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A War Hero With No Regrets – Chapter 30

.。.:✧ Graveyard Preservation Record - 34th (2) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


Lea’s record ended with the appearance of the ultra-large Titan, Ouroboros. The 34th preserved record of the Graveyard ended there.

“Ugh… Ugh…!! Cough, cough!!”

Lea Gilliard, who had regained her senses, sat on the floor and kept retching. Now.

Now she remembered. Who the person who appeared in her dreams every night was, who she had projected onto the captain of the SSA.

The very man who had held her dead body and wailed. The man who had stood by her side and smiled at her.

The commander who had always stood behind her like an old tree. His appearance was moderately sharp, and he was always warm to her like the sun.

His body was tall and robust, so reliable that there couldn’t be another man like him. Moreover, whenever she was in danger, he appeared like a prince and saved her.

The reasons why she was attracted to Luthers were endless. He was truly Lea Gilliard’s perfect ideal type and the lover she had finally won.

Ah. She couldn’t help but fall in love.

Even in the thirty-nine deaths and the fortieth new life, she ended up loving this person. The person she shouldn’t forget.

The person she must find. But she had completely forgotten him.

That fact was unbearably painful. “Why, why on earth… Why this time, why this time… the memories…”

At the same time, it was incomprehensible. Luthers had always revived memories.

Why didn’t he revive memories in this cycle? Why did you leave us?

Why did you push me away? When I showed affection, why did you push me away?

I unknowingly hurt you. I even spoke ill of you to others, saying you were a strange person.

If I had known this was the kind of person you were. If you were the person I loved, the person I wanted to protect, the person I wanted to embrace even at the cost of my life.

I never would have said that. “Why, why are you doing this…!!! Luthers, Commander Luthers!!!! Why!!! Why are you doing this… Are you going to say you didn’t know I would regain my memories now…?”

Memories from the past flashed through her mind like a movie. When Luthers pushed her away, she went to the pub to relieve her worries with her colleagues, hurting that flimsy pride.

When everyone in the Graveyard was cursing Luthers, even if she couldn’t refute, she chimed in with a smile. She tried to seduce him, saying she would try to tempt him, doing all sorts of nonsense.

That… It wasn’t just feelings stemming from affection. It was a kind of stubbornness.

Even though he was a person she couldn’t have, she arbitrarily judged his worth. She was the one who insulted him, but she crazily mistook that he insulted her.

But. While you remembered all of that.

While carrying all of that, you ended up saving the world? Luthers Edan’s voice was heard clearly.

-I told you to dedicate your life for the victory of humanity, Lea.

-You did, right?

-I will dedicate my life for your happiness. When this entire journey has finally come to an end, nothing would make me happier than to see you all smile happily.

“Ah… Aaaaah!!!”

Luthers Edan. My beloved lover. The one who was more precious than anyone else. The one in whose arms I fell asleep. The one with whom I laughed while looking at the moonlit night. The one whose hand I held and walked with. The one with whom I danced under the bonfire.

The one to whom I showed my clumsy self that no one else knew. The one who warmly embraced me when I was clumsy. The one who cried with me when I was crying. Even when I was irritated, even when I was angry, even when I was sad, he always welcomed me as usual.

Luthers Edan.

“Aaaaah!! Lea, Lea…!! What the hell have you done!!!!!”

Lea screamed, clutching her head. Drip, drip, her cherished brown hair was roughly pulled out.

Tears flowed incessantly. Her body was already exhausted, but her emotions couldn’t be controlled.

“Ugh, hic… Hic… Ugh, ugh…!! Ugh!! Cough, hic, cough cough!! Ugh…”

It was then. Akasha’s dry voice was heard to Lea, who was floundering in endless despair and guilt.

[Lea Gilliard’s memory recovery has been terminated. Would you like to view the 34th cycle record of Luthers Edan next?]

“…” Memory recovery was a terrifying thing.

Because she had to fully feel her comrades dying and her own terrible end. That’s why Luthers always stopped the recovery at this point.

He said there was no need to peek into his own memories. But now, there was no Luthers to say that.

No. This time, she had to see it.

She had to read a fragment of the weight Luthers Edan was carrying. Only then would she know.

He never talked about regression. He said his memories were entirely his own and never wanted to show them to anyone.

Even to Arwen Orka, whom he cherished more than other women. All they could do was hold his hand and hug him by his side whenever Luthers had nightmares.

“Hic, hic, the record… Hic, hic… I’ll view it… I’ll see, the story beyond my death that he was seeing… I must see it.”

Lea reached out her hand towards Akasha. And once again, her vision shone brightly.

In Luthers Edan’s memories that no one had ever invaded. He was standing alone in the ruined fortress.


“Headquarters, respond. Headquarters. Communications unit? Respond!”

How long had he walked? Luthers Edan sensed something strange. There was no response.

It was understandable that the Infinite Labyrinth was far from the Graveyard, but it was strange that there was no response within 5 km in a straight line. With each step he took, his heart tightened.

Could it be this time too? ‘No, that can’t be.’

Luthers immediately denied the worst-case scenario that came to his mind. His mind was in a hurry, but acting hastily in Titan-occupied territory was a surefire way to die.

It took longer than expected to go around. But it was only a few days, right?

Three days to enter the Infinite Labyrinth. Three days to return.

It hadn’t even been a full week, so there was no way the Graveyard Fortress headquarters could have suddenly collapsed. In fact, when the reconnaissance regiment was annihilated after being caught in the Infinite Labyrinth, he had thought about suicide.

But since it was the first time entering the Infinite Labyrinth, he thought he would see its end and come back, and thanks to that, he was able to grasp the entire structure of the Infinite Labyrinth. This alone could be said to have sufficiently fulfilled his duty in this life.

‘Still… I need to check what happened. It’s not too late to die then.’

Luthers was used to the deaths of Arwen, Lea, Charlotte, Durand, Drake, Heinz, Lydia… and the countless soldiers and officers who had fought together in the Graveyard. But he couldn’t get used to his own death.

So he had to check. What happened in the Graveyard.

What happened in that mass grave while he was away, he had to see and feel it directly. Only then could he use it as nourishment for the next cycle.

When it was impossible to take even one step forward, he couldn’t make the same mistakes as in the past.


While cutting through the undergrowth and passing the trenches towards the fortress, Luthers found a gruesome corpse and a vehicle. It was a corpse that hadn’t been dead for a few days.

The abandoned vehicle next to the corpse belonged to the Graveyard. Although the upper body of the corpse was severed and the identity could not be confirmed, Luthers couldn’t shake off the ominous feeling.

“…I need to move faster.”

Regression was already confirmed. Since the key personnel, Durand, as well as the entire reconnaissance regiment had died, it was obvious that he had to start over.

He had decided not to cause a single death. Luthers examined the abandoned vehicle.

Fortunately, there seemed to be no problem. Judging by the fact that only the driver’s side window was punctured, it must have been attacked by a long-range sniper-type Titan.

However, when he started the engine, the date on the clock seemed strange. He thought it had been less than a week, but almost two months had passed.

There were two possibilities. Either the vehicle’s clock was broken.

Or the space-time of the Infinite Labyrinth was distorted.


Luthers moved his parched lips. If it had really been almost two months, the situation would have deteriorated uncontrollably.

“Damn Titan bastards… Did they really distort even space-time, calling it a labyrinth…?”

It wasn’t even surprising anymore. That’s why it was only natural that humanity could only perish during the thirty-three regressions.

Beep. Luthers activated the biological signal jammer, which now had only a few hours of battery left.

He couldn’t hide the vehicle, but he could disrupt the Titans by preventing his signal from being detected. Luthers boarded the vehicle like that and immediately rushed towards the Graveyard.

Soon, the scenery of the fortress came into view in the distance. Parts were damaged, and black smoke was rising.

The fortress had been attacked. Luthers pressed the accelerator pedal even more.

As he passed through the entrance of the ruined fortress and entered the drill ground. “…oo, ti, an.”

A voice that sounded like it had been modulated by a machine was heard. Luthers slammed on the brakes at the spine-chilling sensation that penetrated from his head to his toes.


The vehicle skidded, leaving a thick skid mark on the drill ground. As the thick dust that had risen like a storm settled.

“Lu, the, rs.”

There was a Titan. With Lea’s face, making Lea’s voice.



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A War Hero With No Regrets

A War Hero With No Regrets

Score 9.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
A victory earned after forty regressions. It was now my turn to leave their side. Not by anyone else's will, but by my own.


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1 month ago

Ah hell naw. Bring out the cross and holy water for that abomination.

All this time stuff makes me feel like this is edge of tomorrow and starship troopers, but with regression

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