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.。.:✧ Chapter 18 ✧:.。.

Dancing Under the Moonlit Night (1)

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


To the people of the empire, the moon was the most important existence.

There was even a theory that the person who received the power of the moon when the empire was founded was the emperor, and the name of the relic that started my regression was also the Moonstone.

Especially the full moon was considered the most noble and sacred among the moons, and the empire held festivals to celebrate this full moon.

That festival was called the Full Moon Festival.

In the summer when the clearest sky could be seen, it was not an exaggeration to say it was a kind of founding day celebrating the birth of the empire while honoring the moon.

Thus, the festival began throughout the empire.

Naturally, even this place not far from the capital was no exception, and although it was gradually getting darker, the lights on the streets were becoming even brighter.

“From today, it’s the Full Moon Festival. I heard you will be participating.”

“Yes. I never went, so I should participate this time.”

Considering my father’s mood was just a superficial reason.

Didn’t I have something else I wanted from this festival?

What had always been important in my regression was, of course, information.

In the beginning, I was caught off guard knowing nothing, but at some point, I collected information on my own and gathered the causes of my death.

The information collected that way had continued until now.

Whether it was assassination or a death instigated by someone, if it was death, it meant I could exclude the possibility myself.

Of course, many things had changed since entering this run, but what I had gathered so far was not just scraps of paper.

“By the way, His Grace the Duke seems to have taken a liking to you lately.”

“As he should. I’ve done something to deserve it.”

Not only did I find a way to gain something from dealing with Adele, but I also successfully cut ties with Violet.

Considering the indecisive attitude I had shown before the regression… it wouldn’t be wrong to say I had turned over a new leaf.

Because of that reason, my actions had become freer, and I thought the connection I had gained with the saint in this turn was entirely because I had changed my mindset.

How nice it would have been if I had done this from the beginning. Then I wouldn’t be suffering like this now.

“When the festival starts, I’ll go out right away. If anyone asks, tell them I’m outside.”


As Renold bowed his head and went out, my gaze turned towards the distant streets.

The alleys that had always been dark were now brightly lit with flames, and people were busy murmuring, waiting for the festival to begin soon.

A city filled with only light,

being close to the capital, its scale was considerable, so it was filled to the brim with people, leaving no gaps to be found.

It was not for nothing that the capital’s nickname was the City of Light.

Whether it was day or night, it was the only place that emitted a lofty light on this vast continent, thus earning that nickname.

The city symbolizing the light of the full moon always radiated a dazzling light that obscured even the stars.

When the pale light descended and touched that light, and at the same time, a curtain of light enveloped the city.

The shadows lost their way and scattered, and only this day could truly be called the Festival of Light, the Full Moon Festival.

“Jay will probably come here too.”

To be precise, she was someone who had been living in hiding from the beginning, but in this festival, she would be found as a corpse.

Naturally, my goal was to prevent that.

Although she presented herself as an alchemist,

in fact, Jay possessed information-gathering abilities that even the guilds in this empire could not match.

So much so that I regretted not discovering her sooner.

Perhaps it was because I found hope in Jay’s existence that my regression might end, which led me to come to my senses and live like this.

Of course, I still had to die after that, but even so, that was no reason to let her die.

So if I were to list what I had to do in this Full Moon Festival, it would be to save that person named Jay.

I couldn’t even enjoy this festival.

Rather, I retreated from the light into the shadows, engaging in covert activities that no one knew about, and a bitter smile formed at the thought that this was my life.

…Even in this bright city, at this moment, someone was facing the threat of death.

Even though it was so bright that even the shadows were dispelled, darkness still existed.

Should I say the emotion I felt now was close to discomfort?

Watching the full moon growing brighter and brighter, I quietly let out a sigh.

I could only hope that the night would come a little later.


Yuria was assisting her father, who was hosting the Full Moon Festival.

Knowing that I would be participating in the Full Moon Festival, she probably wouldn’t say much even if I disappeared from the ducal estate.

It meant that even if I wandered around alone at this dawn, no one would suspect me.

Then the only thing I needed to bring was a weapon for self-defense.

It would be difficult to obtain one from the ducal estate, but it would be sufficient to find one while wandering around.

I considered wearing a robe but took it off and threw it away, thinking it would stand out too much.

I could just dress like everyone else.

Not many people knew my face since I didn’t go out much.

As I left the ducal estate, a warm heat touched my skin.

The start of the Full Moon Festival was just a few minutes away, and fireworks would explode as the full moon obscured by clouds fully revealed itself.

Only then could the prelude to the festival be considered open.

‘It’s better to have a lot of people.’

It would be troublesome if I ran into someone I knew halfway.

As far as I remembered, neither Adriana nor Adele had ever participated in this festival, but Yuria started patrolling around from the middle.

If she discovered someone’s death while doing so… it could be said that my plan would be disrupted.

As such, my plan was to hide well among the crowds and move to my target destination.

Wasn’t there plenty of time right now? Having saved him countless times, I could just move as I always did.

Boom- Boom-

Drums beat, and trumpeters blew their trumpets as they walked the streets.

The flames created by magic, burning in various colors, became stars and the Milky Way, adorning the pitch-black sky.

But that light should not be brighter than the moon.

Emitting only a humble light, expressing gratitude to the full moon that gave birth to the empire was the purpose of the Full Moon Festival.

I thought I had seen this sight quite often.

In the past, I would have been amazed and my eyes would have sparkled at this sight, but now it was just a tedious festival I had experienced hundreds of times.

Didn’t I remember everything that happened and what incidents occurred?

Walking down this street, I always encountered the same person.

As I twisted my body to turn, a child hurriedly ran through that gap.

It was a child who had always bumped into me from some point on.

And if I lifted my foot here, there would be a piece of meat someone had dropped under it.

Covered in blood, there was a time when I was suspected of being the culprit who killed Jay after seeing the blood on my shoes.

They were all memories now.

I couldn’t say the process of being interrogated was a fond memory, though.

I had seen it so many times that I was sick of it.

The whispering couple next to me, the man staggering drunk.

I had already seen them countless times. So there was no emotion.

Perhaps my feelings had dried up.

Some might think I was a strange person.

Even though I was walking in the middle of this festival, I was looking for a weapons shop with only an expressionless face.

Nevertheless, I sometimes found myself eerie for remaining indifferent.

When was the last time I truly cried, even if I had smiled?

If I couldn’t even remember, I probably had to go back at least several dozen runs to find out.

Even with those thoughts, my steps still did not stop.

It was a familiar path, even if I walked without looking ahead while lost in thought.

There was a time when I walked with my eyes closed, relying on my memory, but I arrived without bumping into anyone, right?

Taking wide strides and then narrowing them, avoiding the protruding stones.

Perhaps the moment I resigned myself to everything being the same, I bumped into someone with a thud and was pushed back.

“Ah… I apologize. I was just thinking about something else for a mome-”

As I tried to apologize, a familiar voice reached my ears.

“I found you here. I’ve been looking for you for a while.”

And upon seeing the face, I blankly opened my mouth for a moment.

According to my memory, she was not someone I could see at this Full Moon Festival.

Why was the woman who should be minding her own business, not even paying attention to the capital around this time, here?

Her silver hair, resembling moonlight, fluttered.

The ruler of the north, the sole one in the empire, wearing the fur-lined cloak she always swung.

Adele grinned at me. Like a predator eyeing its prey.

A rather wicked smile hung on her noble face without a single scar.

Did she have business with me?

Around the time that question crossed my mind, a chilling sensation ran down my spine as I suddenly recalled something.

“I clearly remember telling you to come to the north. What courage made you ignore my words? You’re just the son of a ducal family. I don’t think you’re the Taylor family itself.”

“…Would you believe me if I said I had circumstances?”

“No, but I might believe you if you tell me directly.”

I guess that was the problem. It seemed I had underestimated Adele too much.

Among the rumors I had heard about her… there was a time when she was called a ‘dog’ because she never let go once she was fixated on something.

So was I bitten by a dog now?

I was still looking at Adele with a calm expression, but I was quite flustered, to be honest.

Why was Adele here? She had never participated in the Full Moon Festival.

As my memories intertwined, my eyes narrowed at the same time.

“By the way, why did you come here?”

“Because I wanted to. Well, and to add one more reason to that.”

Saying that, she soon laughed softly and abruptly brought her face close to mine.

It was a distance where our breaths could touch.

Adele, who pulled me by the neck suddenly forward, completely locking eyes with me, reflecting each other’s pupils, smiled slightly.

“If I said I came to see you, what would you answer?”

The face of the woman smiling seductively was simply beautiful, contrary to her notoriety.

Fair skin, contrasting red lips.

Judging by her attire, she was undoubtedly the guardian of the north, but her appearance alone could be called saintly.

Such a woman was smiling playfully. I, who had been dazed for a moment, came to my senses and quietly retorted.

“…There’s no way. Let me go.”

“Your reaction is too boring. I hoped you would at least blush.”

She must not have meant those words sincerely either, as she laughed and distanced herself. Then, tilting her head askew, she looked at my attire and opened her mouth.

“A man enjoying the festival alone, does our Taylor prince have so few female companions?”

“It hasn’t been long since I broke off my engagement, so what would people think if I were with another woman?”

“They would think he’s a capable fellow. Isn’t it strange to make a fuss about that?”

“You may think that way. Anyway, I’ll be on my way now. I have something I need to do…”

It was an attitude that didn’t suit a noble after all.

It wasn’t that I disliked it, but how should I put it?

Rather than her title as Grand Duchess, the mercenary leader Adele seemed more familiar.

In fact, before becoming Grand Duchess, she had led a mercenary group, so it must have been natural.

Now, as I was about to leave to do my own thing, Adele stopped me.

“I never said you could go.”

“…I have my own urgent matters to attend to.”

“If you were really busy, you wouldn’t have come here. The place Yuria Taylor would be is on the opposite side, and the ducal estate is far away. What’s so urgent?”

Maybe it wasn’t for nothing that she had risen to the position of Grand Duchess.

Adele, who had swiftly invalidated my excuse, continued.

“By the way, do you know much about the Full Moon Festival, Prince?”

“I know it well. I’ve seen it many times.”

“That’s fortunate. Unfortunately, I don’t know much about this festival.”

“Is that so? I thought you would be like that. Haven’t you always been in the north?”

“I’ve been busy with work and war all the time. So today, I came all the way here to take a break in my own way.”

She answered with a casual smile.

But why was she telling me this?

So I nodded and answered appropriately, but suddenly Adele held out her hand.

As if telling me to place my hand on top of it, showing her palm.

“…What is it?”

“I told you, I don’t know much about the festival. You know the festival very well. Don’t you intend to escort the lady? I’m a bit disappointed.”

“You mean, I should escort you, Grand Duchess.”

Then Adele nodded and waved her hand once.

Saying her arm was tired, she urged me to hold it quickly, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

It was more of a hollow laugh, to be precise. Dumbfounded, I rubbed my face and asked again.

“…Didn’t I say I’m busy and need to go?”

“I know. But you can at least guide me through the festival, can’t you? Or not?”

“What if I just leave? Do you plan to go back?”


Was she going to kill me?

I was inwardly tense, but Adele was just rolling her eyes, contemplating her answer.

After a brief moment, she showed a rather serious expression and opened her mouth.

“I’ll be disappointed.”


Adding that, she waved her hand again.

I looked at her hand moving like a leaf swaying in the wind.

She had no intention of drawing her sword and would simply be disappointed.

It made me doubt if she was really the Adele Igrit I knew.

But I couldn’t just stand there. Her face was starting to distort as she urged me to answer.

Looking at her swaying hand, I finally held it, and Adele smiled slightly.

“Alright, then let’s go enjoy this Full Moon Festival or whatever it’s called.”

What was this all about? While inwardly dumbfounded and exasperated, I gauged the time.

There was still time until dawn.

So… it should be fine for a little while.

I felt like a nanny taking care of a child.

The problem might be that she was about 3 years older than me.



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The Man’s 101st Bad Ending

The Man’s 101st Bad Ending

Score 9.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
There were women approaching me, who had decided to die.


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3 months ago

I don’t think she actually has any right to order him around though, or tell him when he can and cannot go in his own families territory, it’s just terribly self-centred of her.

Reply to  AwronZizao
3 months ago

She stabbed his throat. Tell her what she can or can’t do

Reply to  AwronZizao
2 months ago

She’s a woman who raised to the position of a duke with literally just her combat prowess. She can do whatever she wants lol

2 months ago

I’ll say it again.
Not a very charming lady.

Last edited 2 months ago by
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