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A War Hero With No Regrets – Chapter 80

.。.:✧ Punishment (3) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


Brigadier General Reinhard Himmler.

He was the man newly appointed as the Chief of Military Police.

When she first saw him, he was just one of the handsome and young officers, but now that she had regained her memories, she couldn’t feel good about him at all.

This was because he was the one who had blocked her and Luthers’ path in the fifteenth regression.

On the surface, he was liked by everyone and appeared capable, but in reality, no one knew how much blood was on his hands.

He acted social to those he needed, and when he no longer needed them, he would discard them like old shoes—

‘He had killed them. And in a terribly cruel way.’

He was a serial killer who killed for pleasure.

It was questionable how such a man had gained the President’s trust and could rise to this position.

In any case, President Mikhail and Chief of Military Police Reinhard were cut from the same cloth.

The fact that they were figures who needed to be overthrown and thrown to the bottom remained unchanged.

So she couldn’t even speak nicely, even as lip service.

“I see. I’m Brigadier General Arwen Orka, Chief of the Inspection Department. I hope we can work well together.”

“Yes, of course.”

Reinhard said in a soft voice and extended his hand to her.

Arwen stared at that hand for a moment, then sighed deeply and stood up from her seat.

“I’m sorry. I don’t think we’re close enough for a handshake yet.”

It was incredibly rude behavior.

Reinhard hadn’t expected such a response, and his eyes twisted as if flustered.

“Besides, I’m tired. Let’s talk tomorrow. If you’ve finished your business, could you please leave now?”

She tapped the stack of documents she had been reviewing until just now, put them in a drawer, and locked the electronic lock of the drawer.

“Hmm… Well, it’s really as the rumors say.”

Reinhard added, stroking his chin at the sight.

Of course, there was no answer in return.

It was an unspoken pressure to leave quickly.

Reinhard, having fully understood the meaning, decided to take a step back for now.

There was plenty of time and plenty of opportunities anyway.

Nothing was more enjoyable than when such a sharp-tongued woman became a mess and finally submitted.

Arwen Orka’s ranking in Reinhard’s mind went up a notch, from a mere work-related interest to something more, solely under his own value system.

And after that, Brigadier General Reinhard Himmler’s unannounced visits continued.

Originally, the Military Police Department and the Inspection Department had an inseparable relationship, so visits between the heads of departments weren’t particularly uncommon.

Arwen expressed her discomfort several times, but just as she didn’t particularly care about others’ gazes, Reinhard lightly ignored her opinions.

As a result, Arwen couldn’t help but realize that something was going wrong with the situation.

‘Why on earth has Reinhard started to take an interest in me?’

Not only did he visit the Inspection Department without any reason, but he also proposed after-work appointments at every opportunity.

His approaches were so blatant that even her colleagues in the Inspection Department, who had initially tried to dismiss it as a common occurrence, began to feel that something was strange.

It wasn’t simply a matter of persistence.

The more intense his approaches became, the more blatantly Arwen rejected him.

At one point, she even openly rejected him in front of his subordinates.

An ordinary man would have tucked his tail and run away or given up with a disgusted expression by this point.

However, Reinhard stuck to her with obsessive persistence.

‘Is it really for personal reasons, or is it for political reasons?’

Either way, it wasn’t very pleasant.

The former would be easier to resolve.

If it was personal pestering, she could bide her time until her preparations were complete and then eliminate him without anyone knowing.

In fact, Arwen had already made contact with Charlotte once.

As she couldn’t rashly reveal her location, they had met online, but she had agreed to join her after all the work was finished.

In the meantime, dealing with a novice like Reinhard would be no big deal.

After completing all her atonement, when her former lover finally achieved perfect victory.

She thought she would be happy enough just watching that scene.

She decided to end the life of Arwen Orka – the dirty, ugly woman who even her beloved lover had grown tired of and left – after seeing her lover’s face for the last time.

Even if it was greed.

Even if it was the useless struggle of an ugly old relationship until the end.

She wanted to see with her own eyes her lover shaking off all his burdens and smiling brightly with the precious new relationships he had made, and then conclude things.

Of course, this plan could be considered to be going smoothly so far.

However, when she arrived at the command headquarters and saw Reinhard in her office with his military police, she instinctively knew that things had definitely gone wrong.

What was bound to happen had come.

“What is the meaning of this?”

Arwen crossed her arms and glared at Reinhard.

In response to her demeanor, Reinhard merely shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

“I’m enforcing the law.”

“This is an overreach of authority. Leave immediately.”

Military police officers were occupying the Inspection Department.

Her subordinates in the Inspection Department were just stuck between the two, watching the situation cautiously.

No one dared to restrain the military police in this situation.

When one of the military policemen tried to approach her desk, Arwen, unable to hold back any longer, immediately drew her pistol and aimed it at the policeman.

“Stop right there! I’ll shoot if you don’t stop immediately.”

Arwen growled.

Perhaps not expecting her to actually point a gun inside the headquarters, the military policeman in question quickly raised both hands.

Watching this scene, Reinhard smiled and blocked the muzzle of her gun.

“Brigadier General Arwen Orka, you’re going too far.”

“It’s you and the military police who have gone too far. What are you doing now? Is this some petty revenge because I didn’t play along with you?”

“Revenge… Well, it’s not because of such trivial matters. I never move without a valid reason.”

“A valid reason? This is my space, Chief of Military Police. I don’t know what nonsense you’ve been deluded by, but you can’t touch any documents without the permission of the Chief of Inspection!”

It was true.

The three links connecting the Inspection Department, Military Police, and Military Court were in a relationship of mutual checks and balances.

Or more accurately, it could be seen as the superiority of the Inspection Department rather than mutual checks and balances.

While the Inspection Department could conduct surprise inspections on the Military Police, the Military Police couldn’t independently conduct investigations infringing on the authority of the Inspection Department without orders from above.

Moreover, even those orders from above had to be notified three days before the investigation began.

At least on paper, this proved that the authority of the Inspection Department was higher than that of the Military Police among the three powers.

So from Arwen’s perspective, all of Reinhard’s actions were indeed an ‘overreach of authority’.

Moreover, it was an action taken without even following proper procedures, so she could have taken issue with it if she wanted to.

That was until the Chief of Military Police waved a piece of paper in front of her eyes.

It was an emergency personnel order.

“This order has been in effect since this morning. Brigadier General Arwen Orka, you have been dismissed from your position.”

There was no position written on the back.

It was an order to quietly step down from her position and let the military police tear her apart as they pleased.


Arwen bit her lip hard.

She had expected this to happen someday since Reinhard Himmler was appointed as the Chief of Military Police, but she hadn’t expected it to be this fast.

The only fortunate thing was that she had destroyed all the data about Luthers Edan.

It had been transferred to the Graveyard Akasha access device located at 38 Neudink, and most of the files had also been handed over to Charlotte.

There was no chance of it being tracked.

After all, it was just removing someone troublesome from a key position, wasn’t it?

She thought she could just step down from her position and join Charlotte and Lea as she had planned, when suddenly—

“You seem strangely relaxed, Brigadier General.”

“Is that a problem?”

“No. I just thought your guts were quite impressive.”

Reinhard grinned and stroked her cheek.

It happened so suddenly that Arwen’s body stiffened and couldn’t react in time.

She recoiled in horror at that creepy touch and swatted his hand away.


“You, you’re crazy… What are you doing? This is sexual harassment. Do you know that?”

“Whether it’s sexual harassment or whatever, does it matter now? You’ve been dismissed from your position.”

“Imperial Military Constitution Article 32, Clause 8. Statute on reporting sexual crimes within the military. When a victim feels sexual shame regardless of intent, they can immediately report to an external investigation agency without additional reporting procedures. I’m also someone who deals with the law, just like you. Shall we give it a try?”

“Hahaha! This is really, really amusing. No wonder you dared to do such things so boldly in the Supreme Command.”

The moment she heard those words, Arwen’s heart sank.

It was because his tone suggested he knew something.

“Brigadier General Arwen Orka, you are under emergency arrest as a flagrant offender according to Article 3, Clause 2 of the Imperial Military Constitution, the crime of rebellion. The charge is contact with a national criminal.”

Reinhard had already taken out handcuffs and cuffed her wrists.

“Charlotte Evergreen, there were records of you contacting that woman recently?”


“Let’s hear the details during the interrogation.”

Arwen was led out of the Inspection Department by the hands of the approaching military police.

Had the records of her communication with Charlotte been traced?

It was a mistake.

But even as she was being dragged away, she breathed a sigh of relief.

‘They still don’t know about Luthers.’

If the charge was merely contacting Charlotte, wouldn’t it be fine as long as she didn’t reveal anything beyond that?

As she was taken down to the pitch-dark underground interrogation room, Arwen thought to herself.



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A War Hero With No Regrets

A War Hero With No Regrets

Score 9.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
A victory earned after forty regressions. It was now my turn to leave their side. Not by anyone else's will, but by my own.


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