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The Necromancer Who Was Despised – Chapter 32

.。.:✧ Chapter 32 ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


Of course, I knew about the existence of this secret passage as I had used it in the past.

However, I had only used it once, and I had been half-dragged through the underground, so I was lacking a lot of information…

‘This is an opportunity.’

I looked at Disan with a small smile inside.

I focused my attack on Disan.

Although it didn’t seem like it, he was in a slightly drunk state, precariously crossing the line.

Nevertheless, he seemed to think he was keeping the line for tomorrow, but looking at his behavior, it was definitely not the case.

‘Alcohol is the problem, alcohol.’

Indeed, if he truly had a high level of self-control, he wouldn’t be drinking here but training to move up higher.

In the first place, if his usual self-management was that thorough, there would be clear signs, but I didn’t get that feeling from Disan.

Even if one lacks talent, there are definitely parts that can be filled with effort, and a mid-level mercenary is a position that can be reached with sufficient experience and effort.

‘Although it takes quite some time.’

Especially when it comes to procuring equipment, it can be done by saving money through self-control, even if it takes time.

However, no matter how much I offer to buy for him, seeing his behavior here, there was a high possibility that Disan was all talk.

‘Well, he still seemed better than the others.’

At the point where he revealed confidential information to me, it was all the same.

The one who was slightly better than the others was making an even bigger mistake.

I used the half-drunk guys to pour more alcohol into Disan’s mouth and deliberately spent a bit of expensive alcohol to entice him, despite the risk of some loss.

As a result, his eyes became half-dazed, and through him, I was able to learn a lot of information.

‘So, originally that passage was also connected to the lord’s castle?’

However, recently, the condition of the passage connected to the lord’s castle had deteriorated greatly, and at this rate, there was a possibility that the secret passage to the lord’s castle would be blocked.

Yet, there were no technicians skilled enough to fix it.

‘Was it a place made with the help of the Siglen Count’s family?’

If it was a place that ordinary technicians couldn’t easily touch, there was a possibility that dwarves had a hand in it.

Considering that the equipment we recently obtained was dwarven equipment with the help of the Siglen Count’s family, the most likely possibility was indeed the Siglen Count’s family.

‘It seems the Siglen Count’s family didn’t provide additional help in the past…’

This time around, the story had changed a bit.

“But thanks to Sir Jimnis this time, the Siglen Count’s family has a favorable view of Lord Owalan. Because of that, dwarves might come to provide support.”


I wasn’t sure if this was a good thing.

I had planned to find out the exact location of the secret passage and deal with Kuman when the monster wave occurred in the future.

But if the lord, who wasn’t in the original plan, gets involved…

‘If we can handle it, we’ll secure a path that even reaches the lord’s residence…’

Most of the mercenaries hired by the lord were in other villages, but the lord had the knight, the strongest force in the territory.

‘I definitely need to fix Kayla’s leg.’

Moreover, I had to actively utilize the shadow of the soul I obtained this time.

‘It’s going to get busy.’

Through Disan, I was able to find out the exact locations of the entrance and exit of the secret passage.

It’s important to know for sure what you roughly guessed.

I was thinking of finding out myself or through Athena, so that effort was reduced.

‘It’s fortunate that he got drunk well.’

If it didn’t work out, there was the black magic of fascination, but that was too dangerous.

Since there was a knight inside the territory, I was a bit anxious about using black magic. Unless I set up a barrier in advance, I had no intention of carelessly using black magic inside the pioneer castle.

‘The knight’s ability is an unknown factor.’

I had never met him directly, so I didn’t know how skilled he was.

There was also Baldur under Kuman, but he was still very inexperienced, so even if I used black magic far away, he wouldn’t be able to detect it.

Of course, it was an overly sensitive reaction. If it was an ordinary knight, there was no way he could immediately notice black magic being used from this distance.

However, there was always the possibility of the unexpected.

Some people had excellent senses, and when such a person awakened mana, their already sensitive senses were greatly amplified.

Magical energy wasn’t just an ordinary energy but had a conspicuous presence, so there was a slight possibility of detecting it even from afar.

It was better to be constantly vigilant like a wild animal since my survival was at stake.

By the time I had almost extracted the necessary information, Disan was in a state of near unconsciousness, unable to provide any more information.

‘I wonder if he’ll even remember today.’

All five mercenaries had passed out.

Of course, no one had overheard our conversation.

Thanks to Angolf’s consideration, we had secured a corner seat, and Angolf himself and the tavern’s staff were all busy, so they weren’t in a state to overhear our conversation.

Naturally, I had also been vigilant in between, so I could be sure.

‘Even if the knight is sensitive, this is an exception.’

Even if there’s distance, being careful is only for black magic. Unless they’re close by, they can’t overhear this.

“Oh my, they’re all unconscious. Really, if it’s free… Tsk. What should I do with them?”

Angolf, who hadn’t noticed the state of our table due to being busy, approached belatedly and spoke.

“Can you get a room? Just wake them up in the morning. I’ll pay.”

This place was an inn and tavern, so there were empty rooms upstairs, making it easy to find a solution.

“Oh, then I would be grateful.”

“I’ll pay you later. Then, I’ll leave it to you.”

“Thank you!”

Since there were five of them, I had to rent two rooms, so the cost of the meal, alcohol, and rooms amounted to silver coins.

It was an overspend considering it was just for a single meal and alcohol, not equipment, but thinking about the information I obtained this time, honestly, it wouldn’t have been a waste even if gold coins were spent.

I judged that the value of the information I obtained this time was that high.

I dragged my tired body back home and organized my thoughts.

Although my body had become stronger, I had to accompany five grown men in drinking, and since I had to hide my magical energy, I couldn’t do anything, so it was natural to be tired.

It hadn’t been long since I returned from the request.

Actually, I also needed rest at this point.

‘Well, it wasn’t good of me to drink in this situation either.’

Still, I had the excuse of maintaining connections, and as a result, I obtained information that couldn’t be bought even with money, so it turned out to be a good thing.

‘It was definitely the right choice to strengthen connections.’

Based on the information extracted from Disan, I drew a rough sketch.

‘The exit… is not far from the pioneer castle.’

Well, there’s a limit to the length of a secret passage.

Honestly, even if it’s just enough to cross a village, it’s quite long.

It’s hard to imagine how much effort it took to make this alone.

If mishandled, the path in the middle could be blocked, and in the worst case, the entire passage itself could collapse.

‘There are two entrances… The part connecting in the middle has weakened, he said.’

The location of the passage… wasn’t that far from my house.

‘A backdoor, is it possible?’

It wouldn’t be easy to make, but if it’s not a long distance, there was a possibility.

Moreover, it’s not something to maintain for a long time…

Even if we make a hole, our side’s force needs to be at a certain level for it to be meaningful.

I don’t think Athena now is inferior to Athena from the first round.

If she keeps growing like this, she alone would be able to annihilate Kuman’s side, just like in the previous round.

‘The lord’s side… is Kayla, I guess.’

In the end, it depended on my hands.

Although I would provide support, to ensure it, I needed to restore Kayla.

‘I need to find out the knight’s skill level too.’

As much information as possible should be gathered about the person who will become an enemy, an opponent.

The saying “know yourself and your enemy, and you will never lose a battle” exists for a reason.

We need to assess our own strength and find out as much information as possible about the opponent.

‘I have to make good use of what I obtained this time.’

Aside from the shadow of the soul, the staff, and the possibility of Kayla’s recovery that I obtained…

‘The blue roots of Trenelsi… This is so precious that I don’t know if I can obtain it again…’

But I shouldn’t be stingy.

I can’t use it anyway.

I won’t use all three roots for Kayla’s recovery…

‘One… I should feed it to Athena.’

If my calculations are correct, what Kayla needs are two roots.

One root will remain. I was planning to use that for Athena.

Even if you just eat it, it’s effective, but if you refine it and make it into a spirit medicine, the effect is even better.

Fortunately, I knew the combination method.

The blue roots of Trenelsi are relatively common among spirit herbs.

Although it was named that way because it was first discovered in the Trenelsi region, it’s not a spirit herb that only grows there.

It is found in various parts of the continent.

Of course, it’s considered common among spirit herbs. Spirit herbs themselves are very rare.

Still, it’s relatively well-known, so the combination method is quite known.

It’s just that something this old is extremely precious.

The reason I think I might not be able to obtain it again is also because I’m talking about something this old.

By the way, the combination method I have is very efficient.

‘I should tell Athena to focus on mana control training.’

It’s one of the ways to increase the absorption rate of spirit medicine.

The absorption rate varies depending on how well you control mana.

‘Well, the performance of the body is also important.’

How familiar the body is with mana is also somewhat important.

Even if mana control is lacking, if the body is good, the absorption rate is high.

In that regard, Athena’s body is very promising.

‘She definitely has talent.’

I quickly organized my plans to strengthen my teammates.

Of course, the most important thing is for me to become stronger.

‘First… I need to increase the number of permanent undead. Since there’s still space to store them, I just need to create them for now.’

Currently, I can create skeletons and zombies.

Specters needed a bit more preparation.

‘Zombies aren’t bad either. To be honest, if the quality of the material is good, they’re better than skeletons for immediate use.’

If you’re determined, you can draw out a considerable amount of the material’s abilities from when they were alive.

At my current level as a necromancer, it’s already difficult to properly draw out the abilities from when they were alive, let alone producing a single permanent zombie.

Even this is assuming I have the staff I obtained this time.

‘But I’m in my second round.’

That’s why it’s possible.

However, considering the degree of growth, skeletons are better.

They can be developed in more diverse ways.

It’s not impossible for zombies, but zombies tend to develop to extremes…

‘Either draw out the abilities from when they were alive to the fullest or deliberately remodel them to specialize in one aspect.’

Unlike skeletons that slowly but steadily develop while accumulating experience, zombies have low growth potential, and their performance is greatly influenced by the creator’s skills and the quality of the materials.

However, the former is useless if the abilities from when they were alive are weak, and the latter requires a lot of materials.

‘Tsk, I don’t have any decent materials right now… Should I hunt some monsters?’

The level of the monsters around here is low. If we go deeper…

‘It would be dangerous. Especially with the signs of the monster wave…’

I judged that it was better to focus on something certain rather than taking risks now.

‘Since the skeleton receives some of my experience, I should go with the skeleton.’

I also need to create a specter.

Since I got a good material, there was no reason not to make one.

However, I have to procure materials separately…

‘It’s difficult to procure them publicly.’

Since they are materials used blatantly for black magic, I couldn’t procure them publicly.

‘Tsk, it’s going to be tough to make them one by one.’

Still, the quality of the shadow of the soul is good, so even if the materials are a bit lacking, the specter will be completed.

Once completed, the growth of a specter is relatively easy compared to other undead.

‘Ghost legion… No, that’s too far in the future.’

Now was the time to think about the nearer future rather than the distant future.

‘Starting from tomorrow, it’s going to get really busy.’

Still, it was much better than the past where I had no dreams or hopes.



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The Necromancer Who Was Despised

The Necromancer Who Was Despised

Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
When I opened my eyes, it was the day I first came to this world. ‘What a crap world.’ Power, status, money, connections, talent – I had none of it. Well, talent, I did have. I just discovered it too late. ‘This time, I won’t live like that, for sure.’?”


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3 months ago

lol, esse author tem o dom do preenchimento de palavras inuteis , ele consegue repetir a mesma informação varias vezes de forma diferente ‘-‘ , ja to lendo pulando …

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