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.。.:✧ Chapter 79 ✧:.。.

Romance Reader Syndrome

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


‘It was blocked?’

Of course, I hadn’t swung with full force. If I had, the skinny man named Sean’s head would have been separated from his body, rolling on the ground in a gory scene.

But it wasn’t like I had completely held back either.

Glancing at the large man, he looked down at me expressionlessly and slowly began to apply strength to his hand.

It seemed he intended to crush my fist with his grip strength, but…


When I ignored his strength and opened my hand, his eyes finally trembled slightly.

The one who stopped our battle of wills was Tana, who was next to Eve.

“Daniel! Stop it! You’ll only lose if you do this.”

Since he had come from a juvenile detention center, he was a national counselor, and the soldiers by his side didn’t seem ordinary either.

Considering their social position and my position as a student, it was indeed right to stop here, but I didn’t feel like doing so at all.

“Get away from Eve, you bastard.”

I threatened the counselor, who was sticking close to Eve, but once again, the soldier who had blocked my fist stood between us.

Simply by standing there, his huge build obscured the counselor and Eve from view.

That further provoked my anger.

“These bastards…”

How dare they poke at a child’s wounds for such a flimsy reason? I couldn’t stand it anymore and tried to step forward, but a sneering voice came from behind the man.

“Haha, the academy students are quite impulsive. Let’s retreat for today. We can’t leave a bad first impression on Miss Eve.”


“Instead, the student needs to be cautious. To start with violence…”

Even as he turned his body, he muttered, “The level of Aios has fallen quite a bit.” The soldier glanced at me, snorted, and followed the man.

“Are you okay?”

Although I felt frustrated, Eve’s condition was the priority for now.

Her expression seemed like she didn’t understand the situation, but judging by her trembling hands, she was frightened.

“Let’s go back to the room for now. Tana, take Eve. I’ll buy some warm tea from the cafe and come.”

“Got it, let’s go, Eve.”

After buying tea at the cafe, I went up to the fourth floor.

Although it was the girls’ floor, I blatantly ignored it and headed to Eve’s room.

Someone shouted that they were going to call the teacher on duty, but…

Eve drank the warm tea and took a deep breath, smiling slightly as if she felt a bit better now.

“Thank you for getting angry on my behalf.”

“No, of course I had to.”

“Charlie… has returned, right? He wants to apologize to me.”

As if she hated even uttering his name, Eve paused for a moment. I nodded slightly, not mentioning the name either.

“Those crazy bastards! Bringing Charlie back to the academy? And to meet Eve? I’m going to go and just…”

Tana clenched her fist and fumed.

I glanced at Eve, but she didn’t show much reaction.

‘This seems to be a bit of a problem.’

Tana had asked about my relationship with Eve, and I had told her the current state.

That Eve seemed to have neatly sorted out her feelings for me.

Otherwise, how could she smile and watch other girls clinging to me?

Eve wasn’t good at acting either.

But Tana shook her head.

Eve still liked me.

However, she wasn’t accepting the current situation as her own.

‘Romance Reader Syndrome’.

The name was childish, just like Tana, but anyway, that’s what she called Eve’s current state.

When it came to men and dating, Eve was living as a reader in her own life, not as a character.

And now, from what I saw, the symptoms seemed to be getting worse.

‘Now she’s trying to view not only men and romance but the current situation itself from a third-person perspective.’

Tana must have noticed this too, as she was looking at me and Eve alternately with a worried expression.

‘I wish the counselor was actually a decent guy.’

Then we could have trusted and left Eve’s condition to him.

“It’s okay, it’ll be fine.”

“Yes, I’m not worried.”

Tana comforted Eve.

Watching the two of them, I had no choice but to swallow the bitter taste of helplessness.

Lunchtime on the rooftop.

“Mmm! It’s delicious!”

Eve smiled brightly while eating Arnie’s lunchbox, which had become a daily routine. Arnie nodded with a satisfied expression. I also wanted to take a bite, but when I looked at it, she became defensive.

“I-I really like Ares, you know? So don’t try to steal me away.”

“Do I emit some kind of pheromones? Do I seduce everyone I pass by? And I’ve never seduced anyone.”

“You never know.”

After all, those who appear strong on the outside are fragile on the inside. She’s so confident when it comes to swords, but in terms of romance, she’s worse than Eve.

Well, what would the eldest daughter of a renowned family of swordsmanship, who had lived with a sword in hand, know besides swordsmanship?

“But there was someone who really liked Ares, huh?”


Until now, Hayun, Sen, Elise, Adriana, etc.

Now that I knew the fish I thought were in his harem were actually fish models.

On the contrary, Arnie Duratan, who claimed to genuinely like Ares, felt more intriguing.

‘I guess you can’t even call it a harem anymore.’

Ares had simply changed his profession to a fisherman.

He was currently waiting for the right timing to confess to Rin, and Arnie was waiting for that.

Because of Tana’s advice to aim for when Ares gets rejected, thinking Rin would reject him.

“But what if Ares continues to like Rin even after being rejected?”

I answered Arnie’s question with a dumbfounded expression.

“Of course he’ll continue to like her.”


Despite his black heart and appearance, that guy had a pure mindset, so what was inside always remained the same.

“Do you know how long he has liked Rin? Do you think he’ll give up just because he failed to confess once?”


“He told me, it’s something he can’t easily give up on or stop, so it’s real love.”

I shrugged my shoulders in agreement.

“It’s annoying, but he’s right.”

Having experienced confessing to Eris myself, I could now say with certainty.

“It’s something you can’t easily give up on or stop.”


Tana seemed lost in thought in her own way, while Eve quietly savored it as if reading a line from a book.

At that moment, a girl with a candy in her mouth burst through the rooftop door.

“Hey, they’re coming again!”

“Ah, damn it.”

“We’re having lunch on the rooftop on purpose to avoid them.”

At May’s shout, Tana and I grumbled, leaving our lunchboxes behind, and tried to go down from the rooftop with Eve, but…

“Haha, here you are. It seems you haven’t been eating in the cafeteria lately.”

The counselor entered with a smile, followed by the soldier.

Frustrated at being a step too late, I glared at them, but the most hot-tempered girl among us made the first move.

“Misters, can you just leave?”

May, who had recently been informing us of the location of these two through delinquents.

Thanks to her, we were able to react quickly and avoid them, but there were times when we missed them like this.

“Sigh, you’re May, right? I’ve memorized your name now. I heard you’re the dean’s niece. Did the dean ask you to do this?”

“Bullshit, if you’re a counselor, you should read my mind and figure it out.”

“There are people who misunderstand my profession like this, but we don’t read people’s minds…”

“Yeah, whatever. I didn’t ask.”

May raised her middle finger while rolling the candy with her tongue.

The counselor’s expression twisted pleasantly, and it seemed May had won the psychological battle with the counselor.

“You shouldn’t cross the line.”

In the end, the soldier stepped forward.

I had heard through the dean’s investigation that he wasn’t an ordinary soldier.

Supervisor Demerk.

While serving as the commander of the royal guard, he was demoted by his superiors due to a massive discharge of his unit members caused by his harsh training.

Judging by his ferocious muscles and imposing build, he looked like an inflexible superior.

“The student has crossed the line now.”

“So what?”

May looked up at Demerk with her hands in her pockets. Seeing her like this, the kid was overflowing with guts to the point of explosion.

No wonder the delinquent students blindly believed in her, calling her the back-alley empress.

But I couldn’t just leave it like this.

If this continued, Demerk might really try to suppress May with force, so I stepped forward.

“We’re done eating, so we’ll go down. Get lost.”

“Students these days have no manners.”

“The ones without manners are you. I said get lost.”

“You’re dead meat now!”

May clenched her fists and swung them around from behind, excited.

“My boyfriend is going to half-kill you, dickhead!”

“Boyfriend my ass! Don’t say weird things!”

Annoyed, I turned around, and May put her index finger to her lips, asking in a fragile manner.

“Wasn’t I your girlfriend?”

“What kind of weird tactic is this again?”

“Tsk, eat this!”

In an instant, May shoved the lollipop she had peeled into my mouth.

As I grumbled but found it unexpectedly tasty, Demerk snickered.

“Making a fuss over trivial student romances.”

“I’m not her boyfriend.”

As I glared at Demerk in annoyance, a moment later…

“I’ll go.”

A girl’s blunt voice came from behind us.

Everyone slowly turned their heads to look at Eve, and Eve spoke to the counselor with an expressionless face.

“Charlie, I’ll meet him, so stop harassing us now.”

“Oh my, harassing? If someone heard that, it would be a big deal. But you’ve made a good choice. I can only applaud the great courage you’ve shown, Miss Eve.”

Clap clap clap clap.

The counselor’s applause rang out, and Eve slowly followed behind him, glancing at us.

“I’m sorry for causing you so much trouble. I’ll be back soon.”

In an emotionless voice, Eve went down the stairs.



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My Friend’s Harem Is Obsessed With Me

My Friend’s Harem Is Obsessed With Me

Score 9.3
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
After my death, I returned to the academy I was expelled from. Strangely, my friend's female friend's keep flirting with me.


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