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.。.:✧ Chapter 14 ✧:.。.

Second Rule of Survival: Water Holds the Answer (3)

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX



Zombies and skeletons.

They were like the essential condiments that always popped up, whether in fantasy novels or apocalyptic novels. Especially zombies – unless you were a naturalist living alone in a corner of a deserted island, there was absolutely no one who didn’t know about zombies.

And there was probably no one who knew them better than me.

Because my early days on the deserted island started with arguing and fighting with those bastards.

Just thinking about that time makes my teeth chatter. I had barely managed to make a temporary shelter to rest, but the zombie bastards followed me all night, moaning “uh-uh,” so I had to climb a tree and sleep curled up. When I woke up, the sight of zombies clinging to the tree in groups at the base of the tree… it still appears in my dreams.

Fortunately, a bear saw it and swept them away, so I survived.

Even bears didn’t put zombies in their mouths.

Anyway, the zombies in this world were not the latest trend of running zombies. If those bastards could run, forget 10 years, I would have lived for 10 seconds and died. But they were quite strong instead. I don’t know why they’re strong.

I think the old zombies were slow and strong too.

Skeletons were quite fast though. But they weren’t as fast as humans. About the running speed of little kids?

As a result, they held the position of early-stage monsters on this island. The annoying thing was that there was no significant gain from hunting them. What would you do with rotten human corpses and human bones? But now, they might have some use.

Although they were stupid, weak, and slow, their sheer numbers couldn’t be easily ignored.

“Phew, there’s a damn lot of them.”

It was only natural since the bear bastards had been wiped out, but the area around the dungeon was swarming with zombies and skeletons. The snakes seemed to have given up on blocking them due to their excessive numbers. Normally, the bears were good at catching these guys, so it was natural, but… it was a good thing for me. Because I needed these monster’s for my plan.

I hid behind a nearby tree and rummaged through my leather bag. The work I was about to do was a very dangerous and complicated task. One mistake and I would end up dancing with my arms outstretched together with those zombies. It’s not like there’s a Jackson guy doing the moonwalk here, so I’ll pass on that. I’d rather tell the hydra bastard to swallow me whole than that.

“Let’s sort out the plan first.”

It’s a plan that came to me on the spur of the moment, but at least some organization is necessary. Without hesitation, I drew a rough outline of the operation on the ground behind the tree using a nearby branch. It was just a few stick figures with lines drawn, but… it’s a plan I’ll be executing alone anyway. As long as my thoughts are organized, it doesn’t matter.

So, while drawing a doodle at an elementary school level, I organized the plan that had popped into my head. It didn’t take very long. In the first place, the core of the operation itself was quite simple. It was an operation where my physical abilities were more important than using my brain.

After organizing my thoughts, I immediately got up from my spot. To finish the plan to screw over the snakes, I had to move swiftly. I promptly took out my shovel.

“Then, shall we go?”

I revealed myself from behind the tree. As I blatantly showed myself, the skeletons and zombies wandering in front of the dungeon naturally turned to look at me all at once. It was quite a terrifying sight, but how could I be scared now? After fighting against a bear the size of a house, zombies and skeletons felt like small fry level 1.

Still, I shouldn’t let my guard down, so I had to do it properly.

I stuck the shovel into the ground. The distance between the zombies and me was roughly 20 meters. Far if it was far, close if it was close. I activated the skill while picturing the item I would create in my mind.


A wall made of tightly packed mud, not dirt, rose from the ground. 2 meters high, 3 meters wide, and 10 cm thick. Although it wasn’t as strong as concrete, those fucking meals wouldn’t even be able to scratch this wall.


The sound of knocking on the wall came from the other side. To the zombies and skeletons, it would seem like I had suddenly disappeared. That’s the extent of their intelligence. No. Should I even call it intelligence? When their brains were rotten or nonexistent?

“Crafting. Crafting. Crafting. Crafting…”

I continued to create walls. It was to trap the zombies. After activating the skill to the point where my throat hurt, I was able to create a passage starting from the dungeon entrance. For now, it looked like I had trapped them by building walls where they needed to pass… The sound of zombies frantically pounding on the walls could be heard. But that was all those zombies and skeletons could do.

“It reminds me of playing Rollercoaster Tycoon.”

It was so fun back then. Who knew I’d be doing it in real life? At times like this, my skill seems great.

I ignored the zombies, who were completely trapped and screaming in chorus, with one ear and looked in the direction of the pond. I roughly calculated the distance, but just in case, I should calculate it one more time.

Originally, this kind of thing requires thorough design. Probably. The only design I’ve ever done was building a house out of dirt in Xcraft. If I had known I would be doing this crap in real life, I would have done it so damn hard.

“I’ll have to use the skill over a hundred times.”

But what could be more rewarding than screwing over the snake bastards? For the sake of screwing over the snake bastards, I could endure this much hardship with a smile.

I put on the bearskin I had prepared beforehand from my bag and sprinkled snake repellent powder all over my body. Fortunately, it was harmless to humans. If it had ingredients that were harmful to humans, I wouldn’t have been able to execute this operation.

Ugh, the smell.

No matter what, I can’t get used to this stench that smells like socks soaked in sweat. But it’s my lifeline, so I have to endure it.

I checked the direction of the pond again and started creating walls as I walked towards the pond.

“Crafting. Crafting, Crafting. Crafting. Crafting. Crafting. Crafting. Crafting…”


Ah, my throat hurts.

I should drink some pond water.

I scoop up the clear pond water with both hands, as if a mountain spirit might pop out, and gulp it down. Drinking the water seems to clear my head.

As expected, water holds the answer. The water god has answered the pitiful castaway. Telling me to screw over the snake bastards.

I roughly wiped my mouth and looked back at the product of my crazy manual labor. The sight of the dirt walls extending in a straight line, which could only be seen in a survival crafting game, was spectacular.

Would it be an exaggeration to say it’s like the Great Wall? I took out some jerky from my bag, chewed on it, and took a moment to catch my breath.

“I don’t see any snakes…”

I did chop up all the crazy ones that charged at me on the way here. Did they get scared because I killed too many? Then smell the stench and get the hell out of here. But the decent ones already ran away, so it’s the fault of the ones who charged at me without fear. It’s over once I deal with them with skills before they do anything. I blocked the big ones from even approaching by immediately building walls.

No matter how snake-like they are, they can’t just climb walls. Still, it was a really tough time. Was it luck that the hydra bastard didn’t show up? It’s natural because that sinister guy wouldn’t easily reveal himself. Judging by the fact that he only sent a few big anaconda-like guys, it seems he looks down on me. Well, that snake bastard, whose arrogance oozes out just by looking at him, wouldn’t personally come to catch a single human.

Anyway, it was time to head back now. To the front of the dungeon.

It’s past noon and the sun is slowly setting, but it doesn’t matter. For the sake of screwing over the snake bastards, I can work overtime for a day. Anyway, if I don’t deal with those bastards quickly, it’ll become more troublesome.

I started walking towards the dungeon with quick steps. The unpleasant hissing sound could be heard from the surroundings, but I didn’t pay attention to it. Half of them would be filtered out by the smell anyway. Half of the half couldn’t climb over the dirt walls, and half of the half that did climb over would be hunted by me. The big, stupid anacondas couldn’t catch me.

And they probably couldn’t break the dirt walls I made either. Could the snakes do body slams when they were buried in the ground? If they headbutted it, their own heads would shatter first.

“Wow, the noise pollution from these things is no joke.”

Having left the snakes’ territory and returned to the front of the dungeon, I felt annoyed by the sight of the zombies’ moans overlapping like a glitched computer. It was a sound that was really not good for my mental health to hear with just a wall in between.

“Yeah, you bastards, I’ll release you, so wait a bit. Dismantle.”

The wall that had been blocking the zombies and me lost its shape and collapsed. In the meantime, the dungeon must have replenished the zombies, as they started walking towards me, filling the wall. If I were a human who couldn’t resist at all, wouldn’t I have collapsed mentally and sat down?

But now, they were reliable comrades who would screw over the snake bastards with me.

“Let’s go!”

I vigorously lifted my feet from the ground. Now it was time to charge towards the pond again.

And so, I led countless zombies and skeletons and marched towards the pond. The path to the pond was very smooth. No matter how much of a fucking meal the zombies and skeletons were, when they piled up in the hundreds, they couldn’t be easily messed with. In the end, I arrived at the clear and clean pond without any interference.

“Then, shall we go?”

I kicked the wall and jumped up, landing on top of the wall. The zombies who had been trying to catch me by moving forward looked around when I suddenly disappeared from their sight, then reached out their hands towards me on top of the wall. Yes, keep doing that.

My comrades.

It was fucking awful to meet you, and let’s never meet again.

I used a skill as I fell backwards, riding the railing.


The wall I had built at the very end turned into a pile of dirt. The zombies and skeletons, trained in the rollercoaster tycoon-style passage, began to be released into the snakes’ territory. The zombies falling into the pond were a bonus.

Ah, how satisfying. This is revenge.

With this, my territory should be safe for a while. They won’t even dare to attack me while trying to block the zombie and skeleton rush.

I rode the railing back the way I came with a light heart.

It was another rewarding day.



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I Realized It Was an Academy Game After 10 Years

I Realized It Was an Academy Game After 10 Years

Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
10 years after possessing a deserted island castaway, I picked up the heroine of the survival academy. Main story complete Sequel complete Side story in progress


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not work with dark mode