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I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy – Chapter 47

.。.:✧ Time to Pay for My Sins? - 2✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Yuziro



‘What, what is this?’

Roerte, who almost fell to his knees, barely managed to maintain his balance and stood up.

Firstly, he was shocked by the overwhelming power of her telekinesis.

Secondly, he was shocked by the thought that he, a top student in the intermediate class, was helplessly beaten.

‘This doesn’t make any sense.’

No matter how excellent her family background, or how promising she was said to be, Michelle was currently in the failing class.

Moreover, why was Roerte able to maintain an arrogant attitude in front of Michelle?

It was because Roerte had also witnessed the scene of Michelle being defeated by Hamila that day.

When comparing the Michelle he saw then to himself now, he didn’t think he could possibly lose.

It was natural.

After all, Roerte had diligently followed the learning materials since joining the intermediate class.

This gap should have widened with each passing day.

While Michelle, who had fallen to the failing class, couldn’t have followed any notable educational curriculum at Rahel Academy, Roerte had done so extensively.

‘But what is this?’

He rubbed his solar plexus with his palm, as it was so painful.

The power of Michelle’s telekinesis was on a completely different level from what she had shown in the evaluation battle on Rahel Academy’s entrance ceremony day.

‘How on earth?’

Even if she had consistently practiced on her own, she should have only been able to maintain her skill level.

Therefore, Roerte’s question was simply ‘how?’

Improving one’s skills meant learning something new.

It meant someone was there to guide her.

They said a new professor had joined the failing class, the one who had defeated the demon that invaded the academy.

Could it have been that professor?

“Let’s just think of this as an early magic competition.”

‘I shouldn’t let my guard down.’

That was the extent of his thoughts.

After all, Roerte’s specialty was illusion magic.

No matter how strong the magic used against him, if he could trap a person in his own world, they would have no chance of winning.

“Magic competition? Don’t talk nonsense. We should compare what’s comparable.”


“I’m not beating you up with that kind of resolve, Roerte.”

She was serious.

Do you like violence?

If someone asked Michelle this, she would have shaken her head.

A noble should be able to handle people around them without using violence.

And because they must handle people around them in this way, they set an example to gain trust.

But how could she forgive Roerte? He had disgraced the Meinens family.


And suddenly, that professor’s name came to mind.

Although she didn’t want to admit it, part of the reason Michelle was so angry was clearly because Roerte had belittled the relationship between Adrian and herself.

Why on earth?

Michelle didn’t like Adrian that much either.

So she should have been able to not care whether Roerte said that Adrian disliked Michelle or not.

But she couldn’t. She was currently so enraged that she wanted to use violence as an end, not a means.

“If you have anything to say, say it all now.”

“Why? What are you going to do? Kill me?”

“I’m not that merciful.”

Michelle shook her head.


“You’ll feel that living and attending the academy is more painful. I told you clearly, didn’t I? That I’d make you take responsibility for your actions.”

“How arrogant.”

Unable to bear it anymore, Roerte began to draw a magical formula in the air.

If it was a fight that had to happen anyway, there was no reason to hesitate.

‘She thinks she’ll win no matter what.’

Why is illusion called illusion?

It’s an illusion because it shows people hallucinations and deceives them.

No matter how strong one is, the results vary greatly depending on how that strength is wielded.

Therefore, in magical competitions or the academy’s all-out magical battles, victories being overturned due to illusions was quite a common occurrence.

So if Michelle’s power was strong, he just needed to use that against her properly.

Roerte would just have to happily observe Michelle being annihilated by her own powerful strength.

However, Michelle frowned.


At the same time, one sphere struck Roerte’s ankle.

When a magician’s physical balance is disrupted, it’s natural for the magical formula they were drawing to lose its form.

“Ugh! Wh-what!”

Roerte tried to dodge all around, but he struggled to maintain his balance while trying to draw the formula for an illusion spell.

But Michelle leisurely just wiggled her fingers.

“What are you…”


The sphere hit Roerte’s ankle once again.


Bang! This time the sphere hit Roerte’s stomach.

“It’s too obvious. And you’re too slow.”


Just as the staggering Roerte was trying to plant his feet on the ground, Michelle’s sphere sneakily slipped under his foot.

What would happen if the foot trying to step on the ground stepped on a round and smooth sphere instead?

The results were obvious.

Roerte lost his balance spectacularly and fell to the ground.

“What… exactly are you?”

The illusion that Roerte had been practicing to death until now, ‘Mirror World’, took only 3 seconds to draw the formula and activate.

To be more precise, about 2.8 seconds.

But Michelle was drawing formulas to control the orbit and power of the spheres in even less time than that.

Of course, Roerte had seen with his own eyes that an acceleration formula was overlaid on top of it.

But that was easy to say.

Was it really that easy to shorten the speed and orbit, that need to be adjusted differently each time to the 2-second range when you actually try it?

It was impossible.

The acceleration formula, she didn’t use it at all during the entrance exam evaluation battle.

If there was one regrettable point, it was that Roerte wasn’t given much time to be surprised.


Two spheres burrowed into Roerte’s uniform top.


And then they suddenly accelerated like crazy.

His body was pushed back all at once, and he almost died from a broken neck.

When he came to his senses, the distance between him and Michelle had widened tremendously.

The spheres inside his jacket were flying very fast, guiding Roerte’s body towards the wall.

“What… what is this.”

There wasn’t even time to say stop.

It was when Michelle almost looked like a dot.

As if to make him clearly understand what had happened, a wave of reality washed over him.



At that moment, his back and the back of his head hit the wall.

Without realizing it, his nose burst with blood.

“Ugh… uuugh…”

It was hard enough trying not to lose consciousness, but the spheres that had cunningly burrowed between his skin and clothes started flying again.

They finally dragged him all the way back to Michelle’s front.


His head was spinning.

He hadn’t prepared at all, thinking that a magic competition against the failing class didn’t even need preparation.

However, he had made numerous efforts to achieve results in Rahel Academy’s all-out magical battle.

This also meant that he had engaged in many agreed-upon magical battles with his classmates.

But throughout all those processes, he had never been so utterly defeated.

He had never been in so much pain either.

“Don’t exaggerate.”

“It’s not exagger… mmph!”

‘It’s not an exaggeration, it really hurts.’

Roerte, who was about to say this reflexively, covered his mouth with his hand.

However, Michelle had already understood what he was trying to say.

She smirked.

“I see. So this is all the intermediate class is capable of.”

“What did you say…!”

‘Who are you to talk, failing class student?’

He wanted to add that, but he couldn’t.

Because the moment he would add that, it would be like admitting, ‘I was one-sidedly defeated by a failing class student.’

“What… exactly did you do? How did this happen?”

In the end, Roerte asked out of pure curiosity, even setting aside that this was a battle situation.

“Exactly what you saw.”

Swish, Michelle swept her hair, which reached her shoulders, with her telekinetic power.

“I accelerated my magic. So that my formula would be drawn faster than your formula.”

“Th-that’s nonsense. That’s not something you can learn through self-study. Moreover, it’s not something that can be taught at the failing class professor level!”

“That was true for the previous professors. But the professor who came this time is a bit strange.”

He’s quite extraordinary, you know.

Even though he has a record of raping me.

Roerte’s eyes widened.

The ‘what if’ he had been thinking about was already becoming reality.

“Then… are you saying you’ve been consistently learning things in the failing class? It hasn’t been long since the failing class professor changed! Are you saying you’ve grown enough to beat us, the intermediate class, in such a short time?”


“Lie… is it not a lie?”

“It’s true. Thanks to him, every day was like hell. Right, guys?”

When the girl turned around, the other failing class students nodded repeatedly.

And seeing this, Roerte wore a dejected expression.

He had underestimated his opponent too much.

He had also been too arrogant.

Recently, he got called the ace of the intermediate class by everyone, which made him feel like he owned the world.

He now had to admit that he had been acting extremely arrogantly.

“I admit it.”

Finally, Roerte hung his head low.

“And I sincerely apologize. I didn’t know my place.”

“That’s right. You don’t know your place.”

“Without realizing it, I thought it was okay to treat the failing class kids like trash. Moreover, I didn’t think that the failing class kids would make an effort, even while going through hellish days.”

“I’m glad you understand.”

And with that, the conversation was over.

Or was it not over?

Looking like he was crucified due to the spheres inside his clothes, Roerte was still floating in the air.

He made eye contact with Michelle just in case, but Michelle didn’t seem to have any intention of letting him down.



“When will you let me down?”

“Why should I let you down?”


Roerte tilted his head.

“I just apologized…”

“I don’t accept it.”


“And that apology just now, you didn’t say it sincerely, did you?”

“N-no, I did. So now you can let me down…”

“If it was a sincere reflection and apology, you should quietly take whatever beating I give you, no matter how much more I hit you.”


He had nothing to say.

Because it wasn’t wrong.

And besides from him having nothing to say, it was chilling.

Was she really going to hit him more?

If he got hit even a little more, he felt like he would die.

“Uh… uh…?”

His body flipped.

Michelle used her telekinetic power to hang Roerte upside down in the air.

Tap, tap—

The sound of the proud noble girl’s flat shoes echoed.

Although it was irregular due to her limping, nevertheless, the girl walked haughtily.

Finally, at the moment she walked up to the upside-down Roerte’s nose,

Michelle poked Roerte’s forehead with her index finger.

“You fool who doesn’t know your place. From today, that’s your name. Got it?”

What should I do?

Am I going to be beaten until I die from now on?

I don’t even want to imagine getting hit by that sphere again.

The ankle that was hit earlier can’t even move now!

At that moment, as Roerte was sweating profusely with a pale face,


Lotten, who was about to push up his glasses, burst into laughter unable to hold it in.

“Wow… Michelle. It feels different when you say it~”

“When the professor said it, it was really cool.”

Isabel and Charlotte also added a word each.

This really wasn’t helping.

Not at all.

“…This is why I hate group activities.”

The telekinetic girl’s face slightly reddened.

Roerte, not understanding the situation, was only more terrified.



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I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy

I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy

Score 9.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
"I quit." After waiting a hundred years, I finally quit being an executive of the demon world. In a world where even the protagonist, the heroine, and the named NPCs are fated to die, a world where a bad ending is inevitable. I became a professor who teaches them.


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1 month ago

The rape remark is really stupid 🙄

Reply to  AthalosJ
23 days ago

It is what it is

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not work with dark mode