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Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga – Chapter 85

.。.:✧ Four Days' Time ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Yuziro


Renisa’s admonition ended briefly.

As they were now in the same position as attendants, she merely offered some harsh words, hoping there would be no confusion during the remaining time.

Rather, from the perspective of being a knight of Itisiel, she seemed quite surprised and satisfied that Lagnis’s acquaintance had formed a friendship with the Imperial Princess.

From what she heard, someone who was either the captain of Esmée’s guard or personal guard had come and said that she had taken me away.

However, this didn’t seem to have any effect on Renisa, who had directly witnessed Esmée’s confusion and hesitation when she first visited the mansion.

By the way, that captain person must have been a true Esmée fanatic.

He considered even my coercion to be no different from her taking me away because she hadn’t expressed any opposition.

It was enough to give me goosebumps.

“But… do you know what conversation the Margrave and the Princess intend to have?”

“No. I only know that they both spent quite a long time thinking before you two returned.”

It was about 3 hours after the lesson ended.

I was so curious that I wanted to eavesdrop, but I neither had the skill nor was it polite, so I decided to just sit quietly in the living room.

I’m nothing if not perceptive!

I was aware that this was my fault.

“Unauthorized absence was indeed a bit much.”

Still, Lagnis was my employer, and I acted too impulsively.

It was like an ordinary employee acting on their own just because they were friends with the boss.

I should definitely apologize for this.

Since the captain said the princess had taken me, they must be talking one-on-one for now, but I would surely be called in after their conversation ended.



“The Captain of the Imperial Guard told me that Esmée took Eldmia away.”

The atmosphere between Lagnis and Esmée was neither bleak nor full of wariness.

Lagnis merely maintained a calm and seemingly businesslike attitude, while Esmée sat comfortably in a normal posture, sipping tea.

“That’s a lie. However, from his perspective, it’s the truth.”

“What… do you mean?”

“I did not refuse Eldmia’s actions and opinions. For the future Emperor of the Empire not to refuse is no different from agreeing. That’s why the Captain of the Imperial Guard expressed it as me taking Eldmia away.”

It meant that a subordinate couldn’t take a superior away.

After saying that, Esmée let out a self-deprecating snort.

As the dreamlike time passed and she felt herself returning to reality, she made an excuse that the bitterness she felt was due to the tea.

“That’s what it means to be a genius and a member of the royal family. All actions are forced into a form that doesn’t doubt one’s decisions and unwavering nature. Having many excellent subordinates can certainly be considered a blessing, but… even you must know? That the feeling of loneliness is separate from such things.”

“…He is a commoner.”

“For someone who knows how to get to the essence of a conversation, that’s an ordinary excuse you wouldn’t even make to yourself.”

With an amused smile, Esmée looked straight into Lagnis’s eyes and declared:

“Viscount. Duke, prince of another country, king of another country. In front of me, all those titles are no different from a commoner.”

At that unwavering answer, Lagnis felt a slight chill run through her entire body.

There was no doubt or arrogance in those eyes.

She didn’t even mock Lagnis, who was just a margrave of a border region of a kingdom.

She had merely stated the truth matter-of-factly.

Others might feel jealous of this fact, but from her perspective, there was no reason to feel superior just for stating a fact.

“I have no intention of letting Eldmia go.”

Although it sounded like she was driving home a point, Esmée’s attitude remained consistent.

“The reason I graduated from the academy early was because there was nothing more to learn there, and no more connections to be made. It was better to wrestle with those who held real power in politics, and that’s exactly what I did.”

And so, for four years.

She became the next Emperor.

“I don’t think you fail to understand what it means for me to spend four days solely for Eldmia.”

“I… understand.”

She had misjudged based on appearances alone.

At first, she thought she was no different from the other academy ladies who were infatuated with Eldmia.

Because of that, it was Lagnis herself who had failed to see her opponent properly.

How could she have believed that she was blinded by mediocre love and romance?

Because of her small and cute appearance?

Because of her voice that seemed young?

Her opponent was someone who had earned the title of the next Emperor.

“Of course, that doesn’t mean I’ll show a coercive attitude or force with power. But I won’t hesitate to use the cards I hold. Just as I gave my all for the position of Emperor, I will give my all to loving Eldmia.”

Asirye was both Eldmia’s benefactor and a long-lived elf.

Because of this, Lagnis subconsciously felt her as an insurmountable wall.

After all, Asirye’s existence was enormous within Eldmia.

That’s why.

She thought it would be okay to be even second.

She believed that much was possible.

She never imagined that this confidence would crumble in this way.

Esmée, sitting in front of her, felt like a massive wall, just like Asirye.

“What will you do?”


“Why are you so surprised? You’re reacting as if you thought I was going to say, ‘So give up on Eldmia and step back’ in a coercive manner.”

Esmée sipped her tea with an indifferent expression, but even as she felt her mouth burning up, Lagnis couldn’t lift her teacup.

“I’m not a fool. I’m a genius. At first, I thought the Ogatorf family might have lent you a talented individual because you still lacked power, but now I know that’s not the case. I don’t know what kind of connection you had, but surely you must have been the one who brought the sleeping dragon from Ogwen to the capital. Since your father was of the royal faction… perhaps you made a connection in a situation where you were being cornered by the noble faction? With that kind of achievement, the Ogatorf family who came to welcome you must have accepted him as a retainer.”

I could guess that much, even if I didn’t know everything.

Esmée shrugged her shoulders and spoke as if it was really nothing.

“Even before that, during the period when you were in hiding… he might have helped you. Of course, generally speaking, one might ask what a little kid could do at that time, but I’m not ordinary, so I consider even that as a possibility. When I think about it that way, your affection becomes quite understandable. Considering Eldmia’s oblivious nature… it might be a bit exasperating, but it’s possible, isn’t it?”

No matter how different the countries may be, it wasn’t not easy to not back down even when faced with the future Emperor.

Because she appreciated this aspect, Esmée decided to give advice to Lagnis, who could be seen as a rival in love.

“I don’t know what you’re waiting for, but to get what you want, you need to reach out. Not by knocking others down to prevent them from getting it.”

After taking the last sip, Esmée naturally stood up.

Despite having summoned her, Lagnis could no longer hold Esmée back.

She had intended to have a formal conversation and try to gauge her intentions a little, but Esmée had instead thrown a fastball at her.

“M-May I ask just one thing?”

“Hmm? What is it?”

“Why… why did you suddenly become so interested in Eldmia in just one day?”

At the question that came just as she was about to open the door and leave, Esmée smiled.

Not a sneer, but just an amused smile.

“For me, everyone is ultimately a subordinate. Regardless of how I treat them, everyone acts as if they firmly believe that’s how it should be. Even those who pretend to be confident and use force end up the same. Unmasking that facade is one of my jobs, so I can answer with certainty.”

The answer came without hesitation and continued.

“Until now, there have been exactly four people. People who acted confidently in front of me like that.”

“Four people?”

“My parents. The hero. And Eldmia.”

Esmée, who had opened the door and left without any agreement, gave her final answer through the closing door.

“And only Eldmia treated me like an ordinary girl, like a person like herself. Isn’t love supposed to blossom between equals?”

Lagnis didn’t follow.

Esmée didn’t particularly care either.

She had already shown tremendous favor by doing this much for a rival in love.

She couldn’t help but admire her own generosity.

“Is your conversation over, Esmée?”

As she came down the stairs, Eldmia, who had been sitting by the fireplace in the living room, stood up and asked.

Other servants were not visible.

Whether there had been separate instructions or if it was mealtime, Esmée didn’t know, but she liked that fact.

She thought it would be quite nice if someday they could live a life relaxing together in the same space like this.

He was a vexing man who made her feel slight dissatisfaction with many things she had been content with all her life.

“Yes. I’ll be leaving now. But before that. Bend down a little.”

Although Eldmia looked puzzled, he obediently bent down, but once he did, Esmée had to admit that she had made a mistake.

“Ugh. Your legs are too long, so it’s meaningless. Kneel down!”

“What on earth are you trying to do?”

Yet, the sight of him obediently kneeling again was rather cute.

Despite his sharp appearance in many ways, he had an affectionate side.

“When a person is fixated on a single goal, they often fail to see what’s around them. You know that, don’t you?”


“Then why can’t you put it into practice, even when you know that?”


Although she was a bit embarrassed, she decided to show courage befitting the future Emperor.

Gathering all her courage, Esmèe gently cupped Eldmia’s cheeks and, overcoming her pounding heart, lightly kissed him.

For a moment, it felt as if the world had gone silent.

She felt unable to come to her senses due to the faint warmth felt on her lips. She wanted to shout at her past self who thought it was just a matter of pressing lips together, telling her not to talk nonsense.

As she ended the brief kiss, feeling as if the sound of her heartbeat that had been ringing in her ears was now echoing in her head, there was Eldmia, his eyes wide open in a way that didn’t suit him.

That was fortunate, at least. If he had maintained a calm expression, she would have wanted to die.

“Look around you a bit more. I don’t know what your goal is, but I can tell that you lack composure just as much as I did.”


“By the way, that was my first kiss.”

Fearing that her mind would go blank if Eldmia, who was in shock, came to his senses, Esmèe walked straight out.

And she climbed into the carriage prepared by the Captain of the Imperial Guard, as if escaping.



[Translator Notes]

[Esmee is a fucking tyrant first kiss wuttt lagnis is about to woop his ass]

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Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga

Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga

Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I reincarnated into a fantasy world. Since I somehow got born again, I resolved myself to live diligently once more. But, putting that aside, my entire village burning up and disappearing when I’m 8-year old f*cking crossed the line. f*cking shit-f*cking crossed the line!


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1 month ago

AHHHHHHHH! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! Let’s see how Eggy reasons this out next chapter.

1 month ago

Ok, as of now I’m abandoning Asileye’s ship and full on the hamst.. I mean, Esmee’s ship.

23 days ago


This said, I want to see if Eldmia has the mind to do combat after realizing he’s stuck between love rivals at his mental age of 33 😂

Last edited 23 days ago by Haelstrom
21 days ago

“He had misjudged…”

“At first, he thought…”

Who was that he in those quotes? Eldmia or Lagnis?

Reply to  Exfernal
21 days ago


21 days ago

This advice is an indication she will be fantastic as a future ruler. You won’t grow to greatness if you choose to sabotage the opposition instead. The necessary mental effort will be wasted, because you won’t focus on a single task. It’s ineffective to undercut every sprout that threatens to overcome you if you can grow faster yourself instead (figuratively, the hamster won’t grow into a giant hamster physically).

21 days ago

His rizz is through the roof

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not work with dark mode