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The Necromancer Who Was Despised – Chapter 38

.。.:✧ Chapter 38 ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


‘This is the best time to let your guard down, so they must have targeted it.’

Of course, Rankbink would know that too. Based on my investigation, he was a knight with a lot of experience.

However, the frustration seemed unavoidable.

Soon, the existence of the pursuers was made known to the entire group, and a subtle tension enveloped us.


“Are all of them combatants?”

“What’s their equipment level?”

“Their equipment varies, but it’s at the level of decent regular soldiers. Moreover, their horses also look much better than ours.”

‘If their horses are superior to ours… This is going to be troublesome.’

Being slower means that even if we try to run away, there’s a high chance of getting caught.

‘It can’t be helped.’

The horses we were riding were pack horses, so they were not suitable for combat and were bound to be slower.

At this rate, it seemed impossible to avoid combat, but the difference in numbers was too great.

Even assuming there were no mana users on their side, we would still be at a disadvantage.

‘They’re not goblins, after all.’

They were intelligent, properly equipped, and if they could move as a group, they would have some level of group combat capability.

Since they were individually riding horses, it was an insult to compare them to goblins.

Moreover, I was in a situation where I couldn’t use black magic if I didn’t want my identity to be discovered.

‘Kayla lacks mobility… Our combat personnel are only one knight, two attendants, Kayla, and myself…’

Although the quality of each individual soldier was high, so we couldn’t be looked down upon, we also had things to protect.

Not just one, but two.

‘The dwarves and… Banis.’

They were clearly our weaknesses.

‘If it were me…’

I would throw some as bait and run away as far as possible.

At least Rankbink’s horse was a proper warhorse, so there was a possibility of escaping with Banis and the dwarves.

The rest would likely die, though.

However, even that was soon revealed to be impossible.

‘…They planned this.’

Another group appeared in front of us.

‘So much for secrecy. The information has already leaked long ago.’

Otherwise, this situation wouldn’t make sense.

We were also in a hurry.

But they blocked the way ahead of us?

It would be impossible if they didn’t know in advance.

Above all, they didn’t have a single horse.

It doesn’t make sense for them to overtake us despite being slower.

Moreover… the terrain was exquisite.

‘They seized the high ground.’

It wasn’t very high, but it was a hilly terrain. We had no choice but to look up at them.

In addition, there were rocks stuck here and there, and the path was narrow.

It was a terrain selection that reduced the advantage of having horses.


Rankbink stopped the group and stepped forward, saying,

“Who are you?”

“Can’t you tell by looking? We’re bandits, bandits.”


The men around laughed loudly as if mocking Rankbink.

“You dare block the procession of a noble? Do you all want to die?”

“Oh my, are you a noble, sir? But what can we do? If everyone dies here, who will know you’re a noble?”

“Teacher! The pursuers from behind…!”

Rikinri called Rankbink “teacher” in a desperate tone and pointed to the rear.

“…Tsk, were they in cahoots?”

“Hahaha. Of course! But for a knight-wannabe, you’re not a complete idiot. Seeing that you noticed the existence of the pursuers.”

“There’s no room for negotiation… is there?”

“You never know. If you hand over the dwarves obediently, we might just let you go?”


Based on their attitude, it didn’t seem like they would let us live at all.

“Rikinri, Canbus.”

“Follow behind. We’re breaking through. Duff!”

“Yes, yes!”

“Move the dwarves to the Young Master’s carriage.”

Duff was a servant and also the coachman driving Banis’s carriage.

He answered quickly and immediately received the dwarves from the servants’ carriage and loaded them into Banis’s carriage.

Agitation was evident on the servants’ faces.

Moving the dwarves meant that they could be abandoned if things went wrong.

However, they couldn’t talk back in this situation.

“You’re thinking of breaking through? That’s absurd.”

The ones blocking us from the front weren’t very numerous.

At most, just over ten. However, they were all equipped with large tower shields, openly indicating that they would just stall for time.


“Protect the Young Master’s carriage. As soon as we break through, get out immediately.”

It was unexpected.

I thought he would entrust the escort to his attendants…

‘Ah, right, we haven’t coordinated before…’

It was natural for him to trust his attendants more in an important moment.

“Heh heh. What a grand dream.”


Rankbink no longer responded to their words.

Instead, he lowered his visor, spurred his horse, and charged towards them.

The two attendants quickly followed behind him.

Rankbink’s two attendants drew spears, while Rankbink drew his sword, and at the same time, a faint aura began to emanate from Rankbink’s sword.

As the three horsemen approached a certain distance, the man who had been provoking Rankbink throughout made a hand signal.

Ping ping ping.

Arrows rained down from the sky.

“This is…!”

Rankbink cried out as if in a predicament.

The arrows flying in weren’t very numerous.

Only five?

However, it was an unexpected attack, and the aim was quite accurate, so they couldn’t help but be startled.

It seemed they had sniped from behind the hill or rocks.

‘…This is getting troublesome.’

The hill terrain already reduced speed, and with the unexpected blow, the speed was completely killed.

Moreover, it became a problem that there was only one proper warhorse.


“Damn it!”

The two attendants abandoned their panicked horses.

That was the problem with untrained horses. In dangerous situations, they panic and become uncontrollable.

It seemed they had intended to clash even if they had to overdo it in order to break through, but their intention was completely foiled by a few arrows.

The two even threw away their spears and drew their swords.

Rankbink regained control of his horse and charged at them again, but he couldn’t properly pick up speed due to the concentrated fire.

I glanced behind.

A group was rushing towards us, raising a large cloud of dust.

At the current rate, it seemed they would reach us before we could break through.

“Jimnis, what’s going on?”

At that moment, Banis, who had been quietly sitting inside the carriage, spoke to me.

It wasn’t the precocious tone from before, but the tone of a boy his age.

“Sir Rankbink is breaking through.”

“…There’s a cloud of dust rising from behind.”

He seemed anxious.

“Once Sir Rankbink breaks through, I will drive the carriage and escape. Don’t worry.”

“…I’ll trust you.”

‘Should I abandon them and flee?’

If I abandoned them and fled, it seemed like everyone here would die anyway.

After running away, if I met up with Athena at the outside house and took out Thea…

‘No, no.’

It would be too much of a waste after everything I had done so far.

Of course, nothing could take precedence over my survival.

If there was really no chance, I wouldn’t hesitate to run away.

Still, it’s not too bad yet.

At least, with Rankbink’s skills based on the information I had gathered so far…


I shouted to the coachmen of the two carriages.

“We’re moving out! Follow immediately!”

I spurred my horse right away, and Kayla followed me at the same time.

Behind us, Banis’s carriage and the carriage carrying the servants started to follow.

There was no fire directed at us.



“Damn it! Captain, Captain! You didn’t say he was this strong!”

“Engage! I said engage! Archer bastards, what are you doing! Aim properly!”

The enemy’s front line collapsed.

Although it was a secret mission, there was a reason for moving with such a small number despite its importance.


It was the basis for me not running away.

‘They said he had a calm personality, but…’

Still, he was a knight who had pioneered. There was no way he lacked aggressiveness.

“Bastards! The opponent is a knight! Didn’t you have that much resolve!”

The man who had been provoking Rankbink seemed to have anticipated the situation and tried to somehow maintain the front line, but…

“Rikinri, Canbus. Don’t let them group together.”

Rankbink wasn’t alone.

Rankbink, who had charged ahead, endured the arrow barrage and cut down a couple of men, and the two attendants who followed blocked the ones trying to regroup.

Even if they were attendants, they were ones who had awakened mana.

Therefore, those bastards couldn’t easily break through even the attendants, and before they knew it, a gap had opened.


Thump thump thump.

Rankbink turned his head as if to call me, but we had already reached close range.


Even through the visor, I could feel Rankbink’s satisfaction with the situation.

“Protect the dwarves and the Young Master with your life!”

As I passed him, those were the words he said to me.

I didn’t answer. But he seemed to like that even more.

Despite all the adversities, Rankbink proved why he was a knight.

However, these weren’t the only enemies.

Ping, ping!

Arrows were aimed and flying towards us.

Kayla nonchalantly deflected the arrows aiming at her from horseback, and I did the same.

However, the problem was the carriages.


The coachman carrying the servants was sniped and fell, and the terrified horses went wild, causing the carriage to overturn.



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The Necromancer Who Was Despised

The Necromancer Who Was Despised

Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
When I opened my eyes, it was the day I first came to this world. ‘What a crap world.’ Power, status, money, connections, talent – I had none of it. Well, talent, I did have. I just discovered it too late. ‘This time, I won’t live like that, for sure.’?”


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