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Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga – Chapter 62

.。.:✧ Hero ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Yuziro



Only after Balkun’s meaningless advice – that the sword had no special functions and was just sturdy, so I shouldn’t have strange expectations – did I manage to leave the Dwarf district.

Having met after a long time, it seemed he wanted to catch up and reminisce.

By the way, wasn’t it amazing enough that the sword was sturdy?

Yances’ longsword broke because it wasn’t sturdy enough.

Seeing Balkun worry so much, it occurred to me that warriors in this other world might be too accustomed to supernatural powers, and expected various things from their swords as well.

“Come to think of it, those bandit bastards also went crazy thinking it was a magic sword back then.”

The idiots who contributed to my first kill suddenly crossed my mind.

If that was the kind of misunderstanding Balkun was worried about, it wasn’t incomprehensible.

If there were relatively many childish brats who mistakenly thought they had lucked into a magical sword at a bargain price due to a chance encounter with a dwarf, it was understandable to be concerned.

Of course, Eldmia, with a mental age over 30, didn’t harbor such delusions, so it was irrelevant.

Even without that, I was already grinning just at the “sturdiness” feature that Balkun had mentioned several times.

If nothing else, it was clear that I wouldn’t have to worry about durability when swinging it around like when fighting against demon folk.

Of course, the gap between the longsword I bought with copper coins and this one that cost a gold coin was too big, but there was no reason not to buy it when the opportunity arose.

If I had no money, it would be a different story, but having already received a hefty sum in gold coins, it would be insane not to spend money on a sword that was both my lifeline and source of income.

“That’s how it happened.”

“So that’s why you’re carrying such a good sword?”

As soon as I visited Lagnis’s residence to prepare for the upcoming Imperial visit, I was almost forced to hand over the sword.

After carefully examining it and hearing my full account, she nodded and said:

“To sell such an item for just one gold coin. I really can’t understand dwarves’ sense of value. Though it’s fortunate that you got a good weapon because of it.”

Of course, she didn’t possess some mystical ability to distinguish fine swords, having barely touched a sword in her lifetime.

Lagnis briefly explained that dwarven smithing techniques incorporated alchemy and magic.

Thanks to this, mages could more clearly discern the value of dwarf-made items than ordinary warriors.

I wished she had told me this before nearly snatching it away in shock.

“I thought you had picked up something you couldn’t handle, or that you overspent again.”

“Come on, I’m not that thoughtless…”

“There are plenty of people who become extravagant after getting used to life in the capital.”

“I’m not the type to live without restraint…”

Aside from the small incident regarding my new sword, our conversation flowed normally.

There weren’t any significant changes.

I was mostly informed of specific details, such as that I would be accompanying a female knight named Renisa as an attendant, and that Radnel Bandes would join to observe the hero.

Even including all the servants, it was a very modest group for nobility, barely exceeding 10 people.

“This is a very marginal count, given what I’ve been through. Since everyone already knows, there’s no point in unnecessarily inflating our numbers; we’d just be laughed at.”

The retinue and servants of nobles were ultimately a display of power.

This wasn’t simply a matter of vanity, but also included courtesy towards the host.

The exchange proposed by the Empire wasn’t just a day or two of partying, but about a week of interaction.

Normally, even minor nobility would bring at least 20 servants when staying for such a duration.

The point was to demonstrate the ability to feed and accommodate that many people coming from all directions – a formality that was very luxurious and difficult for me to understand. Conversely, bringing fewer people could be seen as underestimating the host’s capacity and considered impolite.

Lagnis had taken this into account when making her decision.

“Actually, my master also said he wanted to come see the hero, but I think it might be for my sake. If he really wanted to see, he could have gone long ago.”

It truly gave the impression of a small but elite group.

Of course, apart from the name of the marginal count and Radnel Bandes’ reputation, Renisa and I were insignificant, but there was no reason to deny it when Ragnis herself said so, so I just smiled.

After an unremarkable, simple conversation, I returned to the mansion without incident.

Even at the mansion, I was practically excluded from duties on the grounds of accompanying Marginal Count Levien.

I spent my time training, trying to recall the sensations I felt in the abandoned dungeon.

From my perspective of handling magic power, this sensation seemed essential for moving to the next level, so I diligently reviewed it, even cutting into my sword training time.

Somehow, I felt that if I practiced this hard enough, I might be able to cut magic power, if not space.

I didn’t know how helpful that would be, but at the very least, couldn’t I hope for a situation where I could die together with magic-using demon folk if I encountered them?

When that thought occurred to me, my motivation was recharged and I tried various approaches, but of course, if I were the type to get results from just a little effort, I would have been flying long ago.

Time passed with no gains and only regrets, and the day of departure for the Empire approached.

Early in the morning, the front of Lagnis’s residence was unusually busy with two carriages and servants loading luggage.

Renisa, who had been inspecting the few guards and giving some instructions, lightly bowed her head to greet me.

I returned the greeting and went up to Lagnis’s room, knocking on the door.

I heard Lagnis’s voice, imitating the dignity I had heard last time.


“I’m coming in.”

As I answered and flung open the door, Lagnis, who was looking at me with a very strange expression, welcomed me with a big laugh.

“What’s that?”

“It’s my masterpiece to give the busy Marginal Count a big laugh first thing in the morning. Is this the outfit I have to wear for a week?”

After unnecessarily polite and exaggerated greetings, I looked at the clothes on the mannequin next to her, and Lagnis nodded with a faint smile.

I didn’t care about anything else, but compared to my unease about the clothes I’d have to wear, which they said they’d prepare, it was a very decent outfit.

“It’s the uniform we used to provide to the family’s knights. We still had the design since it was made in the capital.”

“So that’s why Renisa was wearing something similar?”

If nothing else, it was clear that the Levien family was one that recognized the importance of uniforms.

A white uniform with a wine-colored half-cape.

Looking at the design alone, it seemed perfect for assassinations, but that was probably just my own sensibility.

“Hmm… I was worried because you’re so big, but you look better than I thought?”

With an average height of 165cm and even knights barely reaching 180cm, I was certainly standing out, approaching 190cm.

Considering that my parents were also quite tall, the genetic factor couldn’t be ignored.

Come to think of it, Yekaterina was almost at eye level with me.

I hadn’t heard that people from Rubil were particularly tall, so maybe she was also from a well-fed, well-grown noble family?

“Aren’t you a handsome man even elves would acknowledge? This level of looks deserves to be dressed up.”

“Don’t lie. Asirye always said I wasn’t handsome.”

“…I’ve got more to write in my letter.”

I was curious about what kind of conversations they had for her to always say such things to him, but since we couldn’t dawdle, I decided to let it go and finished preparing to depart.

“What about Lord Radnel Bandes?”

“He said he had other business to attend to, so he’ll join us at the gate.”

“Then until then, I’ll have to brighten up the procession with my handsome face and figure. You prepared a splendid horse for me, right?”

“What nonsense. You’re riding in the carriage with me.”


“Because you’re an attendant.”

“But Renisa is here for that, isn’t she?”

“You must have learned something while working as Cheryl’s exclusive butler. Renisa is a knight by birth, so she can’t do that.”

Good heavens!

So the goal was to unfairly exploit my labor!

“I don’t do unpaid labor, Marginal Coun- Ow! Ow! Stop!”

“I’ll make sure to take care of you, so please be quiet, Mr. Eldmia?”

Well, since she said she’d take care of me, I’ll endure it like the good person I am…!

“Alright. I trust you since the Marginal Count wouldn’t go back on her word.”

With that, I extended my hand to escort her, and Lagnis now looked dumbfounded.

Finding her expression amusing, I wiggled my hand to urge her on, and only then did Lagnis burst into laughter and take my hand.

“Protect me well this time too.”

“What could happen in the Empire, of all places?”

I had a strange feeling of déjà vu, as if something had happened every time I said things like this recently… but surely not.

After all, it was the Empire, and we were going to see the hero.

What could possibly happen?



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Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga

Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga

Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I reincarnated into a fantasy world. Since I somehow got born again, I resolved myself to live diligently once more. But, putting that aside, my entire village burning up and disappearing when I’m 8-year old f*cking crossed the line. f*cking shit-f*cking crossed the line!


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2 months ago

Eldmia really invented Sword Aura. So, it could be said that in this world, he is the first Swordmaster.

Reply to  Sunglasses
1 month ago

From the fight with the demons in previous chapter, they seems to recognize it after he throw it?

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