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.。.:✧ Chapter 6 ✧:.。.

Chapter 6

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


About three days had passed since we escaped the prison, and we arrived in front of the city gates of a certain city. It was the city where the knighthood Iris belonged to was located.

For now, the appearance wasn’t much different from the area in my memory. The size and shape of the city gates were roughly similar, and the fact that there were guards stationed in front was the same.

However, there were no carriages lined up waiting to enter through the gates or a long queue of people dressed in various outfits.

The horse, which showed no signs of fatigue despite carrying Iris and me for nearly three days straight, approached the guards with a majestic gait, passing through the line of people and carriages.

“Welcome back, Knight Commander Iris!”

As soon as they saw Iris, the guards stood at attention and spoke in a disciplined voice.

“Yes, inform the lord… that the 2nd Knight Commander of the Silver Dawn Knights has returned. Also tell him that I will delay my visit to report to him for a while. I have something to do, so I will head to the castle first.”

“Yes, understood!”

‘Looks like that bastard of a lord hasn’t changed.’

I thought that after seeing Iris hesitate for a long time before adding the honorific “lord” after mentioning the lord. In the game as well, the lord of this city was a villain that the player could kill without any guilt.

Maybe I should do the quest to deal with the lord a bit earlier. If I extremely rush it, I could kill one more boss and then take care of him right away.

“By the way, who is the person riding behind you…?”

Suspicious eyes turned towards me, who was riding behind Iris.

Thanks to Iris finding clothes for me, I was no longer in the state of being nearly naked with only a loincloth, but from the guards’ perspective, it must have been strange to see an unfamiliar person riding the same horse as their city’s knight commander.

“Pay no attention to him. I vouch for this person’s identity.”

“Understood. If you say so…”

Although they trailed off, the guards obediently stepped back when Iris said she would vouch for my identity. Iris rode the horse into the city without even glancing at the guards.

As I compared the street scenery with the map of the city interior in my head from Brightest Darkness 4, I felt a strange sensation anew.

‘It’s fascinating in many ways.’

There were parts that directly reflected the aspects omitted in the game, and on the contrary, there were also parts that followed the same rules as reality.

For example, we still died of starvation if we didn’t eat food. But on the other hand, there was no need to go to the bathroom. No matter how much we ate or drank, those things were not excreted outside.

To begin with, the concept of excretion itself seemed to not exist in Iris’s mind.

In fact, I had never gone to the bathroom since coming here, yet my body experienced no abnormalities. It was a curious thing.

Clearly, in Brightest Darkness 4, both the hunger gauge and excretory functions were not implemented, yet one worked like reality while the other followed the rules of the game.

And one more thing.

‘How should I put it… Should I say my eyes are being treated?’

Perhaps due to the influence of the mods, the difference in appearance between men and women walking the streets was extremely stark.

The men looked ordinary. There were some who looked exactly like the NPCs from the game, and even if that wasn’t the case, most of them looked like average people you could see anywhere.

On the other hand, the women had flawless skin without any blemishes, and most of them possessed outstanding beauty to the extent that anyone would agree if the word “pretty” was attached to them.

Even Iris, whose appearance would make people on the street do a double-take in reality, was not in a league of her own but merely slightly prettier than the ordinary women around.

‘Though that still means she’s incredibly pretty.’

The division based on gender was not limited to appearance. The attire was also starkly divided based on gender, just like the appearance.

The men wore clothes made from appropriately medieval-looking fabric, fitting the worldview of the game’s setting, while the women all wore modern clothing with a fair amount of exposure.

Short jeans with a t-shirt, crop tops that fully revealed the belly button, miniskirts with high heels, and in extreme cases, being nearly naked with only a dress shirt on, things like that.

Moreover, the men considered it completely natural for women to dress in such attire.

Even if a woman was strutting around on the main street wearing only a dress shirt, or standing on the street in a crop top and leggings with her underwear clearly visible, no one looked at her lecherously.

The women also had no reservations about walking around in nearly naked outfits. It was a world where common sense seemed to have collectively changed.

‘Well, it’s not like it’s bad for me.’

With pretty women abundant enough to trip over, modern clothing, and all of them having a lot of exposure, what harm could it possibly do to me?

It was just that the discrepancy with the hopeless and doomed world of the original Brightest Darkness 4 that I knew was quite severe.

“Here it is.”

After entering the city for a while, Iris stopped the horse in front of a huge castle. Tall castle walls surrounded the area, and in the place where a gate should have been, only a large hole was gaping open.

“It’s a castle?”

In the game, it was just an ordinary knight’s building with a training ground attached.

“It’s an old castle. Originally, that guy… Ahem, the lord used to reside in this castle, but he dumped it on us and built a separate mansion where he lives now. That’s why our knighthood moved in here.”

Although her way of speaking hadn’t changed much, Iris treated me much more comfortably compared to when we first met. The same went for me.

There was no reason for us to have ill feelings towards each other, so it was only natural.

Iris was an NPC who showed strong trust in the player to the point where it became a meme that she trusted the protagonist too easily, and I also didn’t want to choose a self-imposed hard mode by needlessly being hostile to Iris.

As a result, during the 3 days of returning from the prison to the city together, we naturally grew closer. That was also the reason why I spoke casually to Iris.

She said that although she was the knight commander, considering the state of the knighthood, there was no need to stand on ceremony.

“Dumped it on you? What does that mean?”

“I’ll show you directly once you join our knighthood. It will be much better to experience it firsthand rather than explaining it here.”

This was something I truly didn’t know. In the original game, the quarters of the Silver Dawn Knights were just an ordinary training ground, and although the lord had a mansion, it didn’t feel like he had abandoned the castle.

‘I just hope the story hasn’t changed.’

That was the worst-case scenario I could think of.

After circling about half of the castle walls, Iris stopped the horse. A slightly open wooden door could be seen right next to us. The sound of horses neighing could be heard from inside. It seemed to be the stable.

“Wait here. I’ll be right back.”

“What about you?”

“I’ll tie up the horse and come back. It won’t take long, so just wait a moment.”

Responding that I understood, I jumped down to the ground. Iris rode the horse and disappeared through the gap of the open wooden door. After confirming that Iris had completely disappeared into the building, I let out a sigh of relief.

‘I absolutely refuse to go through this experience twice.’

It wasn’t that riding the horse itself was difficult. Just as the character in the game didn’t complain no matter how long you rode the horse, the same applied to me. My body seemed to not feel fatigue at all.

The problem was the posture.

There was no way Iris would have brought two horses with her when coming to the prison alone, so if we were to return together, naturally, the only option was for me to ride behind Iris.

Yes, behind a woman wearing only a white sleeveless top and short dolphin shorts.

She even told me to hold onto her waist or shoulders since there was nowhere else to grab onto. She said that if I tried to hold onto the horse awkwardly and fell off while riding, I could die.

It wasn’t wrong, so I obediently wrapped my arms around her soft and squishy waist, and as a result, I had to exert all my energy to calm my lower body while riding the horse.

Even if the recognition of such an absurd outfit as normal attire was due to the collective change in common sense caused by the mods, she wouldn’t be unaware of what a stiff rod poking her buttocks meant.

Moreover, the size was ridiculously large, so in order to prevent it from touching Iris’s buttocks, I had to sit in an awkward posture with my waist stretched far back, which was very difficult in many ways.

Fortunately, since we only walked slowly after entering the city, I didn’t have to hold onto her body, which was a relief.


“What are you thinking about so intently?”

Suddenly, an unfamiliar female voice spoke from beside me, and I lifted my head, startled.


A woman with blue hair, wearing a white sleeveless top and blue dolphin shorts, was waving at me right next to me.



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I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods

I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods

Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I was lured by an invitation email to the beta test of the sequel to the game I’ve been playing for the past 10 years. To my surprise, all the mods I’ve installed over the years were still there. Everything from enemy enhancement mods to NPC gender swap and appearance retouching mods were intact. Even mods for changing the characters’ outfits were still in place. *Takes inspiration from Sekiro + Soulsborne series.


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5 months ago

The author has good taste in knight “uniforms”

3 months ago

Do you think the writer has a thing for dolphin short or what

2 months ago

Lmao i see you author, i see you

Ali Viaam
Ali Viaam
1 month ago

Thanks for the chapter 😁

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not work with dark mode