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I Kidnapped the Hero Party – Chapter 47

.。.:✧ Approaching Fog, Overwhelming Emotions (3) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


After Aina left this world before my very eyes, I thought I would never see her again unless it was through a photograph.

However, according to the answer sheet that held the future, Aina and I would reunite.

Through a dream-like hallucination.

“…Damn. That damn succubus.”

Aina was dead.

I had clearly seen her vanish right in front of me.

There was no doubt about it.

Yet, the Aina I saw in that future looked exactly the same as she did back then.

With her easily irritable personality, yet possessing a beauty that rivaled her outward appearance.

“Even though I know it’s an illusion…”

It felt as if she was actually standing right in front of me.

It tempted me to reach out, believing that if I did, I could touch her.

This was probably the power of the Demon Lord of Lust’s ability and because of that, my emotions couldn’t help but turn ice-cold.

“That trashy Demon Lord… using my memories like this…”

I wanted to charge into the dungeon that very instant and rip that Demon Lord of Lust to shreds.

How dare she create an illusion of Aina and mock me with it?

It was strange that I wasn’t overflowing with rage.

“But even so, I can’t choose option 1 without careful consideration. I have to be cautious.”

Let’s calm down and think this through.

If I chose option 1, the Hero’s party would encounter the Demon Lord of Lust and witness things they shouldn’t see.

It could have a negative impact on their minds.

Was this truly the right course of action?

I pondered over it for a while.

“Even so…”

I couldn’t miss this opportunity to eliminate a Demon Lord.

The right path was often paved with hardship.

After deliberating once more, my answer remained unchanged.

“My answer is option 1.”

⚙ System Notification ⚙

Are you really not going to change it? You’re going with option 1? I really don’t want to see this.

1. Choose option 1.

2. Don’t choose option 1.

Minerva asked me one last time, but my mind was made up.

It had to be option 1.

“Although, it might be difficult for the children…”

Since the result was the elimination of a Demon Lord.

There was no need to even consider the other option.

“I will take the Hero’s party to the dungeon as soon as they are ready.”

My mind was set on that single thought.



Preparing for the dungeon exploration didn’t take long.

Basic supplies for the Hero’s party and hoods to conceal their appearances were already prepared.

There wasn’t much for me to do.

Finally, the Hero’s party was gathered in the living room.

I addressed the children, who were whispering amongst themselves, with a resolute voice.

“Listen up.”

“Yes, sir!”

“L-Luna, answer seriously…!”


I cleared my throat and declared gravely,

“We are going to the dungeon today.”


They each had their own thoughts on that single word, but their reactions were vastly different.

Firstly, Hare and Saten’s reactions were indifferent.

“I-I’ve …! B-Been waiting for this…!”


Hare already knew, and Saten wasn’t interested in anything.

Naturally, there was no reason for them to react dramatically.

However, Luna and Estia were different.

“W-What!? To the dungeon!? You’re taking us to the dungeon!?”

“Yes, you need to get stronger.”

“G-Get stronger…? That, that’s fine for me, but! Why the others?!”

“You can’t be strong on your own. You’ll be forming a party eventually, so it’s best for everyone to be strong.”


‘I finally understand what Mister is thinking.’

‘I finally understand why he kept calling me a Hero!’

‘I finally understand why he kidnapped us, trained us, and lied about me being a Hero like the one from 100 years ago!’

Luna shouted, having come to a realization.

“Mister is planning to turn us into a mercenary group! He’s going to make us strong, form a party of four, and then create a mercenary group! He’s thinking about all the money he’ll make! What a terrifying scheme…!!”

“Stop speaking nonsense and be quiet, Luna.”

“B-But it’s true?!”

It was somewhat accurate.

If only she had said “Hero’s party” instead of “mercenary group”, it would have been quite close to the truth.

However, there was a slight difference in that I had absolutely no intention of exploiting them for money.

Next, Estia tugged at my sleeve and asked curiously,


“…Go on, Estia.”

“What’s a dungeon? Is it better than holy water?”



Was this really the Hero’s party that was about to face a Demon Lord?

I couldn’t help but sigh.

It would be better to show them what a dungeon was rather than explain it.

I spoke to the Hero’s party who were staring blankly at me.

“First, everyone put on your hoods. We’re going to the dungeon now. Especially you, Estia.”


“It would be best not to think about running away. And absolutely do not take off your hood.”

“Hmph! Like I would ever do that!”

‘I’m only warning you because you’re actually thinking about it.’

The answer sheet mentioned Estia’s impulsive behavior.

‘H-Help!! I’ve been kidn- mph-!!’

Once her craving for holy water was satisfied to a certain extent, there was a high probability that Estia would attempt to escape.

Therefore, I had to be extra cautious while we were on our way to the dungeon.

Now then, before it got too late…

“I’ll provide you with basic supplies once we’re inside the dungeon. Keep your wits about you and let’s move.”

To face the Demon Lord.

I headed towards the dungeon, accompanied by the Hero’s party.



The entrance to the dungeon was managed by the Adventurers’ Guild.

To prevent any incidents of children accidentally entering, a Guild employee stood guard at the entrance, allowing only verified adventurers to enter and exit.

By regulation, the Hero’s party wasn’t allowed to enter yet, but…

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

Inside the Adventurers’ Guild, which managed the dungeon entrance.

I walked toward the dungeon entrance with the hooded Hero’s party in tow.

“Mister! Is this the dungeon!?”

“Yes, to be precise, this is the entrance to the dungeon.”

“Wow…! E-Everyone! Stay behind me! I’ll protect you! Just trust Luna!”

Luna shouted confidently to the other children, seemingly excited.

Out of them all, Luna possessed the greatest physical strength, so she could definitely protect the others from the lower-level monsters.

As we made our way there, with the overly confident Hero and her party members, I spotted a familiar face on a wanted poster on the Guild wall.


“I-It’s… Estia and… Saten…?”

Had Hare also noticed the wanted poster on the wall?

As expected of someone with good eyesight.

Just as Hare had said, there were posters with their faces on the Guild wall.

Searching for a missing person. A child who has been kidnapped. On the honor of the Black Raven Knights, a reward will be given.

Name: Saten Sicilia

Age: 14

Searching for a missing person. A child of the Goddess has been kidnapped by a wicked Grimoire. If found, please contact the church. The Goddess is watching over you.

Name: Estia

Age: 14

So word had already spread to Henesys about them.

The portraits of the two girls were plastered on the wall.

No matter how poor someone’s vision was, they would recognize Saten and Estia if they saw them in person.

After all, you didn’t often come across a girl with jet-black hair and heterochromia, or a girl with white hair and golden eyes.

I glanced around and pulled the hoods of Saten and Estia further down.

“…I’ll do it myself. Get your hand off.”

“Ow, ow-!! That hurts, Mister-!!”

“Quiet down, Estia. We’re heading to the dungeon entrance, so don’t say a word once we’re there.”

After giving them a warning, I approached the dungeon entrance.

A Guild employee stood there like a guard, protecting the tightly sealed dungeon door.

As we got closer, he blocked our path and shouted,

“…One adult and four children? Are you kidding me? Go back right now!”

“I’m not a child!”

“…Stay quiet, Luna.”

After pushing the adult-like child, Luna, aside.

I made eye contact with the Guild employee.

His eyes held unwavering resolve.

This was going to be troublesome…

“I’d like permission to enter.”

“…No way. There have been strange occurrences on the lower floors recently, and it’s practically suicide to take four children down there. Besides, those four, they don’t even have adventurer ranks!”

He was right.

You needed to take a rank exam at the Adventurers’ Guild to enter the dungeon.

Only after receiving an adventurer rank such as Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, or Diamond were you granted access to the dungeon.

However, the Hero’s party had yet to take the rank exam, and Saten and Estia were in no condition to do so.

Therefore, I had to use a different method.

“I didn’t want to resort to this…”

I didn’t like it, but I had no choice but to reveal “it”.

I took out a badge that was tucked away inside my clothes.

As soon as he saw it, the employee’s steadfast eyes widened.

“Are you still going to refuse after seeing this?”

“T-That’s… a Ruby rank…!! Could you please hand over the badge for a moment…?!”

I handed the badge to the astonished Guild employee.

It was only natural for him to be surprised.

After all, it was a badge that signified a rank higher than the highest rank, Diamond.

It was natural for him to be shocked, seeing one of the 12 Special Rank adventurers suddenly appear with a group of children.

However, the employee wasn’t the only one who was taken aback by the badge.

“M-Mister? Y-You’re a R-Ruby rank adventurer…!? But last time you told me you were an ordinary adventurer…!”

“I’m quite average among adventurers.”

“How can you say that with a straight face!? And then you shamelessly asked me to fight you! You have no conscience, Mister!”

“L-Luna, don’t be rude to Mister…!”

…The atmosphere suddenly became chaotic.

Perhaps sensing the commotion within the Guild, the gazes of those around us began to focus on us.

I wasn’t fond of this kind of attention.

So, I addressed the employee who was still examining the adventurer badge.

“The adventurer named “Jun” on that badge is me. I can guarantee that there are no issues with the identities of these children. Now, if you’ll excuse us.”

“O-Of course! P-Please, have a safe adventure…!!”


The employee opened the dungeon door for us.

I disliked abusing my authority like this.

However, I had no other choice in this situation.

‘Next time, we’ll come in through the proper channels.’

While thinking that, I entered the dungeon with the Hero’s party.

Click- Clack-

“Be careful, there are dangerous traps and monsters inside.”


And the thing we had to be most wary of…

“…The air is thick with a foul stench.”

It must be coming from that Demon Lord.

This strange air seemed to cloud the mind.

My vision blurred slightly, and I felt a little disoriented as if I had been drinking.

“That bitch must have sensed our presence and activated her power.”

And just like I had seen in the future…

“W-What!? D-Did holy water just pass by…? H-Hey, holy water! Wait up! Wait for me!”

“M-Mister…? Are you going to abandon me…? Please don’t leave me… I-I’m sorry… I’ve r-reflected on my actions…”

Hallucinations and auditory illusions would torment us, testing the Hero’s party.

After grabbing Estia by the collar, who was about to chase after an illusion of holy water, and briefly explaining to Hare that it was an “auditory illusion”,

I looked at the illusion beckoning to me from afar.

“What a pathetic power.”

As I gazed at the illusion of Aina waving her hand at me.

With a heart filled with chilling determination, I started walking towards the Demon Lord.

You messed with the wrong person, you trash who would use my master against me.

I had absolutely no intention of letting her off easy.



[Translator Notes]

[Dis bitch boutta get shanked by our resident drug dealer]

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I Kidnapped the Hero Party

I Kidnapped the Hero Party

Score 9.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
A hero party consists of a hero, a thief, a mage, and a saintess. I must kidnap that hero party. If I don't kidnap them, I will die.


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1 day ago

Pfft, the mental image of Estia chasing after a sapient bottle of holy water with arms and legs is way too funny.

Reply to  Anonymous
16 hours ago

I wish we get a manhwa of this story 😂

Last edited 16 hours ago by
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