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A War Hero With No Regrets – Chapter 81

.。.:✧ Question Mark (1) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


Involvement in a conspiracy to rebel.

Even Major General Dietrich Halder, who had been a member of the Eagle’s Nest but was now urgently summoned to the capital, hadn’t received such a serious charge.

Unless it was someone like Charlotte Evergreen, who had actually stolen a nuclear bomb and detonated it in a foreign country, such an accusation wouldn’t be made.

Then what on earth was happening in the capital right now?

“Chief of Military Police Reinhard Himmler suddenly occupied the Inspection Department without authorization. When Chief Arwen asked what this was about… he said that the Chief had been in contact with former Colonel Charlotte Evergreen, who is currently wanted.”

As soon as he heard those words, Werner jumped up from his seat.


The chair he had been sitting on fell backwards with a loud noise.

Arwen had been in contact with Charlotte?

No way.

‘That’s impossible.’

Werner staggered as a headache like needles piercing his brain struck him.

What he had hoped would never happen had come to pass.

First Lea, then Charlotte, and now Arwen too…?

“What… what are you trying to do…!”

Werner cried out, biting his lip hard.

Akasha was now out of Werner’s hands.

To be precise, his authority had been transferred to a third party.

He had long realized that the person who had done such a thing was none other than Charlotte.

On the very day he had been shot by Charlotte and brought in by Lea’s hand.

She had neutralized him and pulled all the authority to herself.

It was thanks to being registered as the 3rd proxy after Arwen Orka and Drake Brown.

There was a reason why he was now using Security Agency personnel separately to search for her whereabouts.

He had told the higher-ups it was to catch an extremely vicious terrorist, but Werner’s real intention was to ask her what on earth she was thinking by doing this.

Perhaps, in the worst case scenario.

He thought that the subject of restoring memories might become Charlotte instead of Werner.

That must not happen.

This duty wasn’t something just anyone could handle.

Even if she was one of his beloved lovers and a capable technician involved in reverse-engineering and self-development of Akasha.

Moreover, putting all that aside, her current actions were completely incomprehensible.

To revive Arwen’s memories knowing full well how he would react.

She had crossed the line in a big way.

“Director? Director? Are you alright?!”

The voice of the major, startled by the sudden noise, kept coming through the phone.

Werner snapped back to his senses.

“…I’m fine. I was just a bit surprised.”

“I thought you might be shocked. But… Director.”


“I’d like you to stop contacting me from now on.”

He began to plead in his most serious voice yet.

“This is already the second time. People who were once your subordinates are going crazy and talking about overthrowing the state…!! One steals and detonates a strategic weapon, and another contacts that criminal!”


“I… I can’t handle this. I’m afraid I might get caught in the crossfire. You know, right? I just got married! You promised to look after me properly, so I worked hard under that terrible woman, but if this is what I get in return…!!”

Although his attitude was calm at first, as he continued speaking, his voice grew louder as his emotions became more agitated.

“I don’t want to get more involved and end up in a bad situation. I told you about Chief Arwen because of my loyalty to you. I think I’ve repaid my debt to the person who helped me when I was struggling enough with this.”

The reason Werner was able to contact a working officer, a major no less, in the Inspection Department led by Arwen, was none other than this.

Money and honor.

Using all the intelligence resources of the Security Agency, Werner had perfectly grasped the major’s weaknesses.

The concerns of a young soldier who had just been promoted to major were limited after all.

Werner had willingly offered to support his marriage funds in exchange for regular reports on Arwen Orka.

The major, who was uncertain at first, accepted the offer after realizing that the Strategic Security Agency was a direct agency of President Mikhail and established by his direct order.

In the first place, it was at a time when the Inspection Department itself was initiating an investigation into the Security Agency.

The major had long realized that the Strategic Security Agency was not just a newly established department gathering random people.

No matter how thoroughly they investigated, not a speck of dust came out, the identities of all personnel were shrouded in mystery, and even when Brigadier General Arwen proposed an investigation, higher-ups deliberately ignored the proposal.

If the director of such an organization had personally contacted him, it was indeed a golden opportunity that couldn’t be refused.

“I’m sorry, Director. Then, goodbye.”

The call that had started unilaterally ended unilaterally.

Werner just stood there blankly.

Too much information had come in at once.

He needed some time to organize his thoughts.



“Director, we’ve actually done some personal research… and there’s one Military Police building where the troop movement has subtly increased recently.”

Werner nodded at the words of Major Dante Bay, the head of the Information Management Department.

They were currently gathered at Werner’s residence.

It was a space where only those who could be considered exactly part of the ‘Director’s line’ in the Strategic Security Agency could attend.

There was Lieutenant Colonel John Hobbes, who could be considered Werner’s right-hand man, and Captain Karin Maven, his left-hand.

Major Edmund, the head of the Weapons Department, and Major Otto, the head of the Training Department, also occupied a seat.

Both of them had completely cleared any suspicions of connection with the President after Werner’s thorough investigation.

In fact, they were the ‘fundamental’ members who couldn’t even be compared to the parachute appointments among the core personnel of the Security Agency.

In other words—
It meant they were loyal to Werner personally, not the President.

“Also, do you remember what I reported last time? The fact that whenever I visited the Imperial Training Center, Camp Baiberal, for training and education, there were personnel among the trainees who were being organized into special recruitments for the Military Police.”

Otto, the head of the Training Department, appropriately chimed in to continue Dante’s words.

“That’s right.”

“The address of the Military Police building identified by Information Chief Dante and the address where those personnel who graduated from the training center move to for their latter half of education are the same.”

The more he heard, the more it reeked of suspicion, didn’t it?

Werner’s blue eyes sparkled.

“Where is it?”


He could easily recall the nightmare associated with that place name.

“The political prison camp, then.”

“How are you so certain?”

“There’s no other answer.”

It was a chillingly firm conviction.

This stemmed from memories of his previous life.

It was the decisive event that made Werner Grimm—Luthers Edan—choose to remain at ‘Brigadier General’, the lowest rank of general officers, despite his overwhelming military achievements.

Luthers Edan, who had reached ‘Lieutenant General’ at the young age of his 20s, had succeeded in stabilizing the entire front line against the Titans while wielding much more powerful authority.

It seemed like they could catch their breath for a moment.

As soon as he judged that the front line was stabilizing, President Mikhail suddenly implemented military reforms and a purge.

He tried to argue that it was nonsense, but it didn’t work at all.

Although he couldn’t touch the members of the Graveyard who were under Luthers Edan’s protection, those who had maintained favorable relations with him were dragged to the Ashblinka camp.

The outcome of the security vacuum that resulted from this was predictable.

This became the catalyst for Luthers to kill the President with his own hands in the next cycle.

Of course… it didn’t take long for him to realize that even that was meaningless.

Anyway, Ashblinka had been revived.

Given the heinous charge of conspiracy to rebel, Arwen would surely be there.

“What do you plan to do, Director?”

“What else can I do?”

The answer was already set anyway.

Now that things had become this tangled, it was time to break through boldly rather than beat around the bush.

“We have to move.”

Werner muttered in a bitter voice.

“Contact the Cornerstones and the Wolves. Tomorrow night, we’re going to raid the camp.”

A swift and decisive order.

No one present objected or expressed a different opinion.

Because they knew how thoroughly their superior had prepared for this day.

Now they were passengers who had boarded a running train.

“Brace for impact.”

Werner left only those final words before slowly heading up to his room.



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A War Hero With No Regrets

A War Hero With No Regrets

Score 9.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
A victory earned after forty regressions. It was now my turn to leave their side. Not by anyone else's will, but by my own.


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1 month ago

Brace for the impact

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not work with dark mode