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Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga – Chapter 75

.。.:✧ Hero ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Yuziro



“I am an envoy from the Kingdom of Rudra! How dare you kill my attendant?!”

Gwillo was an unexpectedly formidable opponent.

Even in this state, he was still genuinely angry and couldn’t escape the belief that he was being treated unfairly.

It was almost laughable.

Although I had only met a handful of people who could be called part of the power elite during my 15 years, I never imagined I’d encounter such an imbecile in the form of a foreign nobleman from a different country.

But if he came on the empire’s invitation like Lagnis, shouldn’t he have had something going for him?

Why was he so idiotic?

“I’ll kill you right now!”

“Y-Young master! You must restrain yourself! Given that he killed Rag with one blow, his skills are far from ordinary!”

No, you fools.

Shouldn’t you have thought that way from the moment I defeated the hero in a duel?

By this point, I seriously began to suspect that these guys were uniquely stupid, lacking even basic common sense.

“Shut up!”

Gwillo shouted as he drew his sword.

“Despite giving you a chance to atone for your rudeness with death, you dare kill my attendant! I can’t believe such dishonor exists! I’ll kill you with my own hands!”

Truly, without lying, at this moment, this bastard was the hero.

Is this what it means to be unable to win with logic because words don’t get through?

Is that… a nobleman of Rudra?


I noticed the drawn sword and the ring he was wearing begin to shine as if resonating, gradually converting magical power into mana.

Is it shining?

Perhaps my senses were just interpreting it that way, and there was nothing unusual about it.

What was certain was that, judging from the ring absorbing magical power, the word he just shouted was an activation phrase, and it was a form of magic that activated through the interaction of the ring and the sword.

I didn’t know if he was average or above average for a nobleman of this country called Rudra, but at least his statement about killing me right away seemed sincere, regardless of its feasibility.

Still, his confidence suggested he was at least stronger than the attendant from earlier.

Or was he just blindly charging in with an arrogant attitude, trusting only his equipment?

“Strengthen Body!”

Another ring sparkled, this time visibly affecting his body, but even as I stared blankly, I couldn’t figure it out.

At first, I thought the purpose might have been to gather young talents from each country under the same pretext as Lagnis to form a hero party, but seeing such a character with no consideration for personality appear all at once made that hypothesis seem unlikely.

“Strengthen Strength! Strengthen Endurance! Strengthen Eye Power!”

While I was pondering such things, he was busy shouting in a clear voice, using the power of his rings.

Of course, I could have killed him about seven times in that interval, but shouldn’t I make the most of sending one noble bastard to heaven?

I had to put on the best show possible before killing him, to prevent any complaints.

I was actually finding some amusement in this idiotic battle preparation I was seeing for the first time in this life. The duel had already begun the moment he drew his sword, so I could have rushed in and cut him down without a peep, but he didn’t even show impatience, as if it was natural for me to wait for all this preparation.

Well, it’s probably because of that kind of thinking that he was even yelling at me in reverse after committing such an atrocity.

“Magic Barrier! Physical Barrier!”

Damn, but regardless of the entertainment, it was taking too long.

If he hadn’t declared a duel, I would have thrown a sarcastic comment every time he activated something, but I got a thousand years of regret that I can’t do that.

After that, he took his first step into the duel confidently only after reinforcing his equipment and even enhancing his magical power.

“You uncivilized lowborn. Burn to death as you realize your place.”


He wasn’t smiling.

He was really just angry.

Even at this moment, the first shocking impact was the incredibly fresh absurdity of his attitude, truly believing he had been insulted.

The second shock was that despite all that enthusiastic reinforcement, he was slow enough to make me yawn.


I had no intention of engaging in close combat with him as he swung his flaming sword, so I stepped back, deflecting his sword sideways while suppressing the urge to tell him to control his breathing instead of putting strength into his battle cry.


I struck with the same sensation as when I had vertically split the sword of his subordinate, Pavera or whatever his name was, in the forest, but his sword just rang out sharply and bounced off intact.

Well, to say he was intact might be a bit inaccurate, since his balance was broken as the sword bounced back enough to disrupt his posture, but at least the sword was intact.

For now, I launched a kick with all my might towards his exposed solar plexus.




I kicked as if it would be fine even if his heart burst and he died, but it felt like only his ribs were slightly injured.

Was this the effect of the “Strengthen Body” magic? It’s quite impressive.

There wasn’t even a feeling of anything breaking, so he should have been able to regain his posture, but he was busy clutching his solar plexus while drooling.

Because of this, I secretly hoped he might die a miserable death by his own flaming sword touching his body, but unfortunately, that didn’t happen.

It seemed like his power was closer to borrowing the power of spirits rather than magic.

Despite relying on equipment, everyone except me seemed to fight well with the help of spirits.

“H-How dare… a lowborn kick me with a dirty foot…!”

This time, I really wanted to put down my sword and give a standing ovation.

He’s still angry about that at this point?

This guy is truly something else.

He was so full of himself that I wanted to take his head off right away, but I patiently restrained myself.

And that patience was rewarded around the time he finally managed to catch his breath.

“Stop! Stop right now!”

Although one person had already died, an academy official appeared quite quickly.

It probably meant that one of the students scattering in all directions had successfully completed their task.

It was a man I was seeing for the first time despite having attended eight classes in two days.

Judging from the subtle aura emanating from him, he seemed to be quite skilled.

But Gwillo, who had already been kicked by me and lost his mind, expressed his anger towards the man as well.

“Who are you! How dare you try to stop me!”

Didn’t this bastard say he was the son of a baron?

Anyone would think he was at least a marquis.

Maybe ranks are reversed in the Kingdom of Rudra?

Still, even though his solar plexus must have been hurting from my kick, making it difficult to breathe, he shouted quite well.

“I am Wade Palmahon, the professor in charge of the Combat Department. Who are you to… Good heavens, blood has already been spilled.”

The professor who introduced himself as Wade frowned as if troubled, looking at the corpse of the guy called Rag lying behind me.

But there was no reproach or bewilderment in his expression.

It was just the face of a working adult annoyed at having to deal with a troublesome matter.

“…It’s a pleasure to meet you, Eldmia Egga. I’ve heard many rumors about you and wanted to meet you, but I didn’t expect to encounter you in this way.”

Instead of answering, I just nodded lightly, but Wade, having heard the situation, didn’t try to make me speak by asking questions.

Instead, he turned to Gwillo and opened his mouth.

“I’ve already been informed of the situation. I don’t know who you are, but that’s precisely why I understand you’re one of the empire’s guests. Apologize for your rudeness immediately and cease this duel.”

“Th-This…! You’re telling me to apologize?! To that bastard who not only killed my attendant but also insulted me by kicking me with his dirty foot?!”

“You were the one who was rude to the Margrave of Itisiel in the first place. Numerous students came running, all saying the same thing. Just as you are a guest of the empire, this person is also a guest of the empire and a Margrave of a kingdom. I don’t know how it is in Rudra, but if I had received such rudeness, I would have drawn my sword as well.”

Wade already knew the cause of the incident, perhaps because more than one or two students had sought him out.

He impressed me with his calmness, not raising his voice even in this absurd situation, but Gwillo once again surprised me with an unimaginably stupid statement.

“Shut up! Even if it costs me my life, I will never kneel and apologize to that lowborn! Step aside now if you don’t want to burn to death!”

“Have you forgotten that you’re in the middle of a duel?! Eldmia Egga has dedicated this duel to the gods of Itisiel! You’re truly putting your life on the line!”

“Since that bastard has staked his life, I’ll take it myself!”


Our friend Gwillo seemed to have lived without knowing that words spoken in a duel are as weighty as an oath.

I hope he’ll be glad to have learned this, even if it’s while dying.

After declaring that he wouldn’t apologize even at the cost of his life, there was nothing more to see.

I quickly closed the distance with Gwillo, avoiding Wade who was trying to intervene between us while saying something, and swung my sword with all my might.

I had some expectations, but as expected, he couldn’t react.


The duel ended with what might have been Wade’s sigh or the sighs of watching students, I couldn’t tell which.

Gwillo’s head, which had soared high into the sky because I deliberately twisted my sword at the moment of beheading, rolled on the ground after falling a while later.


I really wanted to curse him with every swear word imaginable, but since I had to act like a knight from a fairy tale, I ended it with one word and took out a handkerchief from my pocket to wipe my sword.

I wanted to wipe it on his corpse to save the handkerchief, but I decided to endure that as well.

“Is there anything else I need to do, Professor Wade?”

After wiping off the blood and sheathing my sword, I looked at Wade, who shook his head after letting out a long sigh.

“Of course not. It was a legal and sacred duel that took place within the empire. If the Kingdom of Rudra protests, they will face the emperor’s wrath.”

After listening to Gwillo’s nonsensical ranting until just now, hearing the words of a sensible intellectual felt like a huge temperature difference.

Still, satisfied with the answer, I lightly bowed to him and then approached Lagnis, who had been quietly watching all of this with her arms folded.

Probably only I noticed the satisfaction visible in a corner of her seemingly serious and expressionless face.



[Translator Notes]

[T/N: Eldmia is taking the heads of anyone below the IQ of 90]

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Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga

Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga

Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I reincarnated into a fantasy world. Since I somehow got born again, I resolved myself to live diligently once more. But, putting that aside, my entire village burning up and disappearing when I’m 8-year old f*cking crossed the line. f*cking shit-f*cking crossed the line!


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1 month ago

It’s hilarious seeing Eldmia’s thoughts on how he WOULD act if he wasn’t restricted to this title he’s been toting for Lagnis’ sake.

Thanks for the chapters!

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