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I Became an Outcast the Martial Arts Masters are Obsessed With – Chapter 8

.。.:✧ Regarding a Second-rate Warrior Being Obsessed Over by All Outcasts (1) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: TushChen



“I heard Yeo Il-ye has become the leader of the Ten Prodigies this time.”

“She defeated Hyeok Gi-rin? That’s impressive. Wasn’t Hyeok Gi-rin one of the most renowned disciples in the world?”

In fact, I had such thoughts.

Could it be that Yeo Il-ye gave me the gratitude plaque to torment me to death?

She had already seen through the fact that I would be tormented by the outcasts in this Outcast Inn and die from it.

Martial artists’ obsession with enlightenment is as intense as bald people’s obsession with hair and middle-aged men’s obsession with virility.

In the face of the topic of enlightenment, the reason martial artists become more insignificant than a piece of paper.

What is enlightenment?

It was like a mirage that couldn’t be grasped no matter how hard one tried.

In fact, it might be expected rather than abnormal for martial artists to go crazy over enlightenment.

Because among hundreds of thousands and millions of martial principles, the enlightenment ordained by the heavens is only one.

That’s why martial artists do all sorts of things to attain enlightenment in the martial world.

Getting a scalp massage under a waterfall is common.

Some even crazy bastards scatter their wealth and disappear, saying they are emptying their minds and cutting ties with the secular world, abandoning their hourglass-figured virtuous wives and rabbit-like daughters.

The obsession of martial artists towards enlightenment is truly the epitome of irrationality, lacking only the word madness to describe it.

Yes, thanks to that madness, my daily life was completely shattered.

“Brother Ho! Oh, how can you start the morning weakly with only noodles! Here are some dumplings, have them together!”

“Here! Add one Five Spice Pork!”

“No, what’s with you guys in the morning… Just leave it.”

“Oh! How can a man start the morning so weakly? How will you receive inspiration like this!”

“We’re just purely worried about your head, no, about you.”

My appetite plummeted vertically when two guys who might as well have “Please give me enlightenment” written on their foreheads sent me sparkling gazes.

Whale Sword Yeo Jin-sang and Crescent Blade Jeong Sam could be called my colleagues.

We had built a friendship as we became Sacheon outcasts around the same time at similar ages.

In fact, they were the two people who knew Hocheon An the best in this Outcast Inn.

“Please, why are you guys doing this for real! Hey, aren’t you guys not supposed to do this? You started as outcasts with me, and what are you doing now!”

The rumors circulating in this Outcast Inn were that I was a retired old master who had lost my martial arts in the past.

Perhaps I was an immortal who could read the heavenly principles or any setting that made me seem somewhat impressive.

Someone said I was a regressor from the future, someone said I was a sword god in my previous life, and someone said I was possessed by Manpakja, so please, can someone organize the setting book and distribute it?

Don’t just keep it to yourselves, you sons of bitches!

There was a reason why the outcasts were going wild.

After Yeo Il-ye had stormed out of the Outcast Inn, she was shattering all of Sacheon and exuding her might as a transcendent master.

It’s funny to call a peak master ordinary.

Still, Yeo Il-ye, who had been an ordinary peak master, was continuously crushing peak and transcendent masters day after day.

Every time they witnessed her exploits, the faces of the outcasts looking at me were convinced that ‘that bastard is an enlightenment pouch.’

The number of outcasts surveilling my every move, hoping to pick up something, snowballed.

They go ‘Whoa!’ when I pick my nose and ‘Indeed!’ when I pick up chopsticks, driving me crazy.

Above all, what happened last night was the problem.

While tossing and turning in bed all night due to excessive stress-induced insomnia, I felt something strange, so I looked under the bed and made direct eye contact with a guy hiding there.

He said he was lying in ambush in case I let out some martial principle in my sleep.

It sent shivers down my spine, making me wonder how to deal with this situation.

After losing sleep and getting up, I glumly forced down my breakfast when these guys came here after picking up some rumors from somewhere.

“Sigh, okay, since we’ve done a few requests together… I’ll teach you guys a move. Get up.”

The two guys stood up with eyes full of anticipation.

“Turn around.”


Yeo Jin-sang’s words trailed off as if he had doubts.

Still, I, Hocheon An, who had mastered gambling skills, couldn’t let these two stupid first-rate warriors escape from my Hell Wind Buttock Subduing Kick Technique.

I even activated my gambling skills to create a solemn atmosphere and lowered my voice.

“Oh, to attain enlightenment, you must first have the qualifications. I’ll teach you an exercise to clear your mind. First, raise both hands high.”

“Ah, got it.”

“Stay like that and bend alllll the way down… Yeah, below the waist.”

When the two bastards were making a ㄱ shape with their entire bodies, I kicked their asses.

Caught completely off guard, the two guys rolled on the floor, clutching their butts.

“Enlightenment my ass. You guys really shouldn’t do this.”

“You son of a bitch who needs to be fried in this sewage water! Hey! Pay back the silver you borrowed right now!”

“Don’t you know you’ll be punished by heaven if you treat your colleague so stingily?!”


They say loving your colleagues is loving your country.

I felt happy seeing my two colleagues rolling on the floor and expressing joy.

Yeah, so what if their heads are a bit dumb and their ears are a bit thin? You should stick with your colleagues.


I heard the sound of someone falling, so I looked in that direction and saw a few outcasts pairing up, assuming the ㄱ pose, and kicking each other’s asses.

No way… Did they imitate it?


I was dumbfounded as I watched the guy who got kicked get up with a doubtful expression, wait for the guy who kicked him to assume the ㄱ pose, and then kick him back.

As I stared blankly, at a loss for words, the outcasts continuously kicked or kicked, felt my gaze, made awkward eye contact and slyly disappeared.

I couldn’t laugh anymore.

We had already reached dangerous levels of stupidity.



Regarding information organizations in the martial world, Gae-bang and Hao-mun come to mind.

However, widely known information organizations can exist because they have the means to protect themselves.

However, there is a limit to an organization’s capabilities.

The fact that Gae-bang and Hao-mun exposed themselves while protecting themselves with martial arts and numbers also meant that they needed to be more specialized in a single topic of information.

Even if they focused solely on information, it would be complex to be called the best under the heavens, so how could those mongrels claim to be the best information organization under the heavens.

It was ridiculous.

A woman wearing a veil, using the pouring moonlight as a lamp, read the report.

Yeo Il-ye’s actions were currently stirring up this Sacheon.

Although she was one of the Ten Prodigies, the fact that she belonged to them proved that she was not yet ripe.

Greenhorns had to rely on the faction’s reputation.

Lacking their solid reputation, they ultimately filled that lacking part with the faction’s power.

Such a Yeo Il-ye had risen to the transcendent realm instantly and became a new star of the martial world.

Despite her young age, Yeo Il-ye, who had already surpassed disciples and was acknowledged as a proper master, even defeating the new star Hyeok Gi-rin, had actively begun tracing her past.

Had she decided to stop tormenting the poor outcasts?

“A bloody storm will blow through Sacheon.”

After Yeo Il-ye’s family was all burned to death, she was taken in by an acquaintance.

She entered the embrace of the Jeomchang Faction.

Those who had knocked on the threshold of the Nine Great Sects would have naturally tilted their heads at this point.

How easy is it to enter one of the Nine Great Sects?

But a child from an exterminated mountain villa just entered one of the Nine Great Sects led by an ‘acquaintance’?

The Yeo-ga Mountain Villa was a wealthy villa with that level of influence.

What would have happened to those who ‘coincidentally’ got an opportunity to be hired as ‘outcasts’ in such a wealthy mountain villa, ‘unintentionally’ killed all the family members and warriors, set fire, and disappeared ‘without a trace’?

It would be a reasonable inference to say that they had used that considerable sum of money to establish themselves somewhere.

Would those who committed such a meticulous crime have stayed still with that huge sum of money?

They must have used that money to establish themselves somewhere.

Several individuals came to the woman’s mind.

Even if only the people who came to her mind now were involved, a deep, bloody storm would blow through Sacheon.

However, a typical revenge story was not of interest to the woman.

What piqued the woman’s interest was not Yeo Il-ye but a particular outcast.

Sacheon outcasts wore black hats, covered their faces, and solved requests anonymously without revealing their names.

But how can a person completely erase their traces while living?

Unless multiple people helped completely erase that person’s traces, it was impossible to live like a human without leaving traces.

It wasn’t difficult for a woman from an information organization that could genuinely claim to be the best under the heavens to dig up an outcast’s personal information.

“Hocheon An.”

The Supreme God created three spiritual beasts: a tiger, a dragon, and a bear to benefit humans and make their potential blossom.

However, when the three spiritual beasts, who were ordered to take care of humans, were lazy and neglected humans, he became enraged.

Thinking that their arrogant nature had already reached their bones and could not be reversed, the Supreme God punished them by plucking out their eyes.

He made treasures with those eyes to give to humans.

The Dragon’s Eye sees through human techniques and learns martial arts.

The Bear’s Eye discerns the limits of the human body.

The Tiger’s Eye sees the enlightenment engraved in the human soul.

The woman did not believe the world’s secret treasure, the Tiger’s Eye, existed.

However, wasn’t it too meaningful that an outcast named ‘Hocheon An’ had provided the martial principles that instantly raised Yeo Il-ye, who had been at the peak realm, to the transcendent realm?

‘I’m curious.’

Is this Hocheon An truly someone who possesses the secret treasure called the Tiger’s Eye?

Or does he have an ability similar to that secret treasure?

Or is it a coincidence of coincidences, a mere joke of the heavens?

I’m so curious.

As someone who dealt with information, the urge to discern the truth was no different from a man’s feelings when faced with a peerless beauty.

She licked her lips with a burning thirst.

They say curiosity killed the cat.

As always, she willingly chose to be the cat.



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I Became an Outcast the Martial Arts Masters are Obsessed With

I Became an Outcast the Martial Arts Masters are Obsessed With

Score 9.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I became Ho Cheon-an, a second-rate warrior in the martial arts game [Murim Cheonha]. To survive, I had no choice but to give enlightenment. Martial arts masters began to obsess over me. In Murim Cheonha, where fame means difficulty, getting attention meant death. Please go away. Please, let me live.


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23 days ago

idiots indeed

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not work with dark mode