Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Mod7
The mermaids’ behavior changed drastically once they realized I could swim.
Their gazes were relentless. All six of them, taking turns, watched me intently.
It was unnerving to see their eyes peering at me from the water’s surface. I dreaded making eye contact.
My options within the cave were limited.
I could observe my surroundings, gaze into the water, or dip my fingers and toes into the pool…
“Был минең беренсе тапҡыр ир-атты күрәм, бында (Touching it feels so strange.)”
I was simply an object of their curiosity, surrounded and discussed.
“Ысынлап та сәйер еҫ сыға… (He smells so… erotic.)”
Whenever they had the opportunity, the mermaids climbed onto my territory, poking and prodding me. They were stronger than I expected, and I struggled to maintain my composure.
“Ouch… Th-That hurts… Haha…”
But I couldn’t protest too loudly.
After experiencing their strange behavior firsthand, I had become wary of even their slightest touch.
This only made them giggle. Aria, especially, seemed to find my discomfort amusing. She was usually the one touching me.
She seemed to have a certain privilege. Perhaps, having found and brought me here, she felt a sense of ownership.
But even so,
The mermaids’ social structure was peculiar.
They shared many things.
They shared the fish they caught, adorned each other with flowers, and sang together…
They shared almost everything in this isolated cave. In such a small community, individual ownership seemed irrelevant.
“Хәҙер генә эшләп булмаймы? Ни тиһәң дә, ул хәҙер беҙҙең ғаиләбеҙ. (Can’t we just do it now? He tried to escape. Let’s make him our husband before he tries again.)”
So, even with Aria present, the other mermaids continued to touch me. I couldn’t resist, only managing a strained smile. Any other reaction would likely result in a swift change in their demeanor.
“Ирҙәр ысынлап та булған. Өләсәй алдаша тип уйланым… (Grandma said they couldn’t swim. How can he swim with two separate tails…?)”
…Their touches were overtly sexual.
Even though I was a virgin, I could easily deduce their intense fascination with my body.
They whispered and giggled amongst themselves, staring at my penis. And when it became erect, their reactions became even more pronounced.
Like handling a delicate flower,
They explored and examined me.
“Ah, haha…!”
I felt like I was being tested. They were deliberately provoking a reaction.
I forced a smile, hoping to avoid further displeasure, but the fear bubbling within me made it difficult to maintain my composure.
I wasn’t afraid of sex itself. Dan and Reyes, unlike me, had been quite promiscuous, and I had heard more than my fair share of explicit stories.
But having sex with mermaids, creatures of myth and legend, on an alien planet, required a certain level of mental preparation.
And the skeletal remains I had seen underwater only amplified my fear. A chilling—
“Барығыҙ ҙа юлдан сығып китә алыр инегеҙме? Мин быныһын иң беренсе таптым. Әлбиттә, мин был эште беренсе булып башҡарам. (Can you all move aside? I found him first. So, naturally, I go first.)”
…A chilling premonition.
Aria slowly revealed her upper body.
The dress woven from flowers and leaves, which had modestly covered her from tail to chest, floated on the water’s surface.
“Juho, һиңә лә мине иң яҡшы яратаммы? Мин иң матур ҡатын. (Juho, I’m giving you a chance. Unless you want me to cut off both of those useless tails.)”
Better than being eaten alive.
That thought calmed my fear somewhat. Better than becoming another skeleton at the bottom of the lake.
I had to remain calm.
Resisting or struggling would only worsen my situation. I had no chance of overpowering them anyway.
“Ысынлап та, башҡаса түҙә алмайым тип уйлайым. Тимәк, был ир-ат. (I really can’t hold back anymore… So this is what a male is.)”
So I remained passive,
But even my compliance seemed to amuse them.
One mermaid lay beside me, her lips pressed against my cheek. Not quite a kiss, but a teasing nibble.
Others continued to explore my body, their hands roaming across my legs and torso.
And Aria climbed on top of me.
“Джоохо минең бәпес тәүҙә эшләй. (Let’s see if he can make babies properly.)”
She said something,
But I didn’t understand.
I only felt,
The smooth touch of her sex against mine.
Tight and slick. The mermaids, who spent their days swimming, possessed incredibly strong muscles, from their vaginas to their pelvic floors and abdomens.
Like a human male, Aria straddled me, grinding her hips against mine.
The other mermaids giggled with each thrust, their faces flushed.
With Aria monopolizing me, the others nibbled and licked my arms, waiting for their turn.
Aria claimed my entire front. Soft, sweet breasts, contrasted by animalistic kisses…
“Gasp! Choke…!”
I could barely breathe. I never imagined my first kiss would be like this. Aria practically suffocated me, forcing her strange-tasting saliva into my mouth.
The stimulation was overwhelming for a virgin. I was already close.
Even in this situation,
I couldn’t help but think about what would happen after I ejaculated inside Aria.
Even if they resembled humans, this was a distant alien planet, and we came from entirely different ancestors.
“Был шул тиклем яҡшы тойола. Ғүмер буйы ошо эш менән шөғөлләнергә теләйем. (This feels so good… I want to do this forever.)”
Aria, her innocent yet lustful breasts pressed against me, bucked her hips harder. In the overwhelming sensation of being enveloped, I…
I couldn’t hold back any longer. I came.
Having not touched myself for days while my life was in danger, the amount of thick, white fluid was surprising.
Aria, and the other mermaids,
Gasped, staring at our joined lower bodies.
The mixture of slick, erotic fluids oozed from Aria’s vagina. We all knew what it meant.
Overwhelmed by the scent of a male’s ejaculate, the other mermaids pounced on me. Two of them kissed me at once, covering my face in saliva.
Another relentlessly targeted my nipples, while two others… focused their attention below…
“Cough! W-wait… o-one at a time…”
One of them eagerly sucked on my penis, coated in my and Aria’s fluids. It was painfully intense. Much harder than I had anticipated.
“Ouch! St- gasp-”
I wasn’t even allowed to speak.
As one finished kissing me, another immediately took her place, their tongues invading my mouth, stealing my breath.
Was this even kissing?
They forced their saliva down my throat,
Ravaging my mouth, claiming every drop of moisture.
Their hot breath,
My trembling body,
My hypersensitive penis…
It was all too much. My mind went blank.
All I could see were mermaids.
Four of them, intent on pleasuring themselves with me,
An elderly mermaid watching from afar,
“Өләсәй, ҡойроғоңдо ғына. һындыра алмайһыңмы? (Grandma, he’s perfect for us. Can you make his tail more convenient?)”
And Aria, flushed and excited, boasting to the elder.
She kept glancing at me.
She seemed to have enjoyed it more than expected, her hand clutching her still-heaving chest as she spoke.
“Juho ла күберәк оҡшаясаҡ. Бер ҡойроҡ булһа, яҡшыраҡ йөҙә алаһың. (Juho will like it too. With one tail, he’ll be able to swim better.)”
She mimicked a biting motion.
The elder mermaid frowned, then,
As if giving in to a spoiled grandchild, reluctantly nodded.
Aria, overjoyed, dove into the water,
Swam towards us,
Pushed aside the mermaids who were eagerly sucking on my penis,
And grabbed my ankle.
“Mmm! Mmm! Mmmmmm!”
I knew what this meant.
“Haa-! St- cough! Stop! Aria! Ar-! kiss…”
Aria bit down on my ankle.
What kind of mermaid magic did Aria cast?
TFTC! At least in the middle of Snu Snu they’re not cutting off MC’s “middle tail”