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A War Hero With No Regrets – Chapter 69

.。.:✧ The Abyss (1) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX



“Director, the transport carrying the Holy Cross Brigade has just departed for the Republic of Bostania.”


Werner Grimm, who was reviewing documents in his office, nodded his head.

In the end, they really left.

And with Heinz Bismarck as the commander.

It wasn’t that he was worried about Heinz.

He was a strong soldier.

Although he always seemed infinitely lighthearted, it was a composure stemming from his confidence in himself.

As much as President Mikhail Bismarck had a keen eye for talent, it was certain that Heinz would demonstrate his unique abilities there without restraint.

‘Rather, it’s better this way.’

If that was the case, there was no need to worry about Heinz for now.

If the reason Charlotte detonated a nuclear bomb in the middle of Saint Francis was to eradicate the Titans sleeping in the city, she wouldn’t be returning to the Empire for at least a few months.

During that time, Werner intended to make all of the preparations to bring down that lunatic President.

Do everything possible and if it doesn’t work, start over.

Maybe that would be an easier path.

Even if he had to start over from the beginning again.

Even if he had to return to the graveyard that he could only miss now.

If he started again, he might be able to achieve a better outcome in the next cycle.

While more thoroughly checking Akasha to prevent them from regaining their memories.

Unlike this cycle, which had been driven to a catastrophe, he might be able to maintain a more amicable relationship.

In the end, the fact that they realized the past and that he regretted it and became a recluse was a result stemming from his own self-righteousness.

If only the President hadn’t done anything strange, Werner would have committed suicide long ago.

To make Lea, Charlotte, and Arwen never remember him again.

Now it was time to forget the past and soar towards the bright future of the Empire that he had arranged.

‘There are still many things to resolve.’

However, he still had a long way to go to escape that duty.

“So John, how’s the thing I told you about progressing?”

“We are definitely providing support funds to various veterans’ organizations. Not only the Disabled Veterans Association that you have been supporting, Director.”

Werner nodded at Lieutenant Colonel John Hobbes’ words.

Eagle’s Nest.

Even if the former war heroes, led by Supreme Commander Arthur Philias, had gathered, their numbers were merely a handful compared to the entire Imperial Army.

There was no need to even go to the President.

The moment the Imperial Army’s military police got involved, they might be arrested and executed on the spot.

It was the same even when simply comparing their forces.

Brigadier General Erwin Staufen was the commander of the 33rd Mechanized Infantry Brigade.

Although they possessed powerful armored forces, including armored vehicles, most of them were obsolete equipment pushed back from the front lines.

Armored vehicles that were pushed to the rear because they were useless in the battle against the Titans.

Compared to modern tanks armed with railguns, they were extremely inferior in both firepower and armor protection.

Moreover, he was a brigade commander.

No matter how well they fought, the maximum available troops he had was around 5,000.

With this, they wouldn’t be able to occupy even a small city, let alone the capital Hoenbaren.

Even Major Generals Dietrich Halder and Gunther Braun were not much different.

Dietrich’s position was the commander of the Imperial Army Training Center.

The commander of the training center overseeing the recruit camp located in Baiberal!

It was a representative position treated as an honorary sinecure in the Imperial Army.

Major General Gunther Braun was the commander of the 103rd Infantry Division, but that was also a reserve division in the rear.

Even though it was a division, its size was smaller than a fully organized infantry brigade.

In the southernmost part of the Empire, they could be said to have some influence, but as soon as they went up to the central region, their rank fell far behind other major generals.

It was the moment when the hero of the north was pushed into the back room.

And needless to say, Brigadier General Mia Bierhoff, the commander of the 3rd Combat Support Brigade.

In the first place, it wasn’t even a combat unit.

It wasn’t for nothing that they themselves referred to it as being “purged”.

Even if they were commanding a unit and had a few stars on their shoulders, their arms and legs had been thoroughly dismantled.

To be honest, even Director Werner Grimm of the Strategic Security Agency was far from threatening the President’s authority.

An independent intelligence unit.

Even though its status had been upgraded to a brigade level, the troops belonging to it were less than a thousand.

They called it the Eagle’s Nest, but it was definitely not a force that could overturn the board right now.

In the end, people were needed.

“And what about the cornerstones?”

“Second Lieutenant Dante Bay is taking care of that. Major Edward Roman is currently stockpiling supplies.”

The number of former soldiers who had lost their place due to the military downsizing that followed the end of the war was truly uncountable.

Some had successfully adapted to society, but most had not.

Those who were left behind usually engaged in veterans’ associations.

It hadn’t even been a full year since the end of the war with the Titans.

In fact, they were more like active-duty soldiers on a long vacation than reservists.

If utilized well, they could definitely be useful for the cause.

Of course, they couldn’t fight bare-handed, so a sufficient amount of weapons and ammunition was needed to arm them.

“Good. I hope everything proceeds smoothly like this.”

“Since Inspector General Arwen usually focuses on high-ranking officers, the field-grade officers in the middle are the only ones in a mess.”

“That’s even better. They won’t stand out to the President’s eyes.”

“An intelligence agency that not only blatantly commits military corruption but also conspires to overthrow the state, it’s not even funny to me while I’m doing it.”

Lieutenant Colonel John Hobbes stuck out his tongue as if he was disgusted and shrugged his shoulders.

Likewise, Werner accepted his words.

“If they come at us like that, we have no choice but to come at them like this.”

There was a saying by a philosopher.

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster.

Of course, it wasn’t a saying that resonated much with Werner.

Werner Grimm.

No, Luthers Edan had already become a monster long ago.

His dark and destructive instincts that had been sleeping in the abyss squirmed.

After all, this wasn’t the first time he had assassinated the President.



Three weeks later.

Arwen was finally able to take a vacation of 4 nights and 5 days.

A vacation she couldn’t take even if she wanted to until now.

If it had been before, she might have rejoiced that she was finally free from the pile of documents, but the reason she took the vacation wasn’t to take a rest.

38 Neudink.

It was to meet Luthers Edan.

-The Graveyard’s win rate was 100%. Although the casualty rate per battle was high, strangely, the number of deaths, not critically wounded, remained at 0 throughout the war. This is an impossible statistic.

-This is the aerial and ground reconnaissance report from the time you mentioned, Inspector General. It is estimated that a group of Titans was actually ambushing at that location. But how did you know that? As far as I know, ground sonars were not installed in the Graveyard Fortress….

-Are you talking about former Commander Luthers Edan…? I have no idea why Brigadier General Arwen is curious about him now. We, the Reconnaissance Battalion members, have completely let go of the memories of that terrible war.

There were many things she wanted to ask.



Had she been blinded and slandered Luthers?

Now that she thought about it, she couldn’t even remember what she resented so much.

For driving her comrades to their deaths?

For nearly killing her with reckless operations?

For committing corruption by embezzling supplies?


They were all just excuses.

She just.

She just didn’t like him.

She was indignant that such a person was her superior and that she had to live under his shadow.

But it was too late to regret it now.

Arwen had taken away all the honors of war hero Luthers Edan with her own hands.

Even if she tried to attach those excuses, the fact that she had arbitrarily judged and condemned others wouldn’t fade.

In the end, the best thing Arwen could do was to find Luthers Edan, the person involved, and have a sincere conversation with him.

If the whole truth came out, she would sincerely apologize then.

That’s what Arwen thought.

But 38 Neudink, which she had painstakingly found, was quite different from Arwen’s expectations.

She thought it was the address of a street in the city, but it was a small cabin located far from the city center.

A cabin abandoned on a gently sloping hill.

Arwen paced in front of the cabin for a while, then cleared her throat and knocked on the door.

“…Is anyone inside?”

But there was no answer.

She knocked on the door again, but there was still no response from inside.

There were no windows in the cabin, so she couldn’t even tell what was inside.

In the end, Arwen slowly opened the tightly closed wooden door.

“Excuse me….”

Fortunately, there was no one inside.

Did he go out somewhere?

She arrived before 1 PM after driving almost all night, so it was quite possible that he was out and about.

However, it didn’t take long for Arwen to realize that there was something strange about that cabin.

“There’s too much dust piled up? There’s no trace of someone living here at all… And this is….”

Arwen’s green eyes widened.

“What the hell is this?”

An elevator placed in a corner of the cabin that had only the most basic furniture.

As she brought her hand to the button as if possessed, the elevator, which had been motionless, was suddenly powered on.

[Verifying contact identity… Complete]

[Deactivating dormant state]

[1st-grade authorized personnel: Deputy Commander Arwen Orka, Colonel]

[Welcome to the Last Shelter.]

[Please fulfill your duty until the end of humanity.]



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A War Hero With No Regrets

A War Hero With No Regrets

Score 9.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
A victory earned after forty regressions. It was now my turn to leave their side. Not by anyone else's will, but by my own.


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1 month ago

Wow 🤬🤬🤬😡😡She just didn’t like him.

Man now she is pure evil. She and that president are in the same line now

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