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I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy – Chapter 60

.。.:✧ No, so where is Lepista's wand? - 1✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Yuziro



Had the failing class only gained the classroom?

No, now they had also taken control of the training ground.

In the past, the failing class wouldn’t have been able to move an inch outside the basic equipment they received, but now it was a different story.

They were able to freely roam the training ground, and train relatively freely.

“Maybe it’s because I’m in a good mood, but the training is going better~”

Isabel mumbled.

What was the technical term for it?

She didn’t know, but she was definitely seeing the effects.

Being in a good mood made even this difficult learning enjoyable.

The satisfaction of victory had to lead to continuous learning to achieve true progress!


Although their schedule was hellish, the failing class had now become quite accustomed to it.

They say magicians are creatures of adaptation, and it seemed to be true.

As everyone was trying to focus on training, someone entered the training ground.


Invisible question marks floated above the students’ heads.

Whether it was Adrian or a student from the intermediate class, the person who had just entered the training ground was truly someone they had never seen before.

“I’m here instead of Professor Adrian.”

A haughty-looking short haircut, wide hips, and a large chest.

For some reason, she felt compelled to be wary of her, simply because she was a woman.

At least, that’s how Michelle felt.

But more than that, if there was something incredibly off putting…

“The professor has gone on a three-day business trip, so I’m here to relay his message to the students.”

The face of the woman who said this had very prominent dark circles under her eyes.

“I’d like everyone to gather around.”

For the failing class, Adrian’s words were absolute.

Even if they were being relayed through a third party.

The failing class students quietly observed the woman who looked as lifeless as a reanimated corpse.

“Who are you?”

“Demelie. A research student working under Professor Adrian.”

“We weren’t told there was a research student.”

And certainly not that it was a woman.

“Being selected as a research student was a recent development. It’s natural that you don’t know about it.”

Demelie looked around, found a chair, and plopped down on it.

She even let out an “Ugh” sound.

She really did look very tired.

“It’s fine, as you’ll know from now on. Look at this.”

As if to prove she wasn’t lying, Demelie pulled out Adrian’s business card from her pocket.

In this situation, they couldn’t help but believe her words.

“What’s the matter?”


By the way, since the start you have been ill-mannered.

Why is that?

Demelie quietly thought while staring blankly at Michelle.

If this were the demon realm, she would have bitten her immediately.

She was trying to hold back.

How did I end up being someone who has to be mindful in front of such a young human?

Demelie was in despair.


After letting out a deep sigh, she decided to let it go.

“Now, let’s talk about this.”

As she snapped her fingers, papers continuously flew in through the open training ground door.

“These are the materials you need to study.”


It seemed she really was Adrian’s research student after all.

Similar materials to what they had received so far began to pile up neatly on the floor, with the students’ names written in the upper right corner of the documents.

“Yes, materials. Take the ones with your name on them.”

“And then?”

“Study as usual. Professor Adrian is planning to take a vacation for just over a week.”

The students’ heads tilted slightly.


Did he say vacation?

Was Adrian the type of person who knew how to take vacations?

They had the image of him as someone who would push and train students relentlessly, even cutting into his sleeping time.

Well, even if that was the image, no student could complain about a professor taking a set number of vacation days.

The students began to pick up their share of the materials.

“Has everyone found their share?”


Everyone answered.

Looking at the amount of material, well, it was about the same amount they had always done.

Didn’t she say it was for a period of just over a week?

It didn’t seem too overwhelming to master this much.

But then:

“Good. That’s for today, now I’ll start distributing tomorrow’s portion.”


The students began to exchange glances.

They had thought the materials they just received weren’t overwhelming only because they thought it was for a period of just over a week.

Were they supposed to do this in just one day?

While the students were wide-eyed in shock, materials continued to fly into the training ground incessantly.

All they could do was look at Demelie with expressions that seemed to ask if this was some kind of joke.

Demelie, reading the gazes directed at her, weakly nodded her head a few times.

“Yes, I understand that this situation probably doesn’t make sense to you all.”

Make sense?

Of course it doesn’t.

“I’ll read exactly what Jeki… ah, no, Professor Adrian instructed.”

Demelie pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket and unfolded it.

Then she began to read it naturally.

I hope there are no fools rejoicing over the victory in this magic competition. There’s nothing as foolish as you lot being happy about winning without having a proper competition.

The students quietly began to listen to Demelie’s words.

‘She’s really good at imitating his way of speaking.’

‘It seems like she’s even imitating his voice well…?’

Speaking of, why is this research student so good at imitating Professor Adrian’s way of speaking?

If she were to impersonate him, we might not even have been able to tell the difference.

From now on, if you don’t increase the intensity of your studies even more, it will be you who will be forfeiting during the all-out war. Of course, if your goal is to forfeit, you’re free to skip this study.

It really felt like Professor Adrian had appeared before them and was scolding them.

The failing class students had unknowingly hunched their shoulders.

Don’t dwell too much on one victory. It’s just one so far. There are far too many battles you must fight to truly become proper magicians.

It was nearing the end of the message.

Demelie read the bottom of the paper.

Of course, there might be some of you wondering if working this hard will really amount to anything.

Some of the students flinched.

Their thoughts had been read perfectly.

“I can guarantee you one thing. After going through all of this, you will become magicians which are close to perfection, and will be called the best. Above all…”

Ahem, Demelie cleared her throat.

…Haven’t you seen the magic I perform? You can do it too. Even more spectacularly.

The art-like magic that Adrian had shown.

They could perform something even more spectacular than that?

And with their own hands?

At some point, the students’ eyes began to sparkle.

“Well… that’s the message Professor Adrian wanted to convey. Now go and receive your materials.”

The students waited for the rest of the materials to come in, their eyes shining brightly.

Yes, we’ll overcome this!

No matter how harsh it is, we’ll overcome it and become the best magicians!

-Thud thud thud thud thud!

Materials kept pouring into the training ground without pause.

-Thud thud thud thud!

They were still coming in.

It should stop soon…

-Thud thud thud!

This, this much is a bit too much…

-Thud thud thud thud thud thud thud!


The resolute will they had just mustered was, of course, broken.

The students’ eyes, which had been shining with hope like jewels, instantly turned into the eyes of rotten pollack.

“What are you doing? Hurry up and take them.”


Now it was too heavy to carry.

The students felt a strong dizziness, and held their foreheads.



The Dragon’s Nest.


Sweating profusely, one of the dragon folk’s minions entered the queen’s quarters.

The queen’s throne was so high it couldn’t even be seen.

A red dragon standing next to the towering chair asked the minion.

“What have you prepared?”

“I have prepared the Goddess’s Tears!”

The minion, with an extremely nervous face, handed over what he had prepared to the red dragon.

The red dragon examined it carefully, then called out towards the top of the throne.

“O Sin of Greed! He says it’s the Goddess’s Tears!”

Bring it up.


While the red dragon was delivering it to the Sin of Greed, the minion trembled as he surveyed the queen’s quarters.

The scale was different from the start.

The impossibly huge statues lined up on both sides, the great swords as thick as the pillars of small buildings – just looking at them made one’s body shrink involuntarily.

Moreover, there was a phoenix feather, and there, the eye of a divine beast… the list was endless.

Unbelievably rare treasures were endlessly displayed as if they were ordinary objects.

This was the dwelling of Regita, the Sin of Greed.

Indeed, the Sin of Greed.

The minion once again realized how high and great the position of a Sin was.

The Goddess’s Tears should be good enough.

It’s a transparent and rare jewel that only appears once in the world.

She should like it…

And simultaneously.

How boring.


A giant greatsword fell from the sky, completely crushing the minion.

The minion, who had been completely crushed to the point where it was hard to believe it was once a living creature, was now just a dirty stain.

Haa… Neltarion.

“Yes, O Sin of Greed.”

It’s all so boring. It’s so boring I want to kill them all.

“I apologize. I will select more carefully from now on.”

Though he replied calmly, even Neltarion, Regita’s secretary, was trembling by now.

The next minion entered the queen’s quarters.

Neltarion glanced around and whispered quietly to the minion.

“The Sin of Greed is in a very bad mood right now. If you’ve brought an inadequate item, just go back.”

“An inadequate item, you say.”

The newly arrived minion smirked.

Although they were wearing a hood, black scales were visible on their nape, so it was certain they were of the dragon folk.

“She will definitely like it.”

“What have you prepared?”

“Just present it directly to the Sin.”

“I asked what you have prepared.”

The minion smiled mysteriously.

“I won’t say anything more than this.”

“You insolent…”

Bring it up.

Regita’s voice came down from above.

At the same time, a look of dismay appeared on Neltarion’s face.

“O Sin, the item hasn’t been verified yet…”

Bring it up.

“Hmm… hmm…”

In the end, Neltarion took the item and headed towards the Sin of Greed.

“If it doesn’t please the Sin, you’ll have to take responsibility somehow.”

He didn’t forget to add that to the minion.

After that, silence continued for a while.

Five minutes.

Ten minutes.

How much more time had passed?


With a thunderous sound, something landed in front of the minion.

It wasn’t any kind of weapon, but at the same time, it was more dangerous than anything else.

“What is this?”

An overwhelming body length.

And an incredible aura.

Even though she was just standing still, a terrifying dignity emanated from her figure.

If a sword were placed in the hands of such a being, it would be the very definition of the term ‘war’.

White armor, scales slightly protruding from the nape, horns standing straight up as if showing the pride of dragons, a threatening tail like a whip.

Above all, an attractive soft female body, but at the same time, a physique that looked harder and stronger than anything else.

The true berserker of the demon realm.


“It is as you see.”

“Is that so…”

Regita, her eyes gleaming, held up an unfolded scroll high into the sky.

“Lepista’s wand… Lepista’s wand…”

Regita licked her lower lip with her long tongue.

“This is definitely mine.”



[Translator Notes]

[How can someone be the hardest thing in the world, yet incredibly soft? It’s a simple answer really – Dragon magic.]

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I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy

I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy

Score 9.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
"I quit." After waiting a hundred years, I finally quit being an executive of the demon world. In a world where even the protagonist, the heroine, and the named NPCs are fated to die, a world where a bad ending is inevitable. I became a professor who teaches them.


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