can you throw me?”

“Impossible. I’m too exhausted. And I’m not that strong.”

“I can help with that.”

Croak the Frog beast-person interjected.

“If I cast Strength Enhancement and Weight Reduction on the ogre and you respectively, it should be doable.”

“Here’s a gauntlet enchanted with Strength Enhancement and Durability Enhancement.”

Iron Mask took off his gauntlet and offered it to him.

“Thanks, everyone.”

Jeong Yoo-shin paused, and tilted his head.

“Wait. Why am I thanking you? I’m practically walking into my death here.”


His words left everyone else speechless.

“Sorry. I’m a little out of it. Let’s do this.”

He put on Iron Mask’s musty gauntlet and slung the single-edged sword over his shoulder.

“[Raise Strength]”

“[Reduce Weight]”

Croak’s magic enveloped Stonefist and Jeong Yoo-shin. Stonefist then carefully lifted him up.

“Skar, you’re a good barbarian.”

“You have a discerning eye. Join my party.”

“I’ll think about it.”

The half-ogre chuckled and pulled his arm back like a shot putter.

Jeong Yoo-shin looked up at the moon hanging in the dark night sky.

“Wait a minute, let me rethink this.”

“Backing out now, Barbarian? Pathetic.”

Stonefist replied flatly.

Jeong Yoo-shin glared at Snout.

“Snout, isn’t this assassination? Are you sure I’m the only one who can do this? Did I do something to offend you?”

Snout ignored him and looked at the half-ogre.

“Skar’s a bit confused right now, but he’s a good person at heart, so don’t worry. Just throw him. Hard.”


The half-ogre’s arm muscles bulged and rippled.

“Go. Barbarian.”

Stonefist hurled Jeong Yoo-shin into the air with all his might.


Jeong Yoo-shin soared towards the moon. His black hair streamed behind him like a lion’s mane, and the rushing air created a strange whistling sound in his ears.

His upward trajectory halted abruptly. He knew, instinctively, that he would soon begin to fall. He hung suspended in the air for a moment as he gazed at the slowly fading constellations.

Was his home somewhere out there, beyond the stars?

He didn’t know.

He raised Aldein’s single-edged sword high above his head, ready to strike downwards.

His body began to plummet.

Below, Ingrid and Hans were locked in combat.

Bam!!! Bam!!!

Ingrid, seemingly oblivious to the falling barbarian, continued to pound on the red barrier.

‘Damn it!’

He should have at least coordinated with her. Regret gnawed at him. He needed to get her attention if he wanted to avoid being bisected by her great sword.

He took a deep breath and yelled at the top of his lungs, “Mother-in-laaaaaw!!!”

Ingrid froze.

She looked up and saw the black-haired barbarian falling towards her while bathed in moonlight.

“Move away the tentaaaacles!!!”

“That crazy bastard!”

Her surprise was fleeting.

Ingrid swung her great sword, severing all the tentacles flying towards Jeong Yoo-shin.


He tightened his grip on the single-edged sword.


He frowned slightly. He thought he felt a tremor, but perhaps it was his imagination.

His target was rapidly approaching: Hans’ barrier.


From top to bottom. The downward strike he’d practiced thousands of times collided with Hans’ crimson barrier.


A large crack appeared in the red barrier.


His wrist bones shattered and buckled.

Pain exploded in his head.


He gritted his teeth and held on.


The crack in Hans’ barrier widened.

Suddenly, Ingrid darted forward and plunged her great sword into the opening Jeong Yoo-shin had created.


The barrier shattered.

Jeong Yoo-shin, his strength spent, plummeted towards the ground.



Ingrid’s great sword moved like a flash of light, slicing through Hans’ now unprotected body.

She didn’t stop there, and delivered dozens more cross-shaped slashes, dicing him into even smaller pieces.

His screams ceased. The dismembered Hans did not regenerate.

Jeong Yoo-shin stared blankly at the approaching ground. If he landed like this, he’d be crushed.


He landed in a fragrant embrace. Through his blurry vision, he saw Ingrid.

“Who are you calling ‘Mother-in-law,’ you crazy half-breed barbarian?”

“…Just trying something out.”


Ingrid landed lightly while still holding Jeong Yoo-shin.

Despite the excruciating pain he was in due to his shattered wrist, relief flooded through him.

He had protected them.

He had protected his party.

He had protected the bonds he had forged in the labyrinth city from any potential threat.

“Put me down, please.”

He slid out of Ingrid’s arms and landed on the ground, then collapsed. The pain in his wrist was intensifying.

He looked up and saw hundreds of guards rushing towards them.

Where had they all come from?

He hadn’t seen them while he was airborne, only the stars and Hans.

Had they witnessed his actions?

He swallowed hard.

‘No way. Oh, please no.’

“All those people saw what you did just now. Breaking ‘that imprint,’ no less.”

Ingrid patted his shoulder and continued,

“I admit it. You truly are a ‘pure’ Barbarian, aren’t you?”

The first rays of dawn illuminated Jeong Yoo-shin’s face as it rose from the east.

A single tear rolled down his cheek.

He had protected them.

So why did he feel so sad?



[Translator Notes]

T/N – Again, good fight! I can always expect these superb fights from this novel. Still, he keeps biting necks in his rage. Ashur would definitely scold him for that later on. Also, lol on the Mother-in-law part. So much for his ‘Butcher’ reputation.

If you find any mistakes, feel free to point them out in the comments.

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How a Black-Haired Barbarian Survived the Labyrinth in Another World

How a Black-Haired Barbarian Survived the Labyrinth in Another World

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
Jeong Yoo-shin, 23 years old, was suddenly transported to another world. In this world, not only was it impossible to return home, but even survival was uncertain. Black-haired humans were called Barbarian's and treated as northern savages. There was only one place where he could gain the strength to survive and find a way to return home, the Great Labyrinth. “I must become stronger to survive. And I will definitely go back.” This is the story of a black-haired human’s fierce struggle for survival in the labyrinth.


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2 months ago

Thanks jay!

2 months ago

…don’t tell me it’s something to do with virginity…

2 months ago

He’s crying cuz his swordsmanship teacher is gonna have his ass for fighting wild AGAIN hahahaha

Reply to  Coleroni
1 month ago

Elf be like: you BIT a sword? How dare bite a sword!?

1 month ago

My guy just waved his v-card to like 100 other people.

Reply to  Calamity
1 month ago

I think he mentioned before that he’s not a virgin and just didn’t get any action after getting summoned.

Reply to  USELESS_27
1 month ago

I’m 99% sure he has mentioned he was a virgin multiple times across both worlds and even said he lacked proper contact with women especially when he was trying to do a TRY NOT TO NUT CHALLENGE around Mion’s close teachings.

Plus, it’s not like he got a new body after getting transported so his virgin status carried over hence his virgin strike breaking Hans’s shield.

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