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I Kidnapped the Hero Party – Chapter 2

.。.:✧ Today, I Kidnapped the Hero. No, Maybe It Was Yesterday (2) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX



What should she do?

She’s been kidnapped…

“Excuse me. Is anyone nearby~?”

The Hero.

Luna Lunasia.

She raised her voice to call for help.

It was because the kidnapper said he was going out somewhere for a bit.

“Hello-! Is anyone around here-! Anyone-!”

Could it be that there was a magical device installed…?

The windows didn’t open, and the door didn’t budge.

It seemed this room was equipped with a magical device.

On one hand, it was fortunate that there was a bathroom.

Hero Luna realized that she couldn’t escape.

“Why, why is this happening to me…”

Quick to grasp the situation, she sat on a chair.

Then, she slumped over the desk.

It was because the tension had left her body.

“Kidnapped… I’ve been kidnapped…”

She was just an ordinary villager A who came up from the countryside.

Someone with slightly unique hair and eye color.

Such an insignificant person…

“As if I’m the Hero…”

He must have mistaken me for someone else.

However, that person didn’t seem to have made a mistake at all.

He acted and spoke as if she was definitely the Hero.

“He’s not even a prophet, how is that possible- More importantly, I’m definitely not the Hero…”


What’s the point of thinking more about it?

That person had no intention of letting her go…

Luna grasped the current situation and, in order to conserve her strength, stopped thinking further.

Then, her emotions flowed out like a waterfall, and tears began to fall from her eyes.

“Sob.. What, what’s going to happen to me.. Sob..”

Would she be subjected to violent acts like in the books?

Or would she become dinner and enter that person’s stomach?

He said he wouldn’t touch her.

But, Luna couldn’t trust those words from her kidnapper at all.

“That, that’s probably to give me despair.. Sob.. Giving me hope.. then taking it away.. Evil person.. Sob..”


He didn’t seem like someone who would lie…

She just couldn’t believe he won’t touch her at all…

Kidnapping and not doing anything.

If you were in the kidnapped position, would you believe those words?

“I’d rather trust a cat at a fish store..”

Every action had a purpose.

However, the kidnapper’s actions didn’t seem to have any particular purpose.

If you kidnapped someone you wanted something from them!

Like wanting money or wanting their body.

It was natural to want something from the kidnapped person.

There had to be a purpose to kidnap someone.

“But… that man… has nothing at all…”

There was no purpose to his actions.

Wasn’t that a truly crazy person?

Could it be that he kidnapped me just because he was bored?

They were actions that the Hero’s mind couldn’t understand at all.

She stopped her flowing tears and lifted her body from the desk.

“Still, still.. It’s too early to give up hope…”

If I keep waiting and living, someone will come to save me.

Someday, I’ll be able to escape from here.

With that thought, the Hero regained her composure.

Her blue eyes that had been shedding tears regained their reason.

“..Someone will come to save me! Until then… I’ll maintain my sanity and endure…!”

She absolutely wouldn’t succumb!

To that crazy man’s hands!


Hero Luna clenched her fist tightly as if saying she wouldn’t lose.

…Still, being alone was so very lonely.



What is it?

“My ears feel a bit itchy..”

Was someone cursing him?

Well, there were plenty of people who would curse him.

It had been 10 years since he fell into this other world afterall.

If he thought about the things he’d done during that time, there would be about a truckload of people who disliked him.

“An adventurer doesn’t always have only good things happen.”

If there were only good requests on the bulletin board, anyone would become an adventurer.

The requests that fall to me, discriminated against as a foreigner of this world, are only trashy requests with unpleasant processes or results.

To establish himself as a novice adventurer, he carried out such requests, and even now, he still occasionally received such requests.

“Those dirty racist bastards.”

It was all because of the goddess.

The goddess who dropped me into this other world.

He stood in front of a small door in a dark alley.

‘Minerva’s Library.’

A sign with those words was written not in the language of this world, but in Korean.

As usual, he opened that door and entered.

Inside, a vast library unfolded.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that it contained all the books in this world.


“At first glance, it was beautiful, but now it’s a bit unimpressive. Inefficient too.”

Is it because I’ve come here too often?

Thinking of it as a bookworm’s space, he didn’t feel any particular emotion.

He walked towards the inner part of the library.

“Hoot- Hoot-”

“Oh, yeah. I’m here. Mieng-ie.”

“Hoot-! Hoot-!”

Librarian Minerva’s owl.

Shortened to Mieng-ie.

Passing by the bird-brain who got angry when called by a nickname, he approached the bookworm deep inside.

A cute-looking little girl wearing round glasses and a beret on her head sat there.

As usual, she was sitting on a wooden rocking chair, reading a book.

“…What are you reading?”

“The story of human Lee Jun-woo. This never gets old no matter how many times I read it.”

The goddess.


The very person who summoned me to this other world.

Even though I had arrived, she didn’t seem to have any intention of taking her eyes off the book.

He squeezed his hand between the books.

“Stop reading. Is it fun to read someone else’s dark history?”

“Ah, move. This is an important part.”

“You’ve read it more than 10 times already. Can’t you stop now?”

“Why, it has a different flavor each time I read it. Jun-woo. How did you feel at this point?”

“…I’m still not getting through to you.”

I checked the content of the book Minerva was holding.


“Your elementary school days are as interesting as your early 20s. Admit it.”

“…I told you to stop reading.”

“But why did you confess to the girl next to you? On Pepero Day, while giving her a large Pepero?”

“Stop! Stop talking!”

That perverted goddess who read someone else’s dark history every day.

She was giggling at his angry expression.

“Okaaay, don’t be maaad.”


If only she wasn’t a goddess, I’d beat her up.

I’m holding back…

10 years ago.

From the moment he arrived in this other world until now, she and I had maintained this kind of relationship.

A relationship where she always read his story through books, laughed, and picked it apart.

She had a lot of interest in the world called Earth, and she satisfied that excessive curiosity through the past of a person like me.

The biggest problem was that she ‘peeped’ on me to satisfy her curiosity.

His dark history was no longer just his own.

More than that…


“Hmm? What?”

“Don’t pretend you don’t know. The reason I came here. You know it well, right?”

“Hmm, I don’t really know..”

“That problem. And the answer sheet. What were you thinking when you made it? It went too far. Telling me to kidnap the Hero.”

Usually, Minerva played minor pranks with her problems.

But she didn’t joke around with serious matters.

Especially when it came to life-threatening situations, absolutely not.

“I think the prank of kidnapping the future Hero crossed the line. To be honest, was there any other choice besides kidnapping? It doesn’t make sense to unconditionally kidnap her.”

“Wait, wait! Don’t be angry… It’s scary…”

“Then, explain it to me properly. Why did I have to kidnap the Hero?”


To intimidate her, he slammed her desk with his fist.

The sound of the bird-brain’s angry flapping could be heard from far away, but that wasn’t very important.

“You’ll have to properly explain the connection between not kidnapping the Hero and my life.”

“Ah, alright.. Wait, wait.. I’m not good at explaining.. Let’s see.. Ah! Look, look at this! Then you’ll understand!”

Minerva took a book from the bookshelf.

Lee Jun-woo’s Death, Volume 83.

A brand new edition that came out today.

He took the book from her and read it on the spot.


Tick. Tock.

The sound of a clock echoed in the library as he focused on the book.

Lee Jun-woo’s Death series, which contained the answers related to his death.

While reading the fresh Volume 83, he skimmed through the reasons for his deaths one by one.

His deaths were neatly organized from reason to conclusion.

To avoid losing his life by mistake, he always made sure to check the new volumes as soon as they came out.

After reading all of Volume 83, I closed the book cleanly.


‘…This is the truth.’


All the choices that didn’t involve kidnapping the Hero were leading me to ‘death.’

He patted Minerva’s head as he calmed his anger.

“…I’m sorry for getting angry. You’re right. If I don’t kidnap the Hero. I die.”

“That, that’s what I’ve been saying..! Sheesh..! You don’t understand the question maker’s intentions! Jun-woo, you get a 0! You’re a student with a 0!”

He failed to grasp the question maker’s intent.

Certainly, in that aspect, he was indeed a student with a 0.

According to Minerva’s problem, if I don’t kidnap the Hero, I will die in the distant future.

The reason was…

“Those ‘Grimoire’ guys know the Hero’s identity.”

“Right! They also know that the Hero is weak.”


The human organization that followed the ‘Demon Lord’s’ whom the Hero must defeat.

For some reason, they knew about the existence of the Hero, which hadn’t been announced to the world.

And with that information, Grimoire kidnaps the Hero.

Then, using black magic, they brainwash the Hero and take away her mind.

‘Their purpose is the goddess.’

To kill the goddess.

To bring destruction to the world.

They brainwash the Hero and have her kill me, Minerva’s ‘apostle.’

All of his deaths recorded in the book were caused by the Hero.

“If I hadn’t kidnapped… The Hero would have been kidnapped by Grimoire.”

“When the Hero is kidnapped, there isn’t a single way for Jun-woo to survive. You would definitely die~”

“So kidnapping was… Then, how long do I have to keep the Hero with me?”

“Until the Hero can stand on her own. She need to be able to defeat Grimoire by herself. She’ll have to gather the Hero’s party too.”

He nodded at Minerva’s words for the first time in a while.

It made sense.

Currently, the Hero was too fragile, and if he let her out like this, she would certainly be kidnapped by those Grimoire bastards.

Until the Hero became stronger, a safe space was needed, and that place was his house.

Minerva shrugged and pressured me.

“Yes! I didn’t do anything wrong! I made the question properly! Apologize to me right now!”

“Okay, I’m sorry. But if you hadn’t played pranks usually, wouldn’t it have been fine?”

“Wh, what?!”

“If you had properly built trust, I wouldn’t have doubted you or gotten angry…”

“Wh, when you say it like that.. I have nothing to say..”

Minerva shrank back again.

Although she had the immense task of being a goddess.

To be honest, she wasn’t very goddess-like at all.

If he were a believer who followed her, he probably would have defected to another religion.

Believers shouldn’t know, no, they must not know Minerva’s true nature.


“Me kidnapping the Hero was the correct answer. I came to confirm that. I was also wondering how long I should confine her.”

“Hmm, is that so? Is it really fortunate…”

“…Is there something more?”

“No, well. Just because~”

There was something.

But she had no intention of telling me.

The Lee Jun-woo’s Future series that only Minerva could read.

Having read that, Minerva giggled as if teasing me.

She couldn’t directly tell me about the future, so she answered with laughter instead.

“…Then, I’m going. Don’t read too much and go to bed early.”

“Okay~ Got it! Before that, one last thing Jun-woo!”


“Anyway! Thank you for taking responsibility and opening the Hero party’s adventure!”

“…What are you saying? I never took responsibility for that.”

He was only planning to keep her until the Hero can face Grimoire.

What was she talking about?

The Hero’s adventure will start not now, but after some growth has been achieved and her confinement ends.

Until then, he planned to take responsibility for the Hero’s safety.

‘If the Hero becomes corrupted and this world is ruined, I won’t have a reason to be here anymore…’

Until he returned to Korea.

This world had to function properly.

Through the existence called the Hero.

Leaving behind Minerva’s voice mixed with laughter, I left the library.

“Hoot-! Hoot-!”

“What, dude.”

Ignoring the angry owl.

Going outside, it was evening.

The sun had set and darkness had arrived.

“Already, the time…”

I need to go back quickly.

Like that, he walked towards his home without any suspicion.

That moment when more people would be added and he would have to change houses.

Without doubting the goddess’s final words that he would take responsibility for the ‘party’ of the Hero’s adventure…



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I Kidnapped the Hero Party

I Kidnapped the Hero Party

Score 9.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
A hero party consists of a hero, a thief, a mage, and a saintess. I must kidnap that hero party. If I don't kidnap them, I will die.


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Johnson ponraj
1 month ago

Yes he will babysitting for heroine party

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not work with dark mode