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Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga – Chapter 25

.。.:✧ Lagnis Lien da Levien ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Yuziro



As soon as Asirye regained consciousness, she unleashed a merciless back smash.

In the end, it took a considerable amount of time to calm Asirye down, who was crying and beating my back with enough momentum to ruin it. Even with the help of Lagnis and Alisha, I was barely able to calm her down.

“No, I mean, the height was so high that there was actually more leeway until I would reach the ground, so it was safe…”

“Do you want to see your sister’s heart burst and die?!”

‘You fucking insensitive bastard!’

“You really have no sense!”

But in the end, I misspoke and got slapped by three women with their palms. Seriously. It hurt like hell.

To think I would be beaten up after resolving an unbelievable incident.

“Honestly, from the perspective of a bystander, it was a heroic sight that would make even minstrels cry… but from the eyes of a family member, it would be enough to make them furious.”

Gies, who listened to my grumbling complaint, gave an answer that I had no choice but to acknowledge as a proper argument with a wry smile.

In the end, Gies and the wyvern were in a position where they could only move once Lagnis was recognized as the Margrave after becoming an adult.

Regardless of how their first meeting went, he was a person who made a significant contribution to saving Lagnis, and thanks to Alisha, who heard the circumstances and lent a room for free, he ended up staying at her inn.

We all received an interrogation from the security forces, but no particular problems arose.

More precisely, it almost happened, but it was passed over without issue thanks to the testimony of those around us.

Time passed like that, and Lagnis’s birthday approached.

“This is something I don’t particularly want to get involved in…”

“After doing that reckless thing in the sky hundreds of meters above, you want to back out at the end?”

As if she had heard an absurd story, Lagnis, who was sitting in a chair pretending to be calm, spoke with a deflated expression.

“The word ‘end’ is only used at a grave site.”

“Don’t try to beat around the bush with useless words.”

Lagnis, who would have normally brushed it off, took an unyielding stance and grabbed me.

Of course, since this would be the last time we saw each other face to face, I could understand her feelings, but that could just be casually discussed and then I could step aside when the royalist faction’s group arrived.

However, she insisted on accompanying me to the end, citing anxiety, and even Asirye sided with her, so I had no choice but to pass the time at Alisha’s inn.

But what can I do? My original goal was simply living thorough retaliation and revenge against those who touched my surroundings. Of course, this time, I unintentionally brought about a result of apologizing through death, but in the end, my business was already finished.

Now that it has been confirmed that there are no abnormalities in my body, I’m in a hurry to return to the days of training. Even if I experienced a fairly big incident, what I have to do in the future is even more dangerous and bigger.

It was unfortunate that Lagnis’s grand plan to backhandedly strike the noble faction by following the trail was shattered because Delt died and the captured guys all had insufficient information.

“I didn’t plan that far ahead.”

“Such a lax attitude is not good. Even more so if you’re going to live as a Margrave.”

It may not be advice to give to a 16-year-old girl, but in the end, regardless of my common sense, she is an adult in this world.

The path ahead of her, who today officially became the successor and inherited the position of Margrave, was clearly going to be a thorny one.

Although she will be a Margrave with only a name and wealth for a while since there is no territory to protect, her influence will gradually grow over time, and cunning schemes incomparable to this one will continue to torment her.

“You need to be aware that you’re entering a world where there is no longer a tall uncle Eldmia to help you.”

“Not even an oppa anymore, but an uncle now?”


‘Yeah, Eldmia, who has exceeded 30 years of mental age, must possess an intelligence bordering on an uncle.’

As a reward for impudently interrupting my lines, I messed up her hair.

“You know it well.”

“…Can’t Eldmia come with me too?”

“I’m busy. I have to train for 2 more years under Asirye and then go cut off the head of the commander bastard who destroyed my village.”

The fact that Delt died without even crossing swords with me was thoroughly due to the situation.

I was only able to kill him with a single blow by attacking with a strengthened body at the moment he inevitably had to organize his thoughts when faced with something beyond common sense.

Even that, if I hadn’t deliberately drawn out mana and went all out, there might have been a counterattack with a moment’s difference.

The moment I cut his neck, I could tell right away from his expression that he belatedly understood the entire situation and accepted his death.

Although at that moment, I felt pure joy that all those reckless attempts aligned and succeeded at once, it’s different now.

If it were a direct confrontation, I would have been the one to die.

Even though there was such a strong guy, there must be many more outstanding than him, the Demon King’s army still remains and the Demon King hasn’t been killed even after 6 years of war.

There were too many strong ones to surpass in order to uphold my beliefs. As a result, the time that hadn’t felt particularly short until now felt extremely insufficient. I had no choice but to develop an obsession.

“There are also many outstanding knights on the royalist faction’s side. My position is considerable enough for them to go out of their way to create today’s script to bring me. If you want, sufficient negotiation is possible.”

In other words, to have me formally learn swordsmanship from a knight.

With an infinitely serious face and determined eyes, Lagnis stated firmly while looking at me.

She’s not particularly wrong, and it won’t be an empty promise either. And it’s not a bad condition.

If she can’t get the help of a knight, she might even consider putting me in the Royal Academy in the capital at her own expense to give me an opportunity to learn.

I already know well how much she feels indebted to me due to the series of events. That’s why there was a part that was difficult for me to readily accept.

“Who would teach a guy who can’t even be used as a soldier and would run out to seek revenge once he has the skills?”

“Still, there might be people who see your talent and impart teachings. Surprisingly enough, there are many such stories.”

“Well, I don’t know. If someone at the level of the King’s Ten Swords comes and tells me to learn, I’ll consider it.”

If I learn from such people, I wonder if I’ll learn what I need, and then it will be revealed that what I thought was talent was actually not talent, so I’ll naturally get kicked out? Come to think of it, it might be a quite attractive situation.

“Even they have a hierarchy of skill. Are you saying you’ll consider it even if it’s just the 10th one?”

“If there are as many as 10 swords, I’m not in a position to be picky. If it’s above the 5th sword, shouldn’t I beg them to take me without even needing to think about it?”

I answered with a laugh, thinking that we were finally moving away from the somewhat heavy atmosphere to light jokes.

“Those words.”


“Don’t go back on them.”

With a smile that clearly had a different meaning than mine, Lagnis threw a meaningful line.

That smile… yes.

It was very similar to the smile she showed me when I lied that Lagnis had beaten up the delinquents, as if it was ridiculous.

Thanks to that, an inexplicable chill ran down my spine.

“Hey, don’t smile like that, it’s scary.”

“A smile full of goodwill is scary. That’s too much.”

“What goodwill? It’s clearly a smile full of intent like,

‘Ha, you think you can put such conditions on me? You think I can’t do it?'”

“If it’s ultimately beneficial to Eldmia, wouldn’t it be a smile full of goodwill after all?”

The deepening smile stimulated fear. It’s as if preying on prey, giving the illusion that the earth’s axis is trembling under the pressure…no, It’s really shaking?

“I guess they’ve arrived.”

Fortunately, it seemed I wasn’t the only one feeling something strange, as Lagnis got up from her seat, looking outside the inn. Wondering what the hell they were pulling to make this happen, I followed her outside and couldn’t help but doubt my own eyes.

“Holy fucking shit.”

People on the biggest main street leading to the inn were making way to the left and right.

“Is this what you meant by coming to greet me?”

Beyond the parting crowd, five individuals who clearly looked like nobles, knights, and mages were walking majestically on horseback, wearing splendid horse armor.

“I told you. It’s a script that takes into account the public eye.”

Lagnis answered, standing next to me. But I couldn’t bring myself to turn my head and confirm with her.

The presence of the soldiers, densely lined up behind the five riders and walking in lockstep, was too great for that. The sight of dozens of soldiers wearing kingdom military regulation armor, incomparable to the city guards, approaching while escorting a single carriage was truly a spectacular one.

At the same time, I could understand why she had finished saying goodbye to everyone except for me yesterday.

Today, she was not Levi from Alisha’s inn, but Lagnis Lien da Levien, the last survivor of the Levien family who protected the Itisiel Kingdom. We couldn’t even have a proper farewell.

“It’s been a while. Sir Ekaf.”

Lagnis, who had already taken three steps forward at some point, spoke to one of the knights riding a horse, looking like heroes who had left their names in history.

The knight with striking platinum-blonde hair and clear purple eyes slowly opened his mouth along with the others as they dismounted from their horses.

“Ekaf Tzin Ogatorf, the King’s 3rd Sword, pays his respects to the Margrave Levien, the shield of the kingdom.”

Because she was an adult, the knight knelt down, simply calling her Margrave without any embellishment.

As he knelt down on one knee first, the others who had dismounted from their horses also knelt down.

As they knelt, even the lined-up soldiers knelt, and as the soldiers knelt, even the citizens who were blankly watching knelt in suffocating silence.

I was so fucking surprised that I missed the timing to kneel.



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Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga

Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga

Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I reincarnated into a fantasy world. Since I somehow got born again, I resolved myself to live diligently once more. But, putting that aside, my entire village burning up and disappearing when I’m 8-year old f*cking crossed the line. f*cking shit-f*cking crossed the line!


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Johnson ponraj
4 months ago

Margrave lagnis levi

2 months ago

3rd sword XD

Thats better than the 5th…

Time to start begging! XD

16 days ago

Should’ve aimed higher Eldmia…

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not work with dark mode