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.。.:✧ Chapter 8 ✧:.。.

The Road to the Capital

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


There were five who became aware of their regression.
Of course, until then, all five firmly believed they alone had regressed to the past, but the first action they needed to take was clear.

Starting with Eileen, the Grand Duchess of the vast Northern Nord Duchy responsible for defending the great northern lands and the Great Wall, and Lassiel, who commanded the southern fleet despite her young age, lording over pirates like a grim reaper.
And including Princess Elena who had already taken action, the rest also headed for the imperial capital without exception.

Weiss County was a sort of small community. To put it simply, everyone knew that although the Chalice family in the village below had six members including Charles, they kept eight forks, including those for guests. It was a remote backwater even by imperial standards, enough to call it a podunk town.

For those of the status of a Grand Duchess, Princess, or Admiral, unless they had a decent pretext like Princess Elena, simply making the journey was unreasonable.

Likewise, for Sylphia and Arwen who had also regressed, it was improbable they could suddenly blend into Weiss County’s small community. As outsiders appearing abruptly, they would undoubtedly draw suspicious gazes.

So the reason they headed for the capital was simple.
It was easiest and quickest to slowly make their future moves from the capital at the heart of the vast Esgelant Empire.
According to their memories of the past, there was little difference between the current point after their regression and when Rudrick, unable to bear the household’s poverty, would head to the capital where his elder and younger sisters lived.

And as they expected…

“My, my.”
Just as when they had arrived, the inspection party used a magic gate on their way back as well.
Although a considerable number including the escorting knights, attendants, and maids, this time Rudrick was among the entourage, laden with luggage bundled into bags.

As if unable to believe the sight, Lady Weiss let out a hollow laugh.

“So the day has finally come for Rudrick to leave us too, dear.”

“I know, right? It feels like just yesterday he was a little babe, and now all three of my children are heading to the capital.”

“But a person needs to play in the big pond, not this tiny estate, no?”

“That’s true, but…”
Lady Weiss trailed off.
In truth, she could not recall a single time Rudrick had ever shown the endearing behavior one expects from a son, whether as a child or now. Instead, he was rather brusque in personality, even more so than a woman, leaving Lady Weiss worried.

Yet this troublesome son was now already twenty years old.
The thought of her fully grown son leaving his parents’ side left Lady Weiss feeling wistful.

‘…I can’t keep him tied to me forever.’
But he was already an adult, a grown son. With that thought, Lady Weiss steeled her heart.
Looked at dispassionately, Rudrick was already well past the age when Lady Weiss herself should have found a suitable match and married into another family. This was just moving up the farewell a bit.

With that in mind, Lady Weiss forced a smile.
It wasn’t as if they would never meet again after parting ways now.

“Rudrick. When you get to the capital, be sure not to act improperly before the Imperial Court Mage.”

“Of course. You know how deferential I am to my elders. I’m from the land of courtesy in the east, after all.”

“Land of courtesy in the east…? What in the…never mind. A leaky pot can’t help but drip outside.”


“…When you’re there, listen well to the mage, eat properly, and let me know anytime you feel unwell. Your father and I will watch over the estate here.”

Having said her piece, Lady Weiss stepped aside. It was now the turn of Weiss County’s lord.

“Rudrick. I won’t beat around the bush since your mother has already said everything. But if you meet a good potential daughter-in-law, be sure to let your old man know first.”

“…Geez, really? Is this the time to be telling me to get married?”

“You’ll understand once you have children of your own someday.”

And with that playful grumbling about how having children ends up being meaningless, the brief goodbyes ended as the teleport magic began activating, soon enveloping the surroundings in a brilliant flash.

In the scene witnessing firsthand the mystical phenomenon of bridging distant spaces, Princess Elena emerged from the formation of escorting knights and subtly addressed Rudrick.

“Is this your first time leaving Weiss County?”

“…I suppose so? I’ve lived here all my life since birth, after all.”

“There’s a saying to send your children to the capital. While it will be quite different from Weiss County…you should have no trouble adapting.”

“Your Highness speaks as if you know me well.”

Rudrick wore a perplexed expression at Elena’s soft murmur. Then, realizing her words could be taken as taunting, she hurriedly added in a clipped tone,

“I meant it sincerely, not as a jibe.”

“…Well, I may not know you well, but I got that impression.”

After a momentary silence, brushing her hair back in an elegant motion, Elena gave a brief response.
A fleeting look of regret passed through her eyes. She was still trapped in the past.
More precisely, she could scarcely believe she was conversing with Rudrick in that very moment, which she would have revisited a hundred, a thousand times if only she could.

As if this moment might vanish like a dream upon waking.
Perhaps that was why…



Unconsciously, Elena’s outstretched hand lightly caressed Rudrick’s head.
The vivid sensation conveyed to her hand that this was not a sad dream from the night before, but reality. Yet the price she paid was Rudrick’s perplexed gaze.

They were practically strangers who had only met a mere four days ago. In the pre-modern class society of this world, it was unthinkable for a woman to lay hands on an unrelated man.

As if realizing her misstep, Elena let out a soft exclamation before withdrawing her hand with an apology.

“…My apologies. Seeing you made me think of my younger brother without realizing.”

“Ah…well, I can understand that. It’s alright.”

Rudrick responded with a dazed expression as if it was fine, but it was an outright lie.
From his hair and eye color to his features, she could not find a single resemblance no matter how hard she looked.

‘…Come to think of it, I did have a younger brother.’
Yet this prompted her to recall a fact she had overlooked, too focused on her regression and him.
She still vividly remembered her younger brother’s face.

How could she forget the foolish younger brother who had dared to point a blade at her, deluded enough to think a mere male could ascend to the throne instead of a woman?
Considering his status as a prince and male gender, had she not been merciful enough to have him meet his end by poison rather than blade, unlike her sisters?

“It seems I will have much to do when I return.”

“…Your Highness appears to be quite busy. No, I suppose it’s only natural for a princess.”

“Fittingly, one’s position inevitably comes with corresponding responsibilities. You will come to realize this in time. The Imperial Court Mage is an exceptionally capable individual, so if you become her disciple, you will soon be beset by all manner of troubles.”

Rudrick’s expression soured at Elena’s words, delivered with an enigmatic smile curling her lips. Just as she remembered.
Thanks to that expression, Elena, keenly aware that she had indeed regressed to the past and successfully secured her first step with Rudrick, held back her next words.

‘And as the Empress of the Esgelant Empire, she would naturally have an immense amount to attend to, would she not?’


These beings that seem like they could only appear in musty old tales reeking of mothballs still existed in this era.

At times as humans, at times as elves, at times as merfolk.
They who lived lives nearly eternal even by the standards of long-lived races spent their existence in the form of a game, and this game had one iron rule.

Engaging in the game was akin to an actor committing fully to the role they had been cast in. The dragon’s game too must not deviate from the framework established at the outset.
Over the lengthy course of the game, a dragon’s self-awareness as a dragon would gradually grow faint, and if they became too engrossed in the game itself, at some point they would cross a line.

‘There was a rule like that?’
‘…Yes. The game is akin to experiencing the lives of ordinary beings. So straying from that “ordinariness” is forbidden.’
‘Like National Geographic?’
‘Pardon? What is that?’
‘Ah, it’s a profession dedicated solely to filming without interfering with nature. From what I’m hearing, it sounds similar to the dragon’s game.’

Recalling that brief exchange from long ago, Sylphia opened her eyes.
Ordinarily at this point, she would spend a year or two between games in a deep slumber, slowly reviewing the previous game in the form of dreams.

But even a dragon who had mastered magic to the point of casting spells as naturally as breathing, who could be said to have achieved enlightenment in the realm of magic, could do nothing after the curse dwelling within Rudrick manifested.
How utterly wretched it was to simply watch as Rudrick withered away, a dragon powerless to do anything despite their vaunted might.
Disregarding the very rule all dragons adhered to as a matter of course and resorting to their true power would have been no use.

Miserable enough that she never wished to experience it again.

“…This will be the longest game yet.”
Accompanied by a brilliant white radiance, Sylphia’s form began to change.
The massive crimson bulk that had filled a nameless cave on a mountain untrodden by human feet shrank in an instant.
Where the blinding flash had passed, only a young girl with fiery red hair remained.

Yes, before regressing, she had played the role of a human mage in this body.
Recalling her forgotten past, Sylphia cautiously took a step forward. Having just recently portrayed the life of a human knight whose nameless deeds were known across the continent, adapting to a human’s diminutive form was no issue.

Regression to the past.
Defying absolute time was an impossible miracle, even for a dragon. Yet Sylphia, having embodied that near miracle with her own existence, her sharp features softened.

“Wait for me a little longer, Ric.”
Outside the cave, only sheer cliffs and towering peaks could be seen. But picturing Rudrick somewhere beyond, Sylphia murmured in a voice as gentle as her gaze,

“I’ll be meeting you soon.”
“This time, I will definitely save you.”
…came her whispered vow, unheard by any.



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I Don’t Want To Be the Protagonist of a Romance Novel

I Don’t Want To Be the Protagonist of a Romance Novel

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I was reincarnated as the eldest son of a noble family with nothing to do. Even if I put aside the fact that the world I was reincarnated into is a little strange. - Northern Grand Duchess Eileen is confused after realizing she has regressed. - Admiral Lassiel realizes she has regressed and immediately turns the fleet around. - Princess Elena prepares to inspect the Weiss County, chewing over the past. What is this?


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Johnson ponraj
5 months ago

His problem will be that serious?

Reply to  Johnson ponraj
3 months ago

I think the problem of the past timeline (the curse) will merely be a pebble in face of the problems of the current timeline (the girls)

2 months ago

I dont get why gender reverse. Its not even a plot point and, not to be misogynistic, its confusing. Last chapter i had to wrap my head around the doctor cliche, thinking the imperial mage was a man/woman equivalent in this world

15 days ago

Guess he dies every route

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