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Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga – Chapter 87

.。.:✧ Four days' time ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Yuziro



As expected, it took exactly 20 minutes to reach the Academy.

I had fallen asleep surprisingly easily, and in that short time, I was so deep in slumber that I stumbled a bit when I got out of the carriage.

Lagnis laughed at my drowsy state as we entered the Academy together.

Strangely, unlike the previous days, there seemed to be a bustling atmosphere throughout the place, starting from the main gate.

As I wondered what was going on, Lagnis spoke to me as we walked.

“Do you remember what I said yesterday?”

“I remember, but we’ll have to separate again when it’s time for magic classes, right?”

“…Eldmia? Where did you put the schedule that Gidley handed out?”

“Was there such a thing…?”

As I thought about it, I vaguely remembered receiving something to read…

I might have stuffed it into my pocket, thinking it was just an Academy promotional pamphlet…

“It’s not in my pocket… Oh, it is.”

It was in the small pocket inside my half-cloak, designed to hold just a letter or two.

“So you never looked at it…”

“It just turned out that way. What’s the big deal! Isn’t it fine as long as I attended classes properly?”

“You skipped yesterday…”

“Well, I would have skipped that even if I had known, so that doesn’t count.”

Lagnis looked at me exasperatedly, clearly thinking that skipping class was wrong from the start.

I tried to divert her gaze by unfolding the piece of paper I had neglected for four days, and… huh?

“Dungeon exploration… group battle… friendly match? These aren’t classes, they’re tests, aren’t they?”

Everything listed from today onwards seemed to be of that nature.

I looked at Lagnis with a puzzled expression, but she was looking back at me as if she couldn’t understand what I was saying.

Don’t look at me like that…

Now I automatically imagined the cold stares of the hero’s group, and I got anxious that I might have said something tactless again…

“Of course it’s a test. Did you think evaluating the hero’s achievements would end with just one duel and attending a few classes together?”

“…What about us?”

“Ah… so that’s where we start. I’ve been saying it’s special treatment every time, but I guess it didn’t sink in.”

As Lagnis nodded understandingly and explained, I learned that this event, which could be called a ‘Hero Promotion Festival’, was normally scheduled to last for three days starting from today.

Even then, visitors from other countries had to go through the process of finding their own accommodations, adjusting their schedules, and arranging their visits months in advance.

They even had to obtain identity certificates to enter the Academy.

This revelation made that Rudra dog seem even more insane.

Why was I suddenly mentioning him?

Because he didn’t even have the right to visit the Academy that day!

No wonder that professor seemed a bit strange when he started by asking who on earth he was to cause such a commotion.

There was a reason I couldn’t have imagined.

He was an unauthorized outsider, so even though he was a noble, they couldn’t have known who he was!

“Wow, I killed that guy for nothing. If I had let him live, he might have caused all sorts of amusing incidents.”

“Don’t even mention it. It still makes my blood boil just thinking about it.”

Well, Lagnis had been insulted to her face, along with her entire family.

Even though I couldn’t fully understand noble sensibilities, I could comprehend it to some extent, having grown up around it.

Still… wow.

Among all the weirdos I’ve met in this other world, he was truly one of the top-tier noble lunatics.

I was really grateful that only kind and good nobles seemed to be around me.

Although I never met the lord of Ogwen, given how well-maintained public order was despite rapid development, he must have been a good lord.

“So that’s why you and Lord Radnelbandes were more cautious than I expected?”

“That’s right. Thanks to that, I have to send regular reports to the royal family, which is quite troublesome.”

It seemed that while other countries sent official delegations, Lagnis was simply invited as the Margrave of Itisel’s border region.

To prevent any complaints from her kingdom that didn’t even get a chance to send a delegation, she had to send quite lengthy letters every day.

Now that I thought about it, wasn’t that incredibly impressive…?

“More importantly, don’t you think you’re a bit too close for just escorting…”

We were arm in arm, but her chest was noticeably pressed against me.

You’ve become too bold in just one day!

Your lack of hesitation makes me feel embarrassed!

“I’m already annoyed that I’ll have to give you up to Esmée soon. Do you want to irritate me more?”

Lagnis glared at me with half-closed eyes, seemingly unwilling to insist on staying by my side all day if it meant going against public expectations.

This felt like she had cut off any option to completely avoid it, leaving me to choose between getting hit once, or twice.

It gave me mixed feelings, but… I couldn’t bring myself to refuse.

As we arrived at the main building with tense steps, we unexpectedly found Esmée with Sieg’s group.

Sieg noticed me first and waved, then Esmée turned to look at us.

Despite Lagnis’s presence, she greeted me with a bright smile and a wave.

‘Aaaaaah!! Stop looking at my lips, Eldmia!!’

Esmée examined me from various angles with a bright but unmistakably foxy smile.

As I found it difficult to meet her eyes and kept turning my head away, I noticed Lagnis looking very dissatisfied, Sieg wearing an expression of understanding, and Esselua gazing at Esmée with a strangely proud look.

What’s this?

I thought you imperial sisters didn’t get along?

Ah, is Esselua completely out of that equation?

“From today, the lessons will be mostly practical, so you might be tired. But you look like you didn’t sleep well…”

I couldn’t help but stick out my tongue at Esmée’s expression, which seemed oblivious despite having committed an outrageous act that would mark a ridiculous turning point in my life.

To think that what I thought was a hamster turned out to be a fox!

“That’s right. I wanted to sleep well, but…”

I tried to answer as if nothing was wrong, but it wasn’t easy at all.

Just from my reaction, Lagnis, who had noticed that Esmée must have done something she didn’t know about on her way back yesterday, narrowed her eyes even more.

Feeling a strong urge to change the subject quickly, I opened my mouth.

“By the way, I didn’t expect to see you with the hero this morning. Is it related to today’s lessons?”

“Hoho. Indeed it is. Although it takes the form of lessons, it’s ultimately closer to a demonstration of what the hero has learned in the Empire so far. It’s fastest to communicate through me.”

It seemed that even though she had entered the Academy in a temporary capacity, she hadn’t completely let go of her duties.

As Esmée approached and formally greeted Lagnis, Lagnis naturally separated from me and returned the greeting.

“I look forward to working with you during these ‘short’ three days, Esmée.”

“Of course. I shall do my utmost to ensure it’s an ‘unforgettable’ visit.”

It was chilling.

I felt like a dagger had been thrust into my chest.

Now I understood.

If words had form, theirs would surely be sharp blades.

As I struggled to fix my wandering gaze on Sieg…

I saw an aspect of him I could never have imagined.

Sieg, who had somehow approached me, was actually sympathizing with me!


“Brother. You’ve finally replaced your knothole with an eye hole.”

Sieg’s hand patting my shoulder felt incredibly warm.

Was this… the warmth of human compassion…!

“Hang in there. I’ve been down this road too. I believe you’ll navigate it well.”

So he wasn’t just posturing with three women in tow!

Amazed by Sieg’s appearance, which was truly that of a hero with a halo, I hastily whispered in his ear.

“He-… no, Big Brother. Can’t you give your little brother some advice? I feel like my blood is draining from the morning.”

“Nope, can’t. This is your karma. The only advice I can give you is that you should be extremely careful when talking to the person who gave you that earring.”


“I believe you’ll understand what I mean now, little brother.”



I asked with my face, but Sieg just nodded, patted my shoulder once more, and then went back to where Esselua and the other women were.

It seemed I might have been unknowingly going around planting flags in all directions like a madman!

As my vision darkened, I felt a familiar arm linking with mine, bringing me back to reality.

I saw Esmée, looking completely nonchalant.

Despite Lagnis being right next to us, she spoke while openly displaying affection, not even trying to hide it.

“I look forward to spending another day with you.”

“…Aren’t you being too calm after doing something so outrageous?”

For a moment, I was so indignant that I unconsciously spoke informally in a low voice, but Esmée didn’t seem particularly surprised.

Instead, she smiled faintly.

“Do I look calm to you?”

As her dainty hand gently overlapped with mine, I could feel a definite trembling.

Lagnis, who had been examining me with sharp eyes since I mentioned the “outrageous thing”, opened her eyes wide as if she had figured something out and started to look surprised.

“If one prepares mentally in advance, it’s possible to hide one’s expression to some extent. It’s only natural that I can’t find complete composure in just one day after such a special event for me.”

This is too difficult…!

As I fervently prayed that my face wasn’t turning bright red, Lagnis interjected.

“…I’m going to do it too.”

Although I could easily see that she was making a great effort to hide her change in expression, I found it hard to believe that she could have accurately inferred what happened from just these fragmentary conversations.

I could only ask back with a dumbfounded expression.


“When we get back, I’m going to do it too.”

“Wait, do you even know what you’re talking about…”

Lagnis answered with her eyes instead of words, and I understood.


Everyone except me had been incredibly perceptive!



[Translator Notes]

[Idk really what to say except good chapter, love the harem, and i had a sick workout today. next chapter in 2 days]

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Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga

Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga

Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I reincarnated into a fantasy world. Since I somehow got born again, I resolved myself to live diligently once more. But, putting that aside, my entire village burning up and disappearing when I’m 8-year old f*cking crossed the line. f*cking shit-f*cking crossed the line!


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14 days ago

Poor Eldmia…

Also what happened with the chapters not being 2-daily for a while?

Reply to  Haelstrom
13 days ago

tl was busy with irl shit

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not work with dark mode